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I'm with VM and had this problem repeatedly in the beginning. They did all the checks and swore blind it wasn't them, but then realised I live quite far from the cabinet where the connection point is and some twats had broken into it and tampered with the wires. Also changed the channel I used to connect as if there are alot of people close in your area using the net at the same time this can slow things right down aswell, cos apparently cable can only handle a certain amount of users at any given time (so I was told)

So might be worth giving them a call back and checking how far you are from your connection point Aimee.

It did get better though and for the last couple of years didn't have a problem, except earlier on this week but touch wood it seems to be ok now.
So might be worth giving them a call back
I'll do what Karma is suggesting.

Back in September I Switched to BT, My ten year old computer was not good enough for the wireless so I bought a new laptop. I had problem from day one I kept on loosing my connection, every time I called BT technical line some nice technical person on the other side of the world got it going  only for it to go off again at the next session. Anyway after a few calls I called them again and told them I was not happy and was going to terminate my agreement with them. They checked again and told me it was my brand new laptop, they said the Internet board was faulty and I should take it back. I new it was not the laptop, so I waited a day and called them back , I gave them more of my nice personality over the phone, the guy checked again and told me I was logged into a different system, that's why my code did not work. He set it up again wrote the instructions up on my laptop and said he was sorry that they did not pick up the problem before. Imagine if I had taken this back to the shop and accused them of selling me a faulty PC, they would have laughed me out of the shop.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Ok. I steer clear of Vista if at all possible but I have one PC with it on I can play with tomorrow. Correct me if I am wrong but from what I have read here one laptop will work one won't same modem, same connection only difference is the laptop used?

If so it is the hardware, network configuration or some evil trojan/virus but I am assuming you have anti-virus and stuff like that installed.

I'll have a think and come up with some stuff you can try. I need to check the exact sequence on Vista but one thing is along the lines that MrsH said ...finding the connection from the laptop and the modem and checking status and trying a repair.

I'll see what I can come up to and pop back tomorrow once I have something definite to try

Zaph  the laptop that isnt working now WAS working but having connection problems so aimee ordered a router - this arrived yesterday - aimee and daughter tried to connect new router to the old laptop and ended up ringing virgin for help- went through a sequence of tests and said it was the laptop - at this point I assume a setting got changed as the old modem wont now connect although it had been working on this laptop for some time.

Aimee also has the added problem of getting the new router working on the new notebook as the notebook does not have a cd/dvd unit in it so cant run software disk.

I suggested a repair to connection or system restore back to a couple of days ago on old lappy

thanks for looking at this   I assume you got my message
Hi MrsH ... yes I did.. albeit a bit late

Ah .. so a tad more complex then.. when you say router.. I am not clear.. do you mean something like a netgear ADSL router or a cable router? Wondering if there we are talking fixed or dynamic IP addy

If it is a, say, something like a netgear or belkin ADSL+router then usually all you have to do is put the address of the router in the browser's address bar for netgear it is usually then enter name and password.. defaults to admin and password for netgear then you can enter any username and password and server IP addresses that Virgin need for the router to login. Any CD/DVD might just be a way to set this stuff up more easily. If this is a modem/router that connects to a 'cable TV' box then I am less familiar with this approach

.. anyway ..back tomorrow 

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better late than never Zaph

oh I dont know about the router - aimee did say last night they got as far as being asked for isp addresses ??  

TBH today i was trying to give help on getting the old lappy back on the old modem so havnt asked too much about the router especially when I found out the new notebook has no cd/dvd drive to load software ??

I did wonder too if aimee or little aimee had tried to load router software on old laptop without uninstalling modem software ??  hence causing a conflict that was now stopping old modem working on there now ??

it is difficult trying to help with words as well you know but ISP provider palmed aimee off saying it was laptop which in fact it could be but something simple like a conflict

I did suggest I would have done a system restore TBH  in the first instance but I know they are reluctant and not sure what to do

having waffled I am now wondering how aimee got the modem working on new notebook without installing software disc ???
If it is a, say, something like a netgear or belkin ADSL+router then usually all you have to do is put the address of the router in the browser's address bar for netgear it is usually then enter name and password.. defaults to admin and password for netgear then you can enter any username and password and server IP addresses that Virgin need for the router to login

I am used to this way of doing things but know absolutely nothing about cable
I use as little software as possible and tend to grab the driver only from any disc
Thanks for all your help zaph and mrs H, sorry if i'm confusing you, i'm confusing myself as well

i'll try and explain more carfeully the old laptop is run on on a modem via a cable, we kept losing connection and thought it was the cable so bought a new cable, we had a router on order and thought the problem might be solved once it arrived, the new cable made no difference hence why we couldn't set up the router as that said we had now interenet connection, phoned virgin and they tested the modem and said it was fine and said it was my laptop that losts local internet connection, tried new laptop and the internet works fine, but i don't want to throw my other laptop away, so am trying to get the internet connection back
If it's Virgin and has a round cable with a screw in connector, instead of a telephone cable with a phone connector, then there's a cable modem at the end of the cable.  Often a small flat black box with lights at the front e.g power enet send recv sync and ready.  There's an ethernet cable that plus in at the back and connects to either a wireless router or just the ethernet port on the laptop.

I had trouble with my PC and this cable modem because Windows updates changed the ethernet driver which meant the connection kept connecting and dropping.  This was because the driver and port was a 1GBs ethernet port and the modem is 10Mbs.  The driver should drop the port down automatically to 10Mbs but it didn't after the update.

I forced it in the Local Connection Properties->Configure->Advanced->Speed->Duplex to be 10Mbs Full Duplex.  The IP Connection properties are set to Obtain IP Address Automatically and Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically.

Yes yes, I know, it's all just big technical words and means nothing to various people here.  No need for anyone to write "I lost you at the first word" etc and laugh goofily.  If it helps anyone then all power to you.
Virgin sent me a wireless router too which is a Netgear one but they're buggered around with its software so that you have to use a program on the PC to configure it.  It hides the username/password and stops you mucking around with the security and the VCI/VPI or whatever it uses.  Really annoys me.  I guess they do it to stop people selling them but I like to be in control of all that stuff myself.

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