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Musings FIAB: 


rooms seem nice enough ooooo white lady ghostie  woooooo


doesn't seem to do much does Dennis 


not play games to put yourself in the winning situation - famous last words


Natalie is going to go hell for leather - she's a wounded bird 


cheap tacky pine furniture 


give over with the spiritual mumbo jumbo Catherine 


what's with the reluctant hug - surely it should be a peck on the cheek - awkward 


why do they pick up pubic hairs 


what a stupid mare Catherine is - why is she so overwhelmed 


enough with the yoga hippy carp I'm fed up of it 


hippies are nomming the full English so don't mind grease in their diet 


they're marking fairly mind   Natalie gives 9 out of 10 because they gave her too much for breakfast 


tomorrow's show looks like a hoot   communal bathroom 


CDWM Musings: 


Caroline is awful - snotty cah grrr 


all fur and no knickers 


OMG a comper 


savoury profiteroles 3K worth 


they look awful - not prize winning 


dessert sounds nice   but a glucose hyper if ever there was one 


Caroline is so dismissive - hope her night bombs 


Caroline shall hence forth be referred to as duck 


concrete face the cheeky mare 


what's bersalmic vinegar?  the ignorant git 


main looks lovely but I'm sure Caroline won't like it 


<small class="time"> 46s47 seconds ago</small>

I have just seen all your tweets...Thank you! !!


she's bombed with the dessert 




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