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Big Brother 2012: Conor's mum insists he's not a bully July 22, 2012 17:18 by Josh Darvill

Mum of Big Brother housemate Conor McIntyre has insisted that her son isn’t a bully.
The comments come after more than 1,000 complained about Conor’s outburst against fellow housemate Deana last month, leading to an investigation from telly watchdog Ofcom.
Conor’s mom Siobhan insisted however that his rant rant was just a “one-off”.
“He’s not a bully,” she insisted. “His outburst about Deana was a one-off. Being in that house, he’s in a state of captivity. He was frustrated and angry.”
Conor was given an official warning by Big Brother after the incident, but was allowed to stay in the house.
His mum meanwhile blamed Irish culture on his comments being taken out of context.
“There needs to be an understanding that Irish people are very direct in how we think about things,” she explained. “There’s been a bit of misinterpretation of Conor’s culture.
“We are very fine Irish family with good morals. Everything I’ve seen I’m very proud of. I don’t think he realised what he was saying.”
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TBF she could be trying to address the filth posted about him his entire family and every person who has as much as a trace of Irish blood in their body...However I know for a fact the stick it up your butt etc is not a term used by Irish alone,I've used it,no sexual intention btw,I've also heard many  other nationalities use it,seeing how it can be construed I will NEVER say it again,

I think if he had confined it to * stick it up your butt* Lee , and he had said it to one of the fellas , to their face and in a row , I could have perhaps understood it and accepted it . But he didn't ... he was far more graphic ... And while I agree about some of the awful comments on FB , TBH I have also seen similar comments coming back the other way .
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think if he had confined it to * stick it up your butt* Lee , and he had said it to one of the fellas , to their face and in a row , I could have perhaps understood it and accepted it . But he didn't ... he was far more graphic ... And while I agree about some of the awful comments on FB , TBH I have also seen similar comments coming back the other way .

He didn't say butt I know Baz,I do say butt  not everyone does either.The comments I saw on FB and other places were horrific,actually horrific is an understatement, so horrific it put his antics in the shade.I have to admit I cried,I cried that such generalisations could be said about any nationality but that dirtbags dare insinuate incest bestiality etc went on in his my and every Irish family.There were nasty replies eventually but hand on heart I've yet to read anything as disgusting as what was said about us.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Sorry Conor's mum, but no amount of bleating that it was a one-off (it wasn't!) will change my opinion that your son is a foul-mouthed, bullying thug.

agree 100% yogi - he should not be in that house

Rocking Ros Rose

Lee .... I'm only on FB ... Not on Twitter etc. .... And I in NO way condone those sort of postings .... they are just dreadful ! But neither can I see what he said as some sort of sense of humour ... To me it was disgusting and moronic. Having said that I blame BB/C5 for pouring fuel on the fire by not ejecting him immediately!!

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I think if he had confined it to * stick it up your butt* Lee , and he had said it to one of the fellas , to their face and in a row , I could have perhaps understood it and accepted it . But he didn't ... he was far more graphic ... And while I agree about some of the awful comments on FB , TBH I have also seen similar comments coming back the other way .

He didn't say butt I know Baz,I do say butt  not everyone does either.The comments I saw on FB and other places were horrific,actually horrific is an understatement, so horrific it put his antics in the shade.I have to admit I cried,I cried that such generalisations could be said about any nationality but that dirtbags dare insinuate incest bestiality etc went on in his my and every Irish family.There were nasty replies eventually but hand on heart I've yet to read anything as disgusting as what was said about us.

aww lee  how can anybody generalise and say such disgusting things - so awful  conor has such a lovely accent but is such an awful man - he  is a disappointment  and odious

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
Lee .... I'm only on FB ... Not on Twitter etc. .... And I in NO way condone those sort of postings .... they are just dreadful ! But neither can I see what he said as anything as some sort of sense of humour ... To me it was disgusting and moronic. Having said that I blame BB/C5 for pouring fuel on the fire by not ejecting him immediately!!

agree 200% baz - the man should have gone immediately - no question but no way should his actions be generalised into xenophobic rubbish which spilled onto FB and twitter- that is  sooo wrong - i totally blame BB for this utter disaster

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

TBF she could be trying to address the filth posted about him his entire family and every person who has as much as a trace of Irish blood in their body...However I know for a fact the stick it up your butt etc is not a term used by Irish alone,I've used it,no sexual intention btw,I've also heard many  other nationalities use it,seeing how it can be construed I will NEVER say it again,

 I'm not on FB or Twitter, so I haven't seen the posts you are referring to, but I can well imagine the sort of thing you mean, Lee.

As far as I am concerned, HMs represent themselves, not the county or country in which they live - otherwise I'd still be living down the likes of Jason and Dennis!

Imo, Conor's behaviour is down to Conor, it has absolutely nothing to do with him being Irish, and if there are idiots out there who can't differentiate between the two, then more fool them.


Originally Posted by erinp:

Big Brother 2012: Conor's mum insists he's not a bully July 22, 2012 17:18 by Josh Darvill

Mum of Big Brother housemate Conor McIntyre has insisted that her son isn’t a bully.
The comments come after more than 1,000 complained about Conor’s outburst against fellow housemate Deana last month, leading to an investigation from telly watchdog Ofcom.
Conor’s mom Siobhan insisted however that his rant rant was just a “one-off”.
“He’s not a bully,” she insisted. “His outburst about Deana was a one-off. Being in that house, he’s in a state of captivity. He was frustrated and angry.”
Conor was given an official warning by Big Brother after the incident, but was allowed to stay in the house.
His mum meanwhile blamed Irish culture on his comments being taken out of context.
“There needs to be an understanding that Irish people are very direct in how we think about things,” she explained. “There’s been a bit of misinterpretation of Conor’s culture.
“We are very fine Irish family with good morals. Everything I’ve seen I’m very proud of. I don’t think he realised what he was saying.”
Read more:

Absolute Bollocks if I may say so, q what Irish culture has to do with the disgusting, aggressive, sexist, violent comments he made about what he wanted to do to Deana I have absolutely zero idea. Oh, and he has refused to even speak to her since week 1 and is just downright nasty to her behind her back...suppose that is an Irish cultural trait too

What an absolutely ridiculous and desperate attempt by his mother to try and make this into a cultural issue


"There’s been a bit of misinterpretation of Conor’s culture." I was appalled by his comments like others were but never once did I think about it being related to his culture, more to do with his personal intense anger while saying it which was very threatening. I've noticed other times when he's showed anger but since his warning he's tried to hide it but the camera picked it up. I don't think his mother should make the excuse of Irish culture.


Yellow Rose

Lee i live in this beautiful part of the uk (ireland) and know Conor is definitely NOT representative of the whole of Northern Ireland. He is repulsive and vulgar and i can honestly say i've met no one like him since moving here.

His mother, however, IS blaming Ireland for his actions. Saying that his rant was only out of frustration and anger just makes it worse, it makes you wonder if he always reacts that way when he gets angry. The people on twitter and facebook who resort to the same attitude ( and worse) as Conor are no better than him and should be barred from the sites, as Conor should have been from the BB house.


I agree with Conors mum ,she has brought him up to be a gent

of course why wouldn't you do that with an epilator?he's just joking

its just his way of fun ,and this is why we all despair about channel 5s

bb ,most of us have loved this programme from bb1 ,now its just becoming 

a farce ...I keep watching hoping the series I loved will come back.

sorry folks for the rant new on here  so sorry


Originally Posted by Angel:

she's his mum .... she's going to say that isn't she.


as the saying goes: love is blind

It is blind Angel, but it's not bliddy deaf too If that had been my son i would have apologised on his behalf and said how appalled he would be when he realised how awful what he said was. Of course you stand by them, love them and stick up for them, but when they behave so blatantly vitriolic on national tv, you at least acknowledge he did wrong, dont blame it on his culture and put the whole of Ireland under the cosh. I still agree with Baz and Yogi, it's not his families fault or his girlfriend or his friends.... it's BB's fault for not kicking him out. It would all be over now if they had just sent him packing.


It's our irish culture my arse! I know many Irish folk and they are appauled at his utter crudity.I'm Scottish but my first name and Surname are pure Irish.My late mum said she could never make out her old irish granda at times and he was often called "As Oirish as the pigs of docherty" i have no idea what that means.

Though our family are from the republic not the north.


Oh and conor represents his ignorant crude self not a section  of any country or community and his mother does a diservice to decent folk from those communities by suggesting its "our culture". bollocks.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It's our irish culture my arse! I know many Irish folk and they are appauled at his utter crudity.I'm Scottish but my first name and Surname are pure Irish.My late mum said she could never make out her old irish granda at times and he was often called "As Oirish as the pigs of docherty" i have no idea what that means.

Though our family are from the republic not the north.

I don't see it as a cultural thing either Katty,he was crude yes,his comments are used in many cultures different wording to varying degrees but a term many of us have used.If he were my son I'd deal with him when I got my paws on him,I won't say I'd kill him in case I'd be deemed a potential murderer .

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

It's our irish culture my arse! I know many Irish folk and they are appauled at his utter crudity.I'm Scottish but my first name and Surname are pure Irish.My late mum said she could never make out her old irish granda at times and he was often called "As Oirish as the pigs of docherty" i have no idea what that means.

Though our family are from the republic not the north.

I don't see it as a cultural thing either Katty,he was crude yes,his comments are used in many cultures different wording to varying degrees but a term many of us have used.If he were my son I'd deal with him when I got my paws on him,I won't say I'd kill him in case I'd be deemed a potential murderer .

Lee the guys a dick no matter where he comes from.Oh and I hate his woolly hat.Bloody hell that twonk John James wore the same crap headgear.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Oh and conor represents his ignorant crude self not a section  of any country or community and his mother does a diservice to decent folk from those communities by suggesting its "our culture". bollocks.

Totally agree katty 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

He's a lovely racist.

TBF Velvet there's no denying he's been a right nightmare but imo making assumptions solves or resolves nothing.His actions need no embellishing or exaggeration ,we could assume a lot about any of them or anyone for that matter,trying to put 2 and 2 together and coming up with  5 is futile.His and Deana's resentment/dislike for each other stems fro her nomming him on the first night,BB put her in that situation of course,the sore seemed to fester since then,not race culture or creed.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It might well be 4.

TBF there are a lot of mights a lot of if's etc,best to deal with facts no,?If there  is irrefutable proof he or any of the others are racist (Excluding Caroline and Scott who were warned) we'd have been shown it ,they wouldn't dare cover that up.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It might well be 4.

TBF there are a lot of mights a lot of if's etc,best to deal with facts no,?If there  is irrefutable proof he or any of the others are racist (Excluding Caroline and Scott who were warned) we'd have been shown it ,they wouldn't dare cover that up.

I just think his vitriol/hatred goes well beyond a nom in the first 2/3 days  


Well beyond.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It might well be 4.

TBF there are a lot of mights a lot of if's etc,best to deal with facts no,?If there  is irrefutable proof he or any of the others are racist (Excluding Caroline and Scott who were warned) we'd have been shown it ,they wouldn't dare cover that up.

I just think his vitriol/hatred goes well beyond a nom in the first 2/3 days  


Well beyond.

Yes he is what Katty said a d**k ,a d**K who's as desperate as some of the other desperado's wanting to win ,Deana was put in a situation by BB which could have scuppered his chances on the very first night and the idiot can't seem to let that go.


I hate that (in every series) if someone doesn't like someone who has a different skin colour they are branded racist.  We don't know if Conor does have a problem with her because of her skin colour.  Deana doesn't like it because he's white???  No, they just don't like each other.


And no, I'm not a Conor fan in any way, shape or form (I'm a Deana fan) but I'm getting sick of seeing him being called a racist because he doesn't like someone of a different colour.  It is possible not to like someone for other reasons.  Not sure what Conors reason are though but it's not fair to call him racist for it when he hasn't shown any signs of disliking her for her colour.


Oh.....and for Conors Mum, stop being so deluded.  He has barely any support here.  I wish his family would admit that what he said was wrong and they didn't agree with it and maybe then they'd have a bit more support.  I'd be mortified if one of my sons said that on TV and wouldn't just say that's how we roll. 


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