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I wish the police would pull over the twats talking on handheld mobile phones while driving instead of bothering with adult seatbelt issues. They're the people who potentially devastate the lives of innocent people. I'd throw them in jail for 3 months, too, instead of a poxy ÂĢ60 and 3 points. It's equivalent to drunk driving, in my book, and endemic.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
HAHA the police dont pull you over for no reason...good one, you have obviously never ridden a motorbike then,
I have been stopped several times on my bike and whn I asked "why did you stop me"? the reply is usualy "oh we are stopping ALL bikes today"

one time when riding my trike I was stopped by a copper who INSISTED that the law requires me to wear a helmet(it doesnt) he was adamant that he was going to give me a ticket, after a bit of argueing he agreed to call his station, they told him that it is NOT compusory to wear a crash hat on a trike,
so he then decided he wanted to check ALL my documents and at the same time went ALL over my trike TRYING to find something ANYTHING that he could do me for, he even serched me, NOTHING,
I bet he went home and kicked his dog,
nothing like stereo typing or harassment to improve public realtions,
you will be telling me the police dont tell lies next, Big Grin

Sounds a bit like when my uncle got pulled over cos they were doing 'random breath tests' that day... nothing to do with him being in a white van I suppose? Wink
Thanks for all the replies you lovely people Hug

After reading the responses I really want to challenge it now. Yes, I totally trust my OH when he says he was wearing the belt. He has no reason to lie to me, he would have just told me he got caught without his belt if he hadn't been wearing it.

I live in Northern Ireland so he's dealing with the PSNI Ninja The less said about the issues there, the better Wink

After talking to my OH about it last night he decided to just pay the fine and hope that he isn't stopped/fined for anymore silly reasons otherwise he wants to make a case for harassment, as I said he has been stopped before on more than one occasion but this is the first time he's been fined as there was no good reason for him to be stopped in the first place....just the PSNI doing their usual nonsense in a Catholic area. That's what this boils down to but hey-ho it's run of the mill these days!

I think he was more angry at teh fact that he had said to her that she wasn't even wearing her seatbelt (she had been turned completly round in her seat when they were signalling for him to pull over) and she said that the police didn't need to wear a seatbelt Laugh So he said so yous make the law and break it as you go along and you have the cheek to hand ME a fine? She just told him if he had a problem with it then to take it up with the ombudsman. Cheeky mare!
Mad Mad This sort of thing makes me very angry. My eldest daughter (now 16) had a similar experience, a year or so ago. Not with driving, obviously, but same sort of situation; Her and her mate had taken up jogging to keep fit and they would go out and run every evening between 6-7pm. One night they went and it started raining. They went into a bus shelter to keep dry and noticed there was a police car nearby. They thought nothing of it. Then they noticed a poster in the bus shelter advertising Disneyland Paris, where theyd just come back from a few weeks earlier, with their school. They stood pointing at the various rides, shown on the poster and were reminising about the ones they went on. Next minute, these 2 coppers (the community ones, that some call "plastic police")were in the bus shelter, accusing them of GRAFFITIYING on the shelter!!! Eeker My daughter and her friend were both stunned and explained what they had been doing and why they were in the shelter. They were having none of it and pointed to these bits of graffiti, done with black ink or paint. The girls again said they hadnt done it, adding they didnt have anything on them and that surely if theyd only just done it, it would still be wet, which it clearly wasnt. Then they were bloody SEARCHED!!!!! Mad When they found nothing the numpty bloke officer said, oh, thats coz you just threw it over there I saw you!!!!!!!!! (however, did not go and find or retrieve anything! Mad)In the end, they gave the girls a written caution which said "looked as if they were graffitying" NO mention of throwing anything away. Then they offered them a lift home! Eeker Mad Shake Head When they got back and told me I was so so fuming!!!! I phoned up and complained and all the prats at the police station tried to do was to tell me if someone was stopped with a knife and prevented from stabbing someone, that would be a good thing! Confused Crazy Nothing at all to do with the situation. It still gets me Mad thinking about it. And your other half wont win if he tries to fight this, Im sure. Feel very bad for him. SO unfair Mad
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why was he asked to pull over in the first place? was it just random or .........was he not wearing a seat belt?

didnt you read her first post Confused

Yes .........but in my experience the Police don't pull over for no reason. They surely only pull over with reason to suspect. call me naive but ......................I've never been pulled over - OH has for speeding but ............he has been speeding.

now thats a laugh, drive an old car or a bike and watch how often you get stopped, drive a n expensive car and watch some jealous little hitler wanabee pull you over for any excuse he can think of, i was once done for not wearing a belt and putting it on when i saw the cops, went to court and let these 2 coppers both describe how they saw me reaching up to pull my seatbelt around me, then my defense showed a photo of the car i was driving clearly displaying the 5 point harness it was fitted with, it was thrown out on the spot but i was politely warned that i'd better squeak when i walked from now on (ie had to be squeaky clean) because they didnt like being shown to be liars.

its happened to a pensioner friend of mine, he beat them in a motoring case where they lied, thanks to some cctv footage and after that he was getting stopped almost every time he went out, eventually he got an injunction against them for police harassment.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
now thats a laugh, drive an old car or a bike and watch how often you get stopped

Thats a good point - you just reminded me of when my brother was stopped for no reason. He was driving back from his girlfriend's house late at night... he drives an 11 year old Fiesta and was 20 at the time Ghost
This reminds me of the police officer who had managed to charge everyone in the village with some offence except the vicar.
One day he saw the cycling clergyman approaching a junction at great speed. At the last moment the lights turned to amber and red and the vicar halted the bike amidst squeals of brakes and tyres....
"I nearly had you there Vicar!"
"God was with me!"
"Right! Two on a bike!"
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
This reminds me of the police officer who had managed to charge everyone in the village with some offence except the vicar.
One day he saw the cycling clergyman approaching a junction at great speed. At the last moment the lights turned to amber and red and the vicar halted the bike amidst squeals of brakes and tyres....
"I nearly had you there Vicar!"
"God was with me!"
"Right! Two on a bike!"

Laugh This is no time for joking Mr Joe! Big Grin
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Mad Mad This sort of thing makes me very angry. My eldest daughter (now 16) had a similar experience, a year or so ago. Not with driving, obviously, but same sort of situation; Her and her mate had taken up jogging to keep fit and they would go out and run every evening between 6-7pm. One night they went and it started raining. They went into a bus shelter to keep dry and noticed there was a police car nearby. They thought nothing of it. Then they noticed a poster in the bus shelter advertising Disneyland Paris, where theyd just come back from a few weeks earlier, with their school. They stood pointing at the various rides, shown on the poster and were reminising about the ones they went on. Next minute, these 2 coppers (the community ones, that some call "plastic police")were in the bus shelter, accusing them of GRAFFITIYING on the shelter!!! Eeker My daughter and her friend were both stunned and explained what they had been doing and why they were in the shelter. They were having none of it and pointed to these bits of graffiti, done with black ink or paint. The girls again said they hadnt done it, adding they didnt have anything on them and that surely if theyd only just done it, it would still be wet, which it clearly wasnt. Then they were bloody SEARCHED!!!!! Mad When they found nothing the numpty bloke officer said, oh, thats coz you just threw it over there I saw you!!!!!!!!! (however, did not go and find or retrieve anything! Mad)In the end, they gave the girls a written caution which said "looked as if they were graffitying" NO mention of throwing anything away. Then they offered them a lift home! Eeker Mad Shake Head When they got back and told me I was so so fuming!!!! I phoned up and complained and all the prats at the police station tried to do was to tell me if someone was stopped with a knife and prevented from stabbing someone, that would be a good thing! Confused Crazy Nothing at all to do with the situation. It still gets me Mad thinking about it. And your other half wont win if he tries to fight this, Im sure. Feel very bad for him. SO unfair Mad

Your daughter was under 16 when this happened? Are the polis allowed to search and caution children without a responsible adult present?
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Mad Mad This sort of thing makes me very angry. My eldest daughter (now 16) had a similar experience, a year or so ago. Not with driving, obviously, but same sort of situation; Her and her mate had taken up jogging to keep fit and they would go out and run every evening between 6-7pm. One night they went and it started raining. They went into a bus shelter to keep dry and noticed there was a police car nearby. They thought nothing of it. Then they noticed a poster in the bus shelter advertising Disneyland Paris, where theyd just come back from a few weeks earlier, with their school. They stood pointing at the various rides, shown on the poster and were reminising about the ones they went on. Next minute, these 2 coppers (the community ones, that some call "plastic police")were in the bus shelter, accusing them of GRAFFITIYING on the shelter!!! Eeker My daughter and her friend were both stunned and explained what they had been doing and why they were in the shelter. They were having none of it and pointed to these bits of graffiti, done with black ink or paint. The girls again said they hadnt done it, adding they didnt have anything on them and that surely if theyd only just done it, it would still be wet, which it clearly wasnt. Then they were bloody SEARCHED!!!!! Mad When they found nothing the numpty bloke officer said, oh, thats coz you just threw it over there I saw you!!!!!!!!! (however, did not go and find or retrieve anything! Mad)In the end, they gave the girls a written caution which said "looked as if they were graffitying" NO mention of throwing anything away. Then they offered them a lift home! Eeker Mad Shake Head When they got back and told me I was so so fuming!!!! I phoned up and complained and all the prats at the police station tried to do was to tell me if someone was stopped with a knife and prevented from stabbing someone, that would be a good thing! Confused Crazy Nothing at all to do with the situation. It still gets me Mad thinking about it. And your other half wont win if he tries to fight this, Im sure. Feel very bad for him. SO unfair Mad

Your daughter was under 16 when this happened? Are the polis allowed to search and caution children without a responsible adult present?
I asked about this and was told they were, as she was searched by a female. I genuinly believe these "coppers" were bored and thought they would have a laugh frightening a couple of teenagers Mad
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Mad Mad This sort of thing makes me very angry. My eldest daughter (now 16) had a similar experience, a year or so ago. Not with driving, obviously, but same sort of situation; Her and her mate had taken up jogging to keep fit and they would go out and run every evening between 6-7pm. One night they went and it started raining. They went into a bus shelter to keep dry and noticed there was a police car nearby. They thought nothing of it. Then they noticed a poster in the bus shelter advertising Disneyland Paris, where theyd just come back from a few weeks earlier, with their school. They stood pointing at the various rides, shown on the poster and were reminising about the ones they went on. Next minute, these 2 coppers (the community ones, that some call "plastic police")were in the bus shelter, accusing them of GRAFFITIYING on the shelter!!! Eeker My daughter and her friend were both stunned and explained what they had been doing and why they were in the shelter. They were having none of it and pointed to these bits of graffiti, done with black ink or paint. The girls again said they hadnt done it, adding they didnt have anything on them and that surely if theyd only just done it, it would still be wet, which it clearly wasnt. Then they were bloody SEARCHED!!!!! Mad When they found nothing the numpty bloke officer said, oh, thats coz you just threw it over there I saw you!!!!!!!!! (however, did not go and find or retrieve anything! Mad)In the end, they gave the girls a written caution which said "looked as if they were graffitying" NO mention of throwing anything away. Then they offered them a lift home! Eeker Mad Shake Head When they got back and told me I was so so fuming!!!! I phoned up and complained and all the prats at the police station tried to do was to tell me if someone was stopped with a knife and prevented from stabbing someone, that would be a good thing! Confused Crazy Nothing at all to do with the situation. It still gets me Mad thinking about it. And your other half wont win if he tries to fight this, Im sure. Feel very bad for him. SO unfair Mad

Your daughter was under 16 when this happened? Are the polis allowed to search and caution children without a responsible adult present?
I asked about this and was told they were, as she was searched by a female. I genuinly believe these "coppers" were bored and thought they would have a laugh frightening a couple of teenagers Mad

I think they themselves may have been breaking the law by doing that. I'm very surprised that they left themselves wide open to censure.
Originally posted by Ella:
Today my OH came home from work in a stinking mood and when I finally got him to calm down and talk he explained that whilst driving today in his work van a cop car passed him and signalled for him to pull over so he did. The woman cop gets out and comes to the van and sees my OHs brother who she knows because he has a record ( Roll Eyes). She then tells my OH that she saw him without his seatbelt on and issued him a ÂĢ60 fine even though he was sat there with his belt on!! Mad She is insisting he hadn't been wearing one and had put it on when she pulled him over. Bollocks! He argued with her for nearly 20 mins but she refused to back down and told him if he didn't pay the fine he would be prosecuted so now he has a ÂĢ60 fine to pay and to be honest we are so skint at the minute that it will really dent us to pay it. So I am fuming! He has sworn to me that he was wearing the seatbelt and I know he's not lying but the policewoman said her 2 colleagues are vouching for her and saying he wasn't wearing it.

If he was to complain he thinks he would be fighting a losing battle beacuse who would believe him and his ex-con brother over 3 policemen/woman? What should we do?

aww don't be upset - are you absolutely sure he was wearing it though - he wouldn't be the first to pit his belt on as soon as he noticed the police car (as my dad did) and then be too ashamed to admit it!!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Ella:
Today my OH came home from work in a stinking mood and when I finally got him to calm down and talk he explained that whilst driving today in his work van a cop car passed him and signalled for him to pull over so he did. The woman cop gets out and comes to the van and sees my OHs brother who she knows because he has a record ( Roll Eyes). She then tells my OH that she saw him without his seatbelt on and issued him a ÂĢ60 fine even though he was sat there with his belt on!! Mad She is insisting he hadn't been wearing one and had put it on when she pulled him over. Bollocks! He argued with her for nearly 20 mins but she refused to back down and told him if he didn't pay the fine he would be prosecuted so now he has a ÂĢ60 fine to pay and to be honest we are so skint at the minute that it will really dent us to pay it. So I am fuming! He has sworn to me that he was wearing the seatbelt and I know he's not lying but the policewoman said her 2 colleagues are vouching for her and saying he wasn't wearing it.

If he was to complain he thinks he would be fighting a losing battle beacuse who would believe him and his ex-con brother over 3 policemen/woman? What should we do?

aww don't be upset - are you absolutely sure he was wearing it though - he wouldn't be the first to pit his belt on as soon as he noticed the police car (as my dad did) and then be too ashamed to admit it!!

No hun he would admit it to me if he hadn't been. He wouldn't have got so wound up about it if he hadn't been and he would have told me the truth because he knows that I wouldn't give him a hard time about it if he admitted the truth. He has swore on our kids lives so I know he is telling the truth.

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