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The anniversary coverage of the Jack Kennedy assassination has got me thinking about conspiracy theories in general.  Some are plausible and some clearly bizarre but they all have their supporters (for want of a better word) who will argue their point with anyone they can corner.


A chap of my acquaintance subscribed to every conspiracy theory going, ranging from the moon landings to seeing Hitler on the number 38 bus (Slight exaggeration on my part with the latter, I admit).


Anyone on here have any pet theories?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I very, very rarely buy conspiracy theories - mist are absolutely mental but JFK assassination I don't buy the official line 100%. I don't think we are a million miles from the truth but I'm sure there is more to it than the very neat and tidy explanation.


As for Jimmy Saville - not sure if this comes under conspiracy theories but I do believe that he was being protected from people 'higher up' and that the whole business of child abuse and children's homes being used is a can of worms just bursting at the seams waiting to be opened.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 

YES!!!!! I believe that one Kaffy 

My own particular nutty theory is that right at the beginning of certain BB series the production team stuck bets on. Its true I tells ya!

ANd they told guests on certain shows what to say/who to like or they wouldn't get booked to revive their flagging careers.


I still can't bear to look at Dermot O'Leary as I loathe the way BBLB were so Anti-Aisleyne. Fakers never forget!!!


Theres no need to moderate this as I'm quite clearly a loon  

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Thats brilliant Stonks  You've made me suspicious now 


Remember the Blue Peter name-the-cat-competition scandal... where does it end? 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I very, very rarely buy conspiracy theories - mist are absolutely mental but JFK assassination I don't buy the official line 100%. I don't think we are a million miles from the truth but I'm sure there is more to it than the very neat and tidy explanation.

I'm with you. There's nothing wrong with challenging the official line, but sometimes the simple explanation would suffice. I mean people die in road traffic accidents and shootings everyday. Doesn't instantly mean that MI5, the CIA, Mossad or the Duke of Edinburgh are behind it.

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Ooooh - I can't wait to spread that one  

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Mr Woo is with you on that. He isn't in often when DoND is on (I don't tend to watch it much) but he goes on and on and on about someone being underneath and changing the amounts in the boxes etc.

Soozy Woo
I don't think you would find Hitler on the number 38 bus. It's a tube ride and then a pleasant walk through the tiergarten. Turn right and a short walk down Ebertstraße and the Air Ministry is on the left.

I'm convinced that there is a plot to construct a festival or celebration each month as a ploy to separate foolish young consumers from their hard earned sponds. Obviously in the interests of the boss class like.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I don't think you would find Hitler on the number 38 bus. It's a tube ride and then a pleasant walk through the tiergarten. Turn right and a short walk down Ebertstraße and the Air Ministry is on the left.

That's simply not true. Hitler is the lollipop lady that wields the stick on my school run for the last ten years.


Thanks for replying, everyone.  Certainly some food for thought there!


I like the Deal or no Deal one.  I don't watch it that often as I'm not keen on Edmunds but if they wanted to fix it then a crawl space would be one way.  It would have to be someone young and fit, though.  Imagine if they got some old codger doing it and half way along the 'tunnel' his back went and he let out a yell of 'bugger me!' or something.  See if N E could talk his way out of that one

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Yesssss - I have been saying that for years!! It's getting to the stage where I can almost tell you what the next box will be.


Well ... I would be able to if I ever watched it

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Mr Woo is with you on that. He isn't in often when DoND is on (I don't tend to watch it much) but he goes on and on and on about someone being underneath and changing the amounts in the boxes etc.

So I'm not as bad as mr stonks makes out..


Roger was that the one with the fake phone in?..

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Yesssss - I have been saying that for years!! It's getting to the stage where I can almost tell you what the next box will be.


Well ... I would be able to if I ever watched it

..I'm quite surprised now that I'm not the only one who thinks this..

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

you mean *sniffs*  the guy working down the chips show isn't Elvis  

No's Mr Woo


As far as conspiracy theories go... i love the ones about the reality TV shows who have a 'chosen one' from the beginning.... 


I have a worse one than that..wait for it..Crawl spaces under the Deal or no deal boxes to change the winnings, the better the sob story and tears shed the higher the prize..

Ooooh - I can't wait to spread that one  

I bet you get some people saying that they've thought this for years..

Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

Thanks for replying, everyone.  Certainly some food for thought there!


I like the Deal or no Deal one.  I don't watch it that often as I'm not keen on Edmunds but if they wanted to fix it then a crawl space would be one way.  It would have to be someone young and fit, though.  Imagine if they got some old codger doing it and half way along the 'tunnel' his back went and he let out a yell of 'bugger me!' or something.  See if N E could talk his way out of that one

it would be funny if a mobile phone rang under one of the boxes one day..

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by stonks:

Roger was that the one with the fake phone in?..

It was indeed Stonks  The cat was already named Cookie... And there was another scandal were they got a child to pose as a competition winner  


You've definitely opened a can of worms here with the DOND thing  


I better not get started on Tipping point then..

Originally Posted by stonks:

I believe the label conspiracy theory is a term made up by government men to discredit anyone questioning what they say or get up too, hence the theorists are labelled as nuts....

It was originally a neutral term that became negative over time. I still like it better than any of the alternative terms!

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by stonks:

Roger was that the one with the fake phone in?..

It was indeed Stonks  The cat was already named Cookie... And there was another scandal were they got a child to pose as a competition winner  


You've definitely opened a can of worms here with the DOND thing  


I better not get started on Tipping point then..

Sounds very intriguing... Now you have to tell us! 

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

Thanks for replying, everyone.  Certainly some food for thought there!


I like the Deal or no Deal one.  I don't watch it that often as I'm not keen on Edmunds but if they wanted to fix it then a crawl space would be one way.  It would have to be someone young and fit, though.  Imagine if they got some old codger doing it and half way along the 'tunnel' his back went and he let out a yell of 'bugger me!' or something.  See if N E could talk his way out of that one

it would be funny if a mobile phone rang under one of the boxes one day..

Or the guy underneath in the box burped ........or something worse

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

Thanks for replying, everyone.  Certainly some food for thought there!


I like the Deal or no Deal one.  I don't watch it that often as I'm not keen on Edmunds but if they wanted to fix it then a crawl space would be one way.  It would have to be someone young and fit, though.  Imagine if they got some old codger doing it and half way along the 'tunnel' his back went and he let out a yell of 'bugger me!' or something.  See if N E could talk his way out of that one

it would be funny if a mobile phone rang under one of the boxes one day..

Or the guy underneath in the box burped ........or something worse



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