The right people won.
so Hans underpaid everyone
Didnt expect that of him but he aint cool at all
yey!!! I'm glad the best place won
so Hans underpaid everyone
Didnt expect that of him but he aint cool at all
at least it didn't allow him to win
Alex is so rude, telling Ruth she needs a makeover.
Pengy, I'll eat your tomato soup.
Alex is so rude, telling Ruth she needs a makeover.
just because she's plastic doesn't mean everyone else has to be - she's very pretty and seems the type of woman that likes rubbing that fact in to her plain Jane companions
A slice of bread.
I would like the lamb shanks.
Alex is so rude, telling Ruth she needs a makeover.
just because she's plastic doesn't mean everyone else has to be - she's very pretty and seems the type of woman that likes rubbing that fact in to her plain Jane companions
That's it in a nutshell, Pengy.
Pengy, I'll eat your tomato soup.
you're welcome to it Yogi
And she keeps rolling her eyes upwards until we can only see the whites of her eyes - like something out of a horror film. *shudders*
she's afraid his will be better than hers although looking at what he's doing he's got no chance
Double standards.
Thank goodness he changed though.
visually for a model she's not bad although I really dislike bleached blonde hair - classic models aren't 'chocolate box' pretty but between pretty and plain
she looks dreadful without her slap on
Is Alex's no make up look plastered in fake tan and dyed eyelashes and brows?
Is Alex's no make up look plastered in fake tan and dyed eyelashes and brows?
A bit of a cheat really.
Why oh why do they insist on putting on adverts about fungal nail infections, in the middle of a programme about food.
Patsy likes his onesies.
I'll have nightmares now.