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Sometimes I can be dead cold hearted I think...well I feel it on here, like when someone has a cold sore or summat and they have about 3 pages of sympathy about it.

I look at you all as though you're a bit

And I have to stop myself going FFS you have a spot on your lip get a flipping grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no, I am obviously not as compassionate as yer average Liveclouder.

I had an elderly neighbour who had no friends or family. I often saw him pottering about in his garden by himself. Never had any visitors. Kids would tease him and the snobs would gossip. (why is it any old man living on his own, who keeps himself to himself is branded a pervert by the local gossips?). I saw him struggling one day with some shopping while I was gardening and I went to help him. I swear to god he was so shocked that I'd offered help. The other neighbours who were out were tutting and whispering. He invited me in and we had tea and a good old blether. He was from Scotland too. We became good friends and I made him dinner most nights. His fave was mince and tatties. He babysat my kids, had a dram with us at weekends and became practically family. Over the years he became very ill and when he died he left me a few of them being his parrot.

Nobody took the time to get to know him. My street is mostly families with kids. They failed to realise that this man at one point was part of a family who had kids. He lost his wife and his kids drifted away from him. He wasn't a pervert and if they'd bothered to speak to him and spend time with him they'd have known that. SNOBS
My point is, you can be compassionate in many different ways, but why do you need to prove it? Isn't it just an ego trip to do something nice for somebody and then brag about it to all and sundry?

I am nice to daddy long legs, i kill the bastards by stamping on them before any nasty kiddies can get to them and pull their legs off one by one. Until now I have never shared that with anyone and now I will feel less compassionate about doing it
Hootie McBoob1
I had an elderly neighbour who had no friends or family. I often saw him pottering about in his garden by himself. Never had any visitors. Kids would tease him and the snobs would gossip. (why is it any old man living on his own, who keeps himself to himself is branded a pervert by the local gossips?). I saw him struggling one day with some shopping while I was gardening and I went to help him. I swear to god he was so shocked that I'd offered help. T

that's lovely Cagney, I can relate to that
Hootie = Zilcho
How do you get that?

Anyone can pretend to be compassionate by posting a billion hugs and angel smileys on a thread about a chipped fingernail.  It means nowt.

What Cags did was something real, that affected someone's life in a positive way.

I happen to know that in real life, nowt to do with forum crap...that Hoots is a VERY caring person.  And I can't believe I've just typed that aaahhhh I feel queasy now (sorry Hoots, no more fluffehness from me!)
I'm on a roll now

Good story - I fought with my next door neighbour. Nosey old cow was always telling my kids off for shouting, running, breathing. Me and her had numerous arguments. Anyway.....she had a fall one day and had to go to hospital. The paramedics knocked on my door. They said she was asking if I'd look after her dog. I said of course I would (even though she was a cow). As they were wheeling her out I was holding her dog and she was giving me daggers

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