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The Germans and the French.  If you care to find out you'll probably realise that the majority of European Countries aren't as anal about nudity as GB is.
And I wish we could be more like that tbh ...I remember being on a beach in Menorca a few years backi. There was this huge German woman in the tiniest thong bikini - people were tripping over things trying not to stare and I thought, why the hell should she not? We're all just bodies after all. As I struggled to change into my very modestly cut one piece (why did Victorian bathing costumes go out of fashion huh?) under a towel the size of Manchester.
Communal changing rooms
We have communal locker rooms at work, so I share with 30 or 40 other women at least twice a day.
It doesn't really bother used to, a few years ago, but, as one of my best friends pointed out, I spent years sharing a locker room with a bunch of men, which, believe me, is much less pleasant...

Although I'm still not entirely comfortable with communal changing rooms in gyms and swimming pools...undies is one thing, being completely naked is a bit different..

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