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Originally Posted by Baz:
I think it's unfair having a go at their relationship !

normally I'd agree with you but they were asking  her a question and before she is allowed to answer, he butts in - I find him overbearing.  This competition is about the two of them not just Julian but you can't tell what they are like as a team because she defers so much to him and he expects that he will answer for both - not team work in my opinion  although I take on board that he's her husband and she loves him, she's nothing more than a drudge 

Originally Posted by Baz:
I totally agree Pengy ... But I still don't think it's their place to tell them

possibly but ...... if you're constantly being interrupted by someone like him when you're trying to have a conversation with partner, some might flip.  I would have said it on the last round up or I'd have made a comment on the feed back form 

Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Sorry but they've been hyper critical of everyone all week and now there's tears because it's returned in kind - sorry but you reap what you sew 

Im with you Pengy and their toilets were appalling and breakfasts not worth what they are charging

we'll stand in a corner and defend ourselves from Baz and Yogi   how dare they not agree with me  

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I feel a bit sorry for them.

I do for her but not him   I'm a harsh git 

You're not harsh and I understand why you don't feel sorry for him, as his pickiness came back to bite him on the butt. However, I think the Scottish couple and the guy with lots of businesses were particularly (and unfairly) harsh in their marking because they can't stand him.

Originally Posted by Baz:
I do too Yogi .. Although I agree with Pengy he has been a total pain .... And not a little stupid , knowing he was last!

Tactically, he's an idiot!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

 I think the Scottish couple and the guy with lots of businesses were particularly (and unfairly) harsh in their marking because they can't stand him.


I do agree with -this it's supposed to be about the whole package not just about him and I agree some of their marks or lack of them were down to their dislike of him which does seem unfair 


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