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Today my OH came home from work in a stinking mood and when I finally got him to calm down and talk he explained that whilst driving today in his work van a cop car passed him and signalled for him to pull over so he did. The woman cop gets out and comes to the van and sees my OHs brother who she knows because he has a record ( Roll Eyes). She then tells my OH that she saw him without his seatbelt on and issued him a ÂĢ60 fine even though he was sat there with his belt on!! Mad She is insisting he hadn't been wearing one and had put it on when she pulled him over. Bollocks! He argued with her for nearly 20 mins but she refused to back down and told him if he didn't pay the fine he would be prosecuted so now he has a ÂĢ60 fine to pay and to be honest we are so skint at the minute that it will really dent us to pay it. So I am fuming! He has sworn to me that he was wearing the seatbelt and I know he's not lying but the policewoman said her 2 colleagues are vouching for her and saying he wasn't wearing it.

If he was to complain he thinks he would be fighting a losing battle beacuse who would believe him and his ex-con brother over 3 policemen/woman? What should we do?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Shake Head

sadly this scenerio seems all too common Roll Eyes

some police DO favour some people, or types of people, and treat some like scum.

my brother is a prison officer, and a REALLY irresponsible driver, speeds all the time (totalled two cars in a year because of it) yet when he gets caught speeding, he gets let off as he has always been in uniform Mad
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Shake Head

sadly this scenerio seems all too common Roll Eyes

some police DO favour some people, or types of people, and treat some like scum.

my brother is a prison officer, and a REALLY irresponsible driver, speeds all the time (totalled two cars in a year because of it) yet when he gets caught speeding, he gets let off as he has always been in uniform Mad

This isn't the first time he's been pulled for something. Last week he was stopped while out working and the policewoman said she was stopping him because he had gone round the block twice. He nearly blew a gasket and told he was working and was finding a spot to stop not trying to pick up hookers Laugh She kept him for nearly half an hour and he lost nearly ÂĢ80 because his run was behind Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why was he asked to pull over in the first place? was it just random or .........was he not wearing a seat belt?

That's what I kept asking him Soozy but he is adamant that he had the belt on. The road he was on has had a few incidents this week so maybe they were patrolling or something but he has swore to me that he and his brother were both wearing belts and I know he would have just told me if he hadn't been and wouldn't have made an issue of it.
I have just spoken to a friend, who is a police woman. She said if it was a traffic cop, there should be a camera in the car(depending on where in the UK this happened). She suggest that you write to the police headquarters in your area, give the time, date and officer name or collar number and explain what happened. They should be able to look into it for you. Good luck.
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why was he asked to pull over in the first place? was it just random or .........was he not wearing a seat belt?

didnt you read her first post Confused

Yes .........but in my experience the Police don't pull over for no reason. They surely only pull over with reason to suspect. call me naive but ......................I've never been pulled over - OH has for speeding but ............he has been speeding.
Soozy Woo
Sorry to hear that Ella. Don't all police cars have recording devices now and I saw on the telly police with mini cameras, not sure if every police officer carries a mini camera today. I'm nearly sure if it came to court the court would demand more evidence then just verbal.
I would suggest getting advice from Citizens Advice. You may also be able to claim back that ÂĢ80 which he lost due to them detaining him.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why was he asked to pull over in the first place? was it just random or .........was he not wearing a seat belt?

didnt you read her first post Confused

Yes .........but in my experience the Police don't pull over for no reason. They surely only pull over with reason to suspect. call me naive but ......................I've never been pulled over - OH has for speeding but ............he has been speeding.

they do random checks too, or pull you over for a light being out or something mundane if it's a slow night.
or a crime could have happened and they pull people over who have a similar car as described .happened to my OH when he first moved his stuff in with me...a girl got raped near me the night before by a cab driver...and he had a car the same colour, burgandy red. they didn't know the make as poor girl didn't know, so were pulling alot of poeple over that week.
never did find him though as he wasn't really a cabbie, just pretended Frowner
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Why was he asked to pull over in the first place? was it just random or .........was he not wearing a seat belt?

didnt you read her first post Confused

Yes .........but in my experience the Police don't pull over for no reason. They surely only pull over with reason to suspect. call me naive but ......................I've never been pulled over - OH has for speeding but ............he has been speeding.

HAHA the police dont pull you over for no reason...good one, you have obviously never ridden a motorbike then,
I have been stopped several times on my bike and whn I asked "why did you stop me"? the reply is usualy "oh we are stopping ALL bikes today"

one time when riding my trike I was stopped by a copper who INSISTED that the law requires me to wear a helmet(it doesnt) he was adamant that he was going to give me a ticket, after a bit of argueing he agreed to call his station, they told him that it is NOT compusory to wear a crash hat on a trike,
so he then decided he wanted to check ALL my documents and at the same time went ALL over my trike TRYING to find something ANYTHING that he could do me for, he even serched me, NOTHING,
I bet he went home and kicked his dog,
nothing like stereo typing or harassment to improve public realtions,
you will be telling me the police dont tell lies next, Big Grin
old hippy guy
OHG, your post just reminded me of something. Some years back a friend in the village was on his way to take my horse out for a ride, something he often did when I was too busy owing to work.

He had got his motorbike out, and set off and the polis pulled him over the minute he pulled out of the village and onto the main road. They asked him why he wasn't wearing his crash helmet and he replied that he was! Confused He put his hand up to to his head and realised he had put his riding crash helmet on and had stowed his bike crash helmet safely away in his bike box. It took hime a long time to live that down, as the local polis know everyone round here and the story spread like wildfire. Big Grin
Originally posted by *BB*:
OHG, your post just reminded me of something. Some years back a friend in the village was on his way to take my horse out for a ride, something he often did when I was too busy owing to work.

He had got his motorbike out, and set off and the polis pulled him over the minute he pulled out of the village and onto the main road. They asked him why he wasn't wearing his crash helmet and he replied that he was! Confused He put his hand up to to his head and realised he had put his riding crash helmet on and had stowed his bike crash helmet safely away in his bike box. It took hime a long time to live that down, as the local polis know everyone round here and the story spread like wildfire. Big Grin

Laugh it must be a horse thing, I left the house once in my slippers instead of my Hunters.... Laugh
Originally posted by stonks:
I'd take on and trust the english police before I'd trust the Irish Guarda and thats saying something..BUT if it was mr stonks he would'nt have to convince me as not one of my family leave the drive without their seat belt.. so as someone else know your he a person who drives off without it on?....

well, I lived in Ireland for about six years, I only had occasion to speak to the Guarda a couple of times, and I found them to be bloody great, very friendly, I didnt get the feeling they had pre judged me, had a really long conversation with one bloke about bikes and places he had been in England and his family over here etc,
only ever met one who was a bit stroppy and he was a high ranking officer who "pulled" my mate and myself over and gave us a right grilling about what we were doing in Ireland (we were working there) how long we intend to stay etc etc,
and when I asked him why he stopped us I thought he was gonna explode,"I AM AN OFFICER OF THE LAW AND I CAN STOP WHO I WANT WHEN I WANT" he yelled into my face,
I said that I was sorry and explained that in England we DO have the right to ask why we were stopped, he repiled "well you are NOT IN England NOW are you?"
and that was in my first week there hehe,
but HE was a one off any others I spoke to were fine, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
This is them trying to make up "arrests/or fines!.It's a bliddy shame .don't blame the cops ,these are the restrictions they work under,alas.

Falls over...Hic!

Picks up kattymieoww, only coz I can't sleep...Hic Ninja

I love you,you are my best pal ever in the whole world Big Grin
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by stonks:
I'd take on and trust the english police before I'd trust the Irish Guarda and thats saying something..BUT if it was mr stonks he would'nt have to convince me as not one of my family leave the drive without their seat belt.. so as someone else know your he a person who drives off without it on?....

well, I lived in Ireland for about six years, I only had occasion to speak to the Guarda a couple of times, and I found them to be bloody great, very friendly, I didnt get the feeling they had pre judged me, had a really long conversation with one bloke about bikes and places he had been in England and his family over here etc,
only ever met one who was a bit stroppy and he was a high ranking officer who "pulled" my mate and myself over and gave us a right grilling about what we were doing in Ireland (we were working there) how long we intend to stay etc etc,
and when I asked him why he stopped us I thought he was gonna explode,"I AM AN OFFICER OF THE LAW AND I CAN STOP WHO I WANT WHEN I WANT" he yelled into my face,
I said that I was sorry and explained that in England we DO have the right to ask why we were stopped, he repiled "well you are NOT IN England NOW are you?"
and that was in my first week there hehe,
but HE was a one off any others I spoke to were fine, Nod

Well thats your man now..I bet that was a few yrs back when little old Ireland was safe and there was no other biker to give the nod too as you passed thought I must say bikers *well us* were treated better than car drivers..but its all gone road mental here now....
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by stonks:
I'd take on and trust the english police before I'd trust the Irish Guarda and thats saying something..BUT if it was mr stonks he would'nt have to convince me as not one of my family leave the drive without their seat belt.. so as someone else know your he a person who drives off without it on?....

well, I lived in Ireland for about six years, I only had occasion to speak to the Guarda a couple of times, and I found them to be bloody great, very friendly, I didnt get the feeling they had pre judged me, had a really long conversation with one bloke about bikes and places he had been in England and his family over here etc,
only ever met one who was a bit stroppy and he was a high ranking officer who "pulled" my mate and myself over and gave us a right grilling about what we were doing in Ireland (we were working there) how long we intend to stay etc etc,
and when I asked him why he stopped us I thought he was gonna explode,"I AM AN OFFICER OF THE LAW AND I CAN STOP WHO I WANT WHEN I WANT" he yelled into my face,
I said that I was sorry and explained that in England we DO have the right to ask why we were stopped, he repiled "well you are NOT IN England NOW are you?"
and that was in my first week there hehe,
but HE was a one off any others I spoke to were fine, Nod

Well thats your man now..I bet that was a few yrs back when little old Ireland was safe and there was no other biker to give the nod too as you passed thought I must say bikers *well us* were treated better than car drivers..but its all gone road mental here now....

I was living there from september 1999 until feb 2006,..Westmeath, Mullingar to be exact Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by stonks:
Don't ever buy a red car..police play car snooker..whites your best.... Ninja

Oh how true..I have a tale to tell it's true!
I tells ya.Right, years ago my sister went for a bloke ,he drove a sports car.."Triumph" red thingy not too sure about it,Anyhoo.He got pulled up for speeding! The best was though ,he was the son of the chief supertendant of Police ,in Glasgow.Hee heee,my sister nearly got arrested too because she stated one of the cops groped her. Big Grin

In the end it never came to court ,my sisters boyfriend (On his dads advice( pled guilty One year ban.

My sister now and her hubby have just celebrated their 25th weding anniversary,
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by stonks:
I'd take on and trust the english police before I'd trust the Irish Guarda and thats saying something..BUT if it was mr stonks he would'nt have to convince me as not one of my family leave the drive without their seat belt.. so as someone else know your he a person who drives off without it on?....

well, I lived in Ireland for about six years, I only had occasion to speak to the Guarda a couple of times, and I found them to be bloody great, very friendly, I didnt get the feeling they had pre judged me, had a really long conversation with one bloke about bikes and places he had been in England and his family over here etc,
only ever met one who was a bit stroppy and he was a high ranking officer who "pulled" my mate and myself over and gave us a right grilling about what we were doing in Ireland (we were working there) how long we intend to stay etc etc,
and when I asked him why he stopped us I thought he was gonna explode,"I AM AN OFFICER OF THE LAW AND I CAN STOP WHO I WANT WHEN I WANT" he yelled into my face,
I said that I was sorry and explained that in England we DO have the right to ask why we were stopped, he repiled "well you are NOT IN England NOW are you?"
and that was in my first week there hehe,
but HE was a one off any others I spoke to were fine, Nod

Well thats your man now..I bet that was a few yrs back when little old Ireland was safe and there was no other biker to give the nod too as you passed thought I must say bikers *well us* were treated better than car drivers..but its all gone road mental here now....

I was living there from september 1999 until feb 2006,..Westmeath, Mullingar to be exact Thumbs Up

You want to meet the feckers now.. Shake Head..its like the Priesthood any fecker can join.... Shake Head
BUT I will admit Mullingar is different to where I am BUT 3 yrs makes a hell of a difference here....
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by stonks:
Don't ever buy a red car..police play car snooker..whites your best.... Ninja

Oh how true..I have a tale to tell it's true!
I tells ya.Right, years ago my sister went for a bloke ,he drove a sports car.."Triumph" red thingy not too sure about it,Anyhoo.He got pulled up for speeding! The best was though ,he was the son of the chief supertendant of Police ,in Glasgow.Hee heee,my sister nearly got arrested too because she stated one of the cops groped her. Big Grin

In the end it never came to court ,my sisters boyfriend (On his dads advice( pled guilty One year ban.

My sister now and her hubby have just celebrated their 25th weding anniversary,
Originally posted by Blizzie:
If I was wearing one, and was falsely accused, I would demand that they take it to court, but that's just me! Glance

If I was telling the absolute truth I would not care if 100 cops were against me! The truth is the truth. So I would do the same.
Not all police men are good,kind or truthful.. some are though!
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I was living there from september 1999 until feb 2006,..Westmeath, Mullingar to be exact Thumbs Up

The Garda in Meath where my sister lives, are complete and utter eejits - you'd have to draw them a map back to the Garda Station when they leave to get their breakfast rolls - a bit like Killinaskully Laugh

I love Mullingar OHG for the shopping Thumbs Up

@ OP I would challenge the police about this if your OH is adamant that both seatbelts were being worn. As others have said if they were traffic cops they would have cameras on their dash boards so you could ask for the evidence. If they were ordinary plod it's their word against your OH and I bet they'll not want the hassel of a court case Nod

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