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In the winter when i walk to my car i quite often step over a worm so not to squash it .

Then i sit in my car, turn on the engine smile at the day ahead.

then i .....SIGH
turn off the engine, get out of the car, walk back along the road and flick the worm into the grass.

then i walk back to my car hoping nobody saw me

and smile at the day ahead ....

I'm not looking for praise. I feel good enough knowing that his last years weren't spent alone. I posted the story as it's what the thread is about. I don't think people should brag about the good things they do but there is no harm in sharing stories
Well, I'm going to give you praise, what you did for that old lad was just lovely. Poor old devil, you made his last few years nice by including him in your family. That's made me feel a bit weepie(but in a nice way)  - good on you!
I notice nobody is commenting on my bad stories except Leccy

Obviously I do have compassion for people....course I do, especially when people are having a tough time or whatever.

But I do reckon some people love a good draaaaaaaaaaama over the smallest things (like stubbing a toe...or running out of milk)....and then I think my *meeeeh behave, sort it out* gene comes out
Well, I'm going to give you praise, what you did for that old lad was just lovely. Poor old devil, you made his last few years nice by including him in your family. That's made me feel a bit weepie(but in a nice way) - good on you

Careful....I need to move of my chair to go for a pee and might not get my head through the door
I have compassion for creatures,I rescue spiders and beasties from the house even wasps,I capture and release them.Why we think we have the right to slaughter them,I don't know.
However I will kill houseflies/bluebottles etc,mainly because of my house rabbits.They can get "Flystrike"(More common in outdoor rabbits) said beastie lands on the buns if they have a dirty bottie and lays eggs,maggots hatch and burrow into the skin of the bunnies ..nasty! I have to inspect buns botties daily....lovely!
My daughter asked me to save her from a wicked daddy longlegs, which was flying around her bedroom.

I stopped watching my telly box and walked all the way upstairs to save her from it.

I managed to catch it in my hands and took it downstairs.

I released it in the hallway, to allow it to continue living its short life in peace.

It flew into the lounge and straight into a spider's web.

I then spent the next hour half watching my telly box and half watching the titanic battle being fought in the spider's web.

The spider won.
Lovely story Lainy..and I don't think your looking for browie points..I remember when I was young everyone who knew me thought I was the hard one of the neighbourhood but little did they know I used to spend most of my free time shopping and looking after pensioners..
Truth is I find older people more intelligent and interesting, my own age bored me, they were boring and imature..
I went on to wirk in lunchen clubs on free days from school, I don't look on myself as compassionate I look on myself as not being a lowlife....
Spiders are brilliant! They are determined little beasts.I've got a large garden spider living just under the rim of my wheelie bin.She regularly makes her web between it and my dahlias,each week I have to "destroy" her web to put said bin out to be emptied,a few hours after bin is placed back in position a beautiful large web is constructed again.
She seems to have the sense to lurk in the plants on bin day.

She regulary catches flies ,and hover flies in her web.Good position because flying insects love the dahlia flowers etc.
She is building herself up to lay her eggs this year,alas she will die at the end of the season,ultimate maternal care.Some humans could learn from so called "lesser" creatures.
I have compassion for creatures,I rescue spiders and beasties from the house even wasps,I capture and release them.Why we think we have the right to slaughter them,I don't know. However I will kill houseflies/bluebottles etc,mainly because of my house rabbits.They can get "Flystrike"(More common in outdoor rabbits) said beastie lands on the buns if they have a dirty bottie and lays eggs,maggots hatch and burrow into the skin of the bunnies ..nasty! I have to inspect buns botties daily....lovely!
flystrike is nasty it's not that well known, yet rabbits are one of the most common pets

Cos of you, I stopped my hubby from throwing a spider outside the other week.   I did want it removed from the corner of my lounge ceiling (echos of your words "brood balls" were going round me head).... but he was going to put it outside.

I said he could sort it out later, and take it down to the shed.

It had gone by the time he got home.... so its somewhere here lurking.
I think they're poor coz her mum doesn't ever give her meat on her sandwiches
Awww them poor ickle vegetarians. Perhaps her school could do one of those campaigns like we had in my primary school, (for children in Africa,).... everyone brings in ex pence a day from their sweetie money, every ÂĢ1 buys a stamp to make up the jigsaw pic of a veggie!

BTW: People will forget what you said and  forget what you did, but will never forget the way you made them feel- Maya Angelou
If somebody has a genuine problem or concern then I would like to think that as I would in RL I would try and offer help and support, in RL, I help my next door neighbour who is 86 and has me in stitches, she is so funny and can tell such great stories about the road we live in as she has lived here for most of her life.  I do her heavy shopping once a month when I do my big shop because it's just as easy for me to do it for her, she mind you delivers our local free paper in all weathers and expects a Christmas tip and calls herself the oldest paper girl in town!!

I have had a few problems this summer (glad to see the back of it) and have received a lot of genuine compassion from people which has helped, sometimes it's just a how are you on a thread that helps.

As for charity, I give to 2, Cats Protection and the Retired Greyhound Trust, the RGT especially gets very little publicity and so I try to help them in any way I can.

Sometimes, the simplest things can be the most compassionate things, I have been known to stop my car in the middle of a country lane and lift a rabbit onto the verge so as someone else won't knock him over, and still cry about the one that ran out in front of me when on holiday in Dorset 6 years ago, and I was going too fast to miss him   I even, though I hate the damn things, rescue spiders from my cats as I hate to see them being tormented.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Katty..... Cos of you, I stopped my hubby from throwing a spider outside the other week. I did want it removed from the corner of my lounge ceiling (echos of your words "brood balls" were going round me head).... but he was going to put it outside. I said he could sort it out later, and take it down to the shed. It had gone by the time he got home.... so its somewhere here lurking.

Aww,If folk could just get over their fear a bit.Indoor spiders though big legged etc are harmless,(since found out the ones that run along the floor are males looking for a girlfriend)they are just looking after their babies.Think of all the flies etc they get rid of.

They are so like humans, really:

ouse spider
Tegenaria gigantea/domestica

'After a male has located a female's web he will stay with her for some weeks. During this time he will mate with her a few times before eventually dying. The female does not kill the male, but after he dies she eats him. In this way, the male can contribute to the health of his offspring even after his death.

Males of the species are often found trapped in baths in houses. They fall in after wandering around searching for a female, and can't get out.'


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