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Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Amythist:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Packet pasta , tinned peas , bought bread ....not a hoPE of winning

No but he has a winning smile and very nice hair

He has nice eyes 

 but he has ruined it with the dress

He'll never live it down in the rugby club


FIAB musings:  yours were great btw Baz 


sick to death of hearing about vegetarians 


so it's bonkers Barbs night tonight 


stately home bahahahahahaha no chance 


looks a bit scruffy from the outside 


not a bad price but the additional price of breakfast is misleading - should be included in the price grrr 


the others have sussed Barbara's game plan 


Zen in a B & B are they having a giraffe!!!! sorry Baz 


very basic rooms and bland and they've found a hair   guess the energy wasn't flowing when Barbara cleaned that room 


Mr B's home county Yorkshire 


tandems   Malcomn is a froot loop and his bint just seems to defer to what he wants 


the Welsh couple are having fun on that tandem 


Barbara subservient my backside 


they do a lot of wakes   there's money in death 


I think I'm an 8 in numerology 


why not just add the price onto the cost of the room doesn't make sense 


agree about the lack of menu 


what's the difference about having stars???


veggie sausage looked rank 


they've all fallen for Barbara as a host - bet she returns to norm tomorrow 


we're back to the debate of how can they call it bed and breakfast then charge extra for the breakfast or do they did they do a cereal/fruit option that I missed?


I agree that nick nacks are dust collectors 


doubt they'll want to go back when they work out how nasty she is 


CDWM musings:


I've attracted 2 trolls who keep trolling me on twitter because of my tweets about CDWM 


I love the way Steve talks - pot noodle off me now   do it now in a minute 


how can they expect or gauge what someone is like at cooking if they don't know them 


nope banoffee pie is so not Italian   rubbish hand action there   old fashioned whisk - I've got one of them in a draw somewhere 


surely that should have had melted butter to bind the biscuit? 


taste test from uncle Carlo 


rocket fuel wine 


yuk pre grated parmesan   smelly feet cheese 


soup boring 


I hate that expression - smash it 


what the feck is Ainsly wearing - a jumpsuit - went out in the 80s and should never ever be allowed into fashion again 


cheerleaders outfit 


must try that version of soup 


nice but dim crockettes vs courgettes 


OMG he's taken far too many short cuts - those peas look awful 


they didn't have any meaty extras because a lasagne isn't supposed to have extras except what individual families may or may not put in them 


yuk!  Hoovering in the nude 


why would you want to hoover in the nude in the first place? 


Ainsley of the silly head dresses is a pain in the posterior 


very low marks but hardly surprising 

Originally Posted by Baz:

Nice musings Pengy How is your sister ?

No surgery needed thank goth - her bowl is really inflamed and it keeps expanding and bursting or something along those lines.  She'll have to change her diet radically - no wheat and stuff like that - she should be released tomorrow or the day after 


Jamie's comfort food musings:


Oooo that cake looks yum 


Jerk ham egg and chips - interesting


the ham is chilling out    


5 scotch bonnets 


the flipping ham is going to be positively horizontal what with chilling and the amount of booze in that jerk paste 


I was thinking pineapple with it  but yes it does go together (I lubbs Pineapple) fresh that is 


chuff up the edges of your wedges 


battered up pineapple as a crude chutney   but you can keep the fried egg 


waffer!!! wafer thin 

that cake looks amazing chocolate crispies and nougat 


calorific overload   OMG I used to make them for my mammy those rice crispy cakes 


this is cake porn   


gosh his girls have grown tall   the older one Poppy really looks like her mam 


I'd eat the kebab without the chicken 


waking up the flavours of the spices 


he whizzed the mangos not wazzed them 


bubbles of joy   kiss the flatbread with hummous 


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