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he is a womaniser and perhaps that is how she sees him as a big flirt.

I don't see the problem either Marg.. yes, he's a flirt ( a totally OTT one!) but she's single, and she doesn't mind it.   He's also upfront about being a womaniser.. so what's the problem, eh?  He's not making any false promises to anyone and unless he carries on when he's told back off - he's not a sleaze.  I don't recall that happening.
Well, she obviously didn't mind it Soozy?     What's age got to do with it anyway?   Not that I think it's in any way serious btw
Well she did scream quite loudly and then there was a lot of very nervous giggling before she made a hasty exit. I didn't sense that she was particularly liking it. When I say he's old enough to be her father .............I would actually find it very uncomfortable if one of my husbands mates was making a move on my daughter or one of her friends. I do find it a bit pervy TBH.
Soozy Woo
Well she did scream quite loudly and then there was a lot of very nervous giggling
Well.. it can't have traumatised her that much if she's saying she really likes him and doesn't want him to go, surely?     Then again, I've had two female friends have relationships with guys 20 years their junior, so I guess I'm desensitized to the age/perv thing.
He was flirting with Chantelle in the nest, he told her that all of his women have to accept that he wouldn't have them as a gf, that they'd be one of many he'd have on the go at the same time.  She told him that if a guy said that to her she'd tell them to take a hike.... I suspect that Makosi may be more accommodating!
Uncle Coolio all the time You is eebil!!!

I'm going to remember that line though...
When I was about 17 (and very shy & innocent),a policeman old enough to be my dad used to come in my parents' shop and he used to make me feel very uncomfortable and I started calling him Uncle Peter and he hated it - he used to say, "Not so much of the bloody uncle, I'm not that old! but he was of course).
My mother was so very proud of me because she didn't need to knee him his wotnots.

You're all still avoiding the point of my original post btw... it's not whether or not he's kissed her or had his way with her over the kitchen table.... it's about the fact that WHATEVER he's doing, she likes him and she doesn't want him to go.     Now, maybe if he was doing it to you, and you found it sleazy, fair enough if he didn't stop when you told him too  - but the fact is she doesn't seem to find it so, which is the main thing, surely?

You're all still avoiding the point of my original post btw... it's not whether or not he's kissed her or had his way with her over the kitchen table.... it's about the fact that WHATEVER he's doing, she likes him and she doesn't want him to go. Now, maybe if he was doing it to you, and you found it sleazy, fair enough if he didn't stop when you told him too - but the fact is she doesn't seem to find it so, which is the main thing, surely?
Fair enough, lets see how he behaves from now on, and i will get back to you, and we can carry on this arguement , or not as the case may be
|Chantelle is a very sweet girl .......she's in a house with people she perceives to be bigger celebrity than she is. My guess is ............she's just saying that cos she's a little in awe and doesn't want to rock the boat or look silly.

Haven't actually seen any of this but ........that's my take on it. coolio will be a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge name to her and she wouldn't want to be seen dissing him IMO.
Soozy Woo

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