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So someone else has been yip yapping with their mike still switched on, and comments they would rather had not been heard were heard....      Andy and Richard were commenting on how it's basically ridiculous that a woman would have a job in football as a linesman/linesperson. 

In the Wolvo and Liverpool match, Liverpool scored, and the female linesperson allowed the goal, and Andy and Richard  were commenting on how women shouldn't be in a job like this.  The convo went on for a while, and the upshot is that they made some pretty sexist remarks, assuming that a woman couldn't possibly know about football and yet the young woman's decision was apparently spot on.

So anyone have any views on this?  Are these two a couple of offensive and rude old dinosaurs that need to get into the 21st century?  Or are they entitled to their opinion?  and were they right?  Were they just saying what most men are thinking (NOT ME) or were they completely and utterly wrong? 

I think that they've embarrassed themselves and made themselves look like twats.  And they made some snide comments about Karren Brady too.

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I have no problem with pundits criticising officials per se but to criticise her on the basis of her gender is wrong and offensive. What really shows them up is that the assistant referee was right in her original decision. Maybe someone should explain the offside rule to them as they clearly don't understand it.
Reference: Smarting
They have a right to an opinion but I find their opinion rather sexist and out dated.

In my opinion, deciding that half the population of the world cannot understand a fairly simple rule, is an opinion that can easily be proved wrong.

Funny that they weren't prepared to give this opinion on air, and that they 'regret saying it and have apologised' - Only because they were caught out!
I hate Gray and Keys with a vengeance. They both hate Chelsea which is reason enough for me to wish a lack of necessary oxygen upon them both.

On the women in football issue... it's a tricky one. More women have become interested in football in recent years and if the young female lineswoman they are talking about here  has been trained as male linesmen are well she will know the rules just as well as they will which, unfortunately, isn't much at all. They make bad decisions every single week without fail, so do male referees. If more female officials become involved in the game of course they will make the same mistakes too but rather than being accused of being a clueless fekkwit (like male officials are every week with perfect justification) it will be deemed they made incorrect decisions because they are female and don't 'understand' football which, while being ridiculous, is still pretty much exactly what's going to happen.

Female match commentators drive me nuts it just doesn't sound right to me but female officials I don't have an issue with.
What they said was very wrong and as a footy fan it was great to see a female official at a Premiership game. And she had a good game.

But this was a private conversation between two work colleagues. Yes, what they said was out of order. I bet anyone on this forum wouldn't like a private conversation between them and a partner/family member/friend being recorded and released for everyone to hear.

They have apparantly pulled out presenting the coverage of the Bolton Chelsea match tonight.
Reference: Blizz'ard
 In my opinion, deciding that half the population of the world cannot understand a fairly simple rule, is an opinion that can easily be proved wrong. Funny that they weren't prepared to give this opinion on air, and that they 'regret saying it and have apologised' - Only because they were caught out!
And by all accounts they were proved wrong.

Same thing has happened time and time again.  Ron Aktinson was caught out in a similar fashion.
Smarting Buttocks
Thank you everyone for your posts.

Neither women or men are perfect at everything, and I do think (sorry if I offend anyone - its not intended) that woman are better at some things than men, and men are better at some things than women.  But some things we're all good at.    

And I think in this case, there's no reason on earth why this young lady shouldn't know that job as much as a man.  To just assume a woman can't do a job just because she is a woman, before even seeing her perform the task in hand, is grossly ignorant IMO. 

And I also think that these two men only said sorry because they were heard, and were advised to make a formal apology.  They're not sorry they said it; they are just sorry they were heard.  They meant every word and weren't simply having a laugh.  They are ignorant and narrow minded and sexist.  But they got caught out, which I find hilarious.
Funny that they weren't prepared to give this opinion on air, and that they 'regret saying it and have apologised' - Only because they were caught out!
exactly, they regret being caught! I think they're a pair of muppets, firstly she wouldn't have got the job if she didn't understand the rules (especially at that level), and secondly, it's not that bloody hard to understand!
I don't see how Sky can continue to employ them.  Ok, their conversation was private but was overheard - at work.  Its ok to have an opinion but another to express it at the wrong time or place and these two idiots have been caught out.  For Sky to continue to employ them would be condoning their opinions - Rodney Marsh was sacked by them for making an inappropriate joke about the tsunami and this is far worse in my opinion.

I wouldn't be sorry to see either of them go - Keys is a smug so and so and Andy Gray is a know-it-all
Bolton Fan
Rodney Marsh was sacked by them for making an inappropriate joke about the tsunami and this is far worse in my opinion.

Rightly or wrongly it's the sort of thing you'll hear from footy fans every day even if they don't really believe it. It's hard to tell if it was just banter or if they really are that thick and backward. It won't be any loss to me if the pair of them get dumped, I can't stand either of them.

But thinking about it, I'm not sure this young lineswoman is up to the job really. She judged the player to be onside thus allowing the goal and replays proved her decision to be correct. Having watched football for many years and seen countless referees and linesmen in action I can say with some authority that the correct procedure is to get the decision completely wrong then argue with all the players, the managers, the assistant managers, the coaches and even the other officials. So yeah, I'm not sure she's quite got the hang of it yet.
Reference: Prom
But thinking about it, I'm not sure this young lineswoman is up to the job really. She judged the player to be onside thus allowing the goal and replays proved her decision to be correct. Having watched football for many years and seen countless referees and linesmen in action I can say with some authority that the correct procedure is to get the decision completely wrong then argue with all the players, the managers, the assistant managers, the coaches and even the other officials. So yeah, I'm not sure she's quite got the hang of it yet.

  Trust a woman to go against tradition!
But thinking about it, I'm not sure this young lineswoman is up to the job really. She judged the player to be onside thus allowing the goal and replays proved her decision to be correct. Having watched football for many years and seen countless referees and linesmen in action I can say with some authority that the correct procedure is to get the decision completely wrong then argue with all the players, the managers, the assistant managers, the coaches and even the other officials. So yeah, I'm not sure she's quite got the hang of it yet.
She could get testosterone injections for that....
You'd like to think so Stonks but Rachel heyhoe Flint has already backed them both saying that their remarks were just banter or some such tosh. If the assistant ref had been an African or a Muslim/Jew etc etc and they had said that they couldn't understand the offside rule because of their race or religion they would have been sacked immediately.
But it's just banter as it is directed at women!
Does she work for Sky Bolton Fan? If so, she's probably towing the corporate line. I don't have Sky as I won't have anything Murdoch in my house but I've heard the remarks on Youtube.
It's especially galling that she is an ex professional athlete who played womens cricket. She, more than just a female presenter, should know how hard it is for women when they are seen to stepping into a 'mans world'

Good luck tonight btw. A 6-0 would do you nicely
oooerr it's a bit unusual though isn't it?  I'd say she faces an uphill battle everytime she steps out on the pitch.  Do they have to explain the off side rule to her everytime though?

I like trailblazers, about time the whole football scene was shaken up a bit.  We invaded the Golf Courses, now lets get right up their noses and invade the footie pitches
You'd like to think so Stonks but Rachel heyhoe Flint has already backed them both saying that their remarks were just banter or some such tosh. If the assistant ref had been an African or a Muslim/Jew etc etc and they had said that they couldn't understand the offside rule because of their race or religion they would have been sacked immediately. But it's just banter as it is directed at women!
I don't know her Veggie, I had to google and at her age she should know what women have been through in sport and buiseness and I agree if it was anyone but women there would be hell to pay....

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