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I saw the first half/first 2 contestants on the 8 o'clock show and came here to find out how it ended.  Oh dear, I'm wondering now if you are my perfect dining companions.


I thought the first two meals looked OK, well cooked, no disasters, reasonable presentation (apart from weirdo's tarts - but they looked as if they would taste good). I even thought her singing voice was good.  I thought the marking was low considering they couldn't really find fault with much and thought they were being tactical.


The preponderance of fish was obviously because the first bloke, (hands with their own agent), was veggie but ate fish, so they opted for fish dishes which everyone could eat - unfortunately none of their imaginations stretched beyond salmon


It sounds as if the all round tactical low voting came back to bite them in the wotsit when three of them got the same marks - or perhaps they really were all the same quality.


Now that I've revealed myself will you still let me join you, or am I an outcast?

Originally Posted by Bursar:


Now that I've revealed myself will you still let me join you, or am I an outcast?

  Oh!  Perhaps I'll let you out on Monday once I've thrown a few more     and I'll put all these away as well



only joking   everyone is allowed their own opinion here and of course you can disagree with us 


Thank you (most of you!) for allowing me to disagree.   I do enjoy your company.


Please don't take it amiss if I don't join you this coming week, my boss is likely to be away so instead of being part-time I shall be standing in for her and shall probably be home late most nights, so don't regard my absence as taking umbridge.


See you soon


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