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I watched the Wolves v Liverpool game... she did a good job I thought. As for the comments they made, alot of football fans do make a joke about women being involved in football. I hear it every game... its all tongue in cheek. Its banter, nothing else... most people who getting up in arms about it are feminists who don't have a clue about football or the banter that goes on inside it.

Of course, its a stupid thing to say when your supposed to be a commentator.
Last edited by MrMincePie
Reference: Mincer
I watched the Wolves v Liverpool game... she did a good job I thought. As for the comments they made, alot of football fans do make a joke about women being involved in football. I hear it every game... its all tongue in cheek. Its banter, nothing else... most people who getting up in arms about it are feminists who don't have a clue about football or the banter that goes on inside it.
As I said earlier, this wasn't banter. They were deadly serious and showed themselves up for being extremely ignorant.

As for most people who are up in arms about it being feminists, you are right. (Although they may not choose to call themselves that )
Most people with any amount of intelligence and an understanding of gender politics, will understand how stupid the comments were and how damaging these attitudes can be.
Whether they also don't have a clue about Football, that really doesn't matter. Anyone can see that a rule that men can understand, will be just as easily understood by women.

The fact that men like this think the Off Side rule is too complicated for a woman to understand, says more about their lack of brain power, than about women. They obviously struggled with it, for years!
they're a pair of twonks...............richard 'hairy hands' keys and andy 'know it all ' gray........i hope they're both squirming with embarrasment right now..

the female assistant they slagged off was proved correct in her decision...whilst keys and gray were adamant she was wrong........i guess we can safely say she knows the offside rule a little better than them then.......

though of course andy gray is a bit like alan green on radio 5.......thinks he knows everything
Karen Brady is vile, unprofessional and egotistical but it has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with her aberrant personality. Telling players to rebel against their manager (I assume to make him leave because if they sack him then they have to pay him compensation) sums up exactly what is wrong with her
Actually I am going to upset all my lovely female gagaites now and apologies..

I think women playing football look ridiculous . It is not a game for women to play IMO - having said that I will defend to the death their right to play it but having seen women's football they all look daft.

It is only my humble opinion and I am quite willing to be challenged - you won't get an intelligent well thought answer though, just an assertion that it just looks wrong.
Reference: Issy
I think women playing football look ridiculous . It is not a game for women to play IMO - having said that I will defend to the death their right to play it but having seen women's football they all look daft. Sorry It is only my humble opinion and I am quite willing to be challenged - you won't get an intelligent well thought answer though, just an assertion that it just looks wrong.
 My SIL has the same objection to women priests - "It just looks wrong"!

I suppose it's just what you're used to seeing, in the same way that people would have been shocked to see a woman doctor, or a male nurse, in days gone by.
Funnily enough, in the US, women's football (or Soccer) took off faster than the male game and boys were accused of playing a girl's game, if they chose to take it up.
I suppose it's just what you're used to seeing, in the same way that people would have been shocked to see a woman doctor, or a male nurse, in days gone by. Funnily enough, in the US, women's football (or Soccer) took off faster than the male game and boys were accused of playing a girl's game, if they chose to take it up.

Its the wobbly bits - I mean how do you control the bosoms!
My jury is still out on male nurses and yes I know all the arguments.

I am a rubbish PC equal opportunities person
I have a feeling that if Karen Brady behaved in the manner that she does (the manner in which has been mentioned,)  and she was a man, the same kind of remarks would not be made.  Men who are successful in business are go-getters, forceful, ambitious and edgy.  Women who behave in the same manner are labelled mouthy cold hearted bitches with too many opinions and not enough brain cells.  And these kind of comments usually come from snide and bitter men who are pissed off that a woman is doing far better than them in life, or jealous catty women who have not managed to achieve what they want in their lives..and/or wouldn't have the guts to even try.

This is a ridiculous outdated, antiquated attitude that has no place in the 21st century.  Same goes for attitudes that came from these 2 pricks today.  It was not banter, and no-one will convince me otherwise; these men meant every single last word, and they were patronising to the extreme. And you don't have to be a feminist who knows sod-all about football to realise that. 

I am not a feminist at all , and never have been, but I am actually very offended by what they said, because they MEANT it: every last word, and no amount of their pathetic apologies will make a jot of difference.  They can both piss off and take a long walk off a short pier.  Tossers.
Women who behave in the same manner are labelled mouthy cold hearted bitches with too many opinions and not enough brain cells. And these kind of comments usually come from snide and bitter men who are pissed off that a woman is doing far better than them in life, or jealous catty women who have not managed to achieve what they want in their lives..

Those of us who don't like Karren Brady are snide and bitter?
In answer to Mr M.  No, people who dislike her are not necessarily snide and bitter ... BUT...  I think that people who make nasty remarks about a successful woman, who has worked hard for what they have got, do come across as snide and bitter yes. (To me anyway.)   Because the remarks are unneccesary, and I am pretty sure that of it was a man, the same things would not be said.  JMHO of course.

Edited to say: I didnt mean the comments to be aimed directly at anyone, so I apologise to you Mr M (and anyone else) if it came across that way.  I meant people in general/people I know/have known.  And its JMHO of course.

In answer to Mr M. I think that people who make nasty remarks about a successful woman, who has worked hard for what they have got, do come across as snide and bitter yes. (To me anyway.) Because the remarks are unneccesary, and I am pretty sure that of it was a man, the same things would not be said. JMHO of course.

Well im not snide or bitter... and if it was a male chairman I would say exactly the same, a vice chairman of a football club should concentrate on what their own club is doing. Not making weekly articles which take shots at other clubs through out the league. Its unprofessional and the same has gone on at the club I support with Gary Cooke who is our Chief Exec. Yet every big game we come across he's out there mouthing off how great we are and how sh*t the other clubs are, he's not popular amongst our fans.
Hi again Mr M.  I added some comments to my post after you quoted it and replied.    I'm sorry if I offended you..  it wasnt aimed at you.  Its just I feel that some people who attack successful women and say theyre cold and harsh tend to be bitter because they are a bit jealous.  Not everyone, but certainly some people I know.
Ref: Meaty
Those of us who don't like Karren Brady are snide and bitter?
*Joins Meaty in the snide and bitter corner with pride* (Just kidding Sparkles, no offence taken) EDIT - just realised as a girly that I should be in the catty and Jealous corner instead!

Issy, if you came and watched a few Ladies games you might feel differently. I love watching Arsenal Ladies or England Ladies, really you don't notice the gender as such, just support the team and the players as footballers rather than women.
Much as I am a feminist (and proud to be so) I don't like seeing women box but then I don't like boxing anyway but I would still support the right of any woman to be able to do this if that is their wish
West Ham United vice-chairman Karren Brady has spoken out in response to sexist remarks made off air by Sky Sports' Andy Gray and Richard Keys.

A recording of Gray and Keys suggesting that female referee's assistant Sian Massey would not know the offside rule was leaked to The Mail On Sunday yesterday.

Keys also made reference to an earlier newspaper column by Brady, wherein she complained about the sexism that exists in football.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live, Brady said: "It makes my blood boil, if I'm absolutely honest.

"What really upsets me is the fact that only females in our industry are judged by their gender. And that is categorically wrong."

The Apprentice star added: "It never would have occurred to me that they had those views, whether public or private, and I'm disappointed.

"It almost makes it worse that they're speaking when the microphones are not on as opposed to when they are on because they'd never really have the brass neck to say it publicly."

However, Keys's sister Susan rang Victoria Derbyshire's show to defend her brother, adding: "He hasn't got anything bad to say about women. I have never heard him making comments before.

"I think it was a bit of banter. I know Richard inside out and he is surrounded by women: he's got three sisters, a daughter and has the greatest respect for women... Perhaps we're all getting a bit precious here."

Keys and Gray have "been stood down" from their duties for tonight's game between Bolton Wanderers and Chelsea and are expected to be replaced for the contest
They are dinosaurs Sparkles, there are too many of them in footie tbh. Most of the footie fora are full of men who have those views. My two boys aren't like that as they were raised alone by me and we are all footie mad so they know that any random woman can be as knowledgable as any random man on football.
Where I really get the hump, as I said earlier, is that it is still seen as a bit of a laugh or banter to make sexist comments when they wouldn't dare say similar things that were racist or about someones religion and try to say that those remarks are banter. They really insult our intelligence

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