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Think she said earlier in the week that she preferred cereal to cooked breakfast Now I've got past the 'tangoed'/ Lorraine Chase/ Jordan look and the highly irritating accent, I agree with others, she seems probably the nicest person in there.....especially for opting for Rachael getting her suitcase rather than asking for her own
Corin is both nice and funny - a rare combo in a BB winner - I think she could win this!

Me too Isadora. One of our fellow fm`s put a bet on Corin in the first week when she was at 18/1...just for the interest sake. I think they could be quids in!

I like her ability to laugh at herself and also she does not have any worries about being herself in the house. She just is as she is (sic) as Ivana would say.
I hold my hands up to making a snap judgement based on her looks when she went in but whole heartedly backtrack on those now. .indeed am ashamed I did that in the first place

From everything I have seen so far, including her advice to the other HM's about the rows they have been having since they ahve been in there, has been pure common sense, down to earth and really helpful.. not that most of em listen or take it in

Add to that the fact she is also funny, not self absorbed and caring as well.. .she's a little sweety.. .

really hope she keeps it up til the end... been a long time since I could say that about a HM... hated every single one form the last 5 or more series    . .
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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