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CDWM musings:


Home made tropical centre 


love those thumb wrestlers 


still think Ray looks like John Craven before the hair cut 


Strawberry blonde or light auburn - what they definitely are not is ginger 


that's a positively lovely apple he has there 


eye beefa  to Ibiza 


beef, chicken AND pork?  why just why?  and why would you use elderflower wine with the beef? 


tapas sounds OK?  Depends how it's presented 


I love the world discombobulated - it's not used enough 


I love gazpacho 


not impressed with his tropical centre all done on the cheap  which is not a bad thing unless it looks tacky which his one does 


He's trying too hard if you ask me 


OMG three tiddley bits of meat and the veg looked naff too 


Jigsaw pieces that need to be smashed in with a hammer   she looks so quiet and seems to vicious 


Oh sweet Jesus we've got dad dancing at a so called rave 


Not the winning meal    Should have gone to eye beefa instead 


Coach Trip Musings: 


My way or the Brendan international tour guide highway 


Brendan is seething and furious 


PMSL at Alex and Laura getting a red after Brendan gives yellow cards to all of them but I want the dumplings off 


I reckon Ottavvio & Bradley are going to pick up votes 


why are they putting newbies on when there is only 3 days left? 


Wish Lauren would put her puppies away 


The dumplings are saying Cherelle and Dino are too much - pot, kettle, black 


two more newbies - don't like the look of them - have to agree they are a bit up themselves 


I'm not surprised at the screaming 


ha ha Brendan filling up at Carol 


they are going       


don't let the door hit you on the way out 

Last edited by Former Member


Early afternoon Come Dine With Me repeat.


It's the one with the Nolan woman on it and Colin Baker and Bianca Gascoigne and Nasty Nick and one guy I have no clue who he is.


I so hate that Nolan woman, she is just THE most miserable, venom spitting troll on TV at the moment. I bloomin' hope she don't win. How do you become such a cah?



Rant over... back to my birthday choccies  




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Early afternoon Come Dine With Me repeat.


It's the one with the Nolan woman on it and Colin Baker and Bianca Gascoigne and Nasty Nick and one guy I have no clue who he is.


I so hate that Nolan woman, she is just THE most miserable, venom spitting troll on TV at the moment. I bloomin' hope she don't win. How do you become such a cah?



Rant over... back to my birthday choccies  





Yay - She came second to last thankfully.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Pengy:

The dumplings reported my twitter friend even though they were the ones that use abusive language   they haven't reported me yet!!!


Originally Posted by Pengy:

I said I was warming to Will & Craig which I am and I hope they win - his answer: 


ha I know you took some winning over. (I had a peek at the forums). Hopefully we keep you onside!! You guys are feisty!! Ha

To both  Hi Pengy Great musings as always  

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Early afternoon Come Dine With Me repeat.


It's the one with the Nolan woman on it and Colin Baker and Bianca Gascoigne and Nasty Nick and one guy I have no clue who he is.


I so hate that Nolan woman, she is just THE most miserable, venom spitting troll on TV at the moment. I bloomin' hope she don't win. How do you become such a cah?



Rant over... back to my birthday choccies  





Yay - She came second to last thankfully.



Hi EC  


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