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The female does not kill the male, but after he dies she eats him. In this way, the male can contribute to the health of his offspring even after
Males are useful for one thing then!!  I wish I could like spiders, I understand they do good by killing flies etc, but it's the scurrying legs and the size of the damn things and the fact that one the size of a tarantula landed on my back once!!
β™₯PinkBabe1966β™₯The Angel under the tree!
I was at freshers fayre this week and a lady stopped me and asked me to fill in a questionnaire to win a prize so I did and she asked if I would rather win an IPod for myself or a gift for an african family, I chose african family and she asked why...I thought that was really rude because surely its my decision and she shouldnt have been so shocked, anyway because of that she wouldnt let me fill in the questionnaire. Strange. I obviously should have gone for the Ipod I don't need.
I q like spiders, I mean you have to, living in a cottage built in the early 1700s (funny, I've never learnt to like the slugs 'though!).....BUT, BUT, BUT I've spent much of today scrubbing quarry tiled floors and stone stairs and I've lost 5, YES 5, YES, I SAID 5, finger nails...I want some bloody sympathy , NOW!
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I was at freshers fayre this week and a lady stopped me and asked me to fill in a questionnaire to win a prize so I did and she asked if I would rather win an IPod for myself or a gift for an african family, I chose african family and she asked why...I thought that was really rude because surely its my decision and she shouldnt have been so shocked, anyway because of that she wouldnt let me fill in the questionnaire. Strange. I obviously should have gone for the Ipod I don't need
...Get back tomorrow and tell 'em you want to win an ipod for an African family
I was at freshers fayre this week and a lady stopped me and asked me to fill in a questionnaire to win a prize so I did and she asked if I would rather win an IPod for myself or a gift for an african family, I chose african family and she asked why...I thought that was really rude because surely its my decision and she shouldnt have been so shocked, anyway because of that she wouldnt let me fill in the questionnaire. Strange. I obviously should have gone for the Ipod I don't need.
How rude of her,she sould have been impartial in a survey like that...grr.

Oh Wait,she was probably from a company promoting I  pods.
was at freshers fayre this week and a lady stopped me and asked me to fill in a questionnaire to win a prize so I did and she asked if I would rather win an IPod for myself or a gift for an african family, I chose african family and she asked why...I thought that was really rude because surely its my decision and she shouldnt have been so shocked, anyway because of that she wouldnt let me fill in the questionnaire. Strange. I obviously should have gone for the Ipod I don't need. report Β· permalink
Trixy there are some strange people around, I'd have told her to feck off....
My hubby is compassionate with critters. One good example was coming back from the dentist he spotted a newt on the path, picked it up. It had a bite off it and wasn't moving. He carried it home with us checking every now and then on its progress, it became quite active. He released it in our garden under the bushes next to the fence dividing us from large fields.
"Slaters" those are the buggers! Woodlice...pains in the bum.I'm in a property that is due in the Springtime for major remedial structure work etc.
These little gits are all over the bathroom etc.No harm to us,but they thrive in damp conditions etc.By the way they are crustaceans not insects.A rather ancient lineage.

Marine crabs etc are their cousins .
she was very strange and she didnt give me any freebies, psh if you are gonna stand next to the dominos stand you need to be enticing us. I never thought of that Katty you are probably right. The thing is though a charity would do really well out of that offer because most students have Ipods and Iphones and as we are lazy lazy people we'd rather give the gift than have to go through the stress of transferring everything. (My reasons were less vain than that but still)
The spider won.
They usually do...

Last week, I was standing outside a shop, and a wasp flew up my trouser leg...I entertained the locals by leaping about and yelling, until I managed to get to a public loo so I could get the damn thing out.
As I pulled off my clothes, it flew out...straight into a spider web at the window. So I sat and watched, with some satisfaction, as the spider killed it and wrapped it up.

So I guess I'm a bit lacking in compassion...but the little sod did sting me three times in a very personal area...
but the little sod did sting me three times in a very personal area
Bloody hell!  That deserves some compassion right here & now!   And I quite like seeing spiders tackle wasps in their web. 

I cheered one the other day for trapping & sucking dry a lily beetle in its web.  I only wish it could have started this activity in April, when my lilies were growing, and the beetles were busy procreating on them!
Super, I know I'm going to regret this, how did this happen, 1 an accident, 2 unlucky, but 5 that's unforgiveable
'Cos I think I'm  tough and don't need to wear rubber gloves when I've got myself elbow deep in  ajax liquid mixed with bleach!....and anyways the bliddy village shop doesn't sell them and the job needed to be done!
Reference: Sarum
Last week, I was standing outside a shop, and a wasp flew up my trouser leg...I entertained the locals by leaping about and yelling, until I managed to get to a public loo so I could get the damn thing out. As I pulled off my clothes, it flew out...straight into a spider web at the window. So I sat and watched, with some satisfaction, as the spider killed it and wrapped it up. So I guess I'm a bit lacking in compassion...but the little sod did sting me three times in a very personal area...

See, that is why we need spider webs in our personal spaces!


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