I remember his night.... and all I can say is I doubt he will win
that soup looks very greasy
that soup looks very greasy
I think we decided to give his meal a miss last time
The meatballs have gone a bit wrong.
The meatballs have gone a bit wrong.
who the hell puts them in tin foil? cover them by all means but don't cook them in foil
Veronica is nasty to the core.
Veronica is nasty to the core.
Yes..... really horrid!
The meatballs have gone a bit wrong.
who the hell puts them in tin foil? cover them by all means but don't cook them in foil
The meatballs have gone a bit wrong.
who the hell puts them in tin foil? cover them by all means but don't cook them in foil
Schoolboy error.
Main looks revolting.
how on earth could he honestly think people would eat that
Not seen this before ,that Veronica is an ubber cah!
Not seen this before ,that Veronica is an ubber cah!
Hi Katty. Veronica is a right nasty witch.
wait till she sees the pudding
wait till she sees the pudding
It's a complete disaster.
Ok his meal is awful,but she doesn't need to be so nasty with it! I'd deck the mare.
What's the betting he's last
No what makes you think that
Ok his meal is awful,but she doesn't need to be so nasty with it! I'd deck the mare.
You would have to stand in line Katty
Ok his meal is awful,but she doesn't need to be so nasty with it! I'd deck the mare.
I think we are forming an orderly queue to skelp her one.
she's a cah
Christ she deserves a punch in the mouth...
I would eat the flying saucer
me too
I don't ever remember a 0 before...
Nor me. What a cah!
I would eat the flying saucer
me too
Oh i remember them as a kid,like sherbert filled holy communion!
Christ she deserves a punch in the mouth...
Glasgow kiss , eh Katty
I would eat the flying saucer
me too
Oh i remember them as a kid,like sherbert filled holy communion!
Thanks for the company everyone, see you later.
thanks for the company girls