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It's a silly thing but she is just recovering from what I think may have been swine flu...
She has been desperate to get home from Uni all weekend for the xmas holidays and I have been trying to get her but the weather has been so awful
So today armed with 3 large bags she made her own way home - two trains and two buses...

She eventually reached our home town at  1230 and decided to get a taxi up the hill ( it is in the Chilterns so very hilly).
She waited ages and eventually one came but just as she was getting in it, a lady arrived with a load of shopping and a baby.

It is bitterly cold so my girl got out of the taxi and offered it to the Mum instead.

This sort of thing makes me proud - daft I know but it shows what a decent human being I have raised.

Sorry - as you were,..

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You`re right to feel proud of your daughter Scarlett. 
What a lovely lass. 
I brought my 2 boys up to consider others - it worked, although it was naturally in their genes. 
They`re the type that give up their seat on a bus for someone standing - which my old Mum had me do, but was in my nature anyway, still is. I passed it on - a simple lesson. 
Manners and consideration cost nothing. It makes for a nicer world. 
Well done little Scarlett.  
Thanks guys - sorry I don't normally boast about my kids but this time I thought what the heck!

Karma - she has been really poorly for a couple of weeks and then she had D and V over the weekend so this is what made me wonder..

I think there are loads of lovely youngsters out there - but sadly they do not make the news...

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