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I'm watching Jamie now 


you've missed my musings and they will be resuming soon as I start back to uni in a couple of weeks 


chicken kiev - bit pub grubby but hey perhaps he'll have updated it 


wow a whole bulb of garlic  looks more like a leek than a bulb of garlic 


I hate butter on it's own but I do make my own garlic butter but not with bacon in 


thank you daddy   yum green broccoli mash 


frazzling Rosemary 


I prefer my broccoli to be steamed these days 


must admit that looks lush 


spaghetti bongalei? does he mean bolognese?  obviously not 




I don't care how beautiful you think it is Jamie pop pop pop it looks rank to me 


bloomin' hell now he's getting in on the lamb gig  in a snug fitting roasting tray 


my mammy used to make gravy like that 


a good knob of butter or two but no milk   awful lot of cooking of stuff for a shepherd's pie - could do it with left overs but I wouldn't specifically cook it like that from scratch 


over too quickly - he seems to favour his son a lot over his girls which is something I thought about when he was making comments that he wouldn't stop having children till he had a boy 


anyhoo see you later for CDWM - I've not got a date with my steam press to do the ironing Bea Smith eat your heart out  




Watching this episode now.  Still recovering from Amanda of last episode.  I know I am a little late, however I just must comment on this woman.   Well she did state at the beginning she has no friends (not surprised).  However her comments re the cava made me laugh.  Champagne is a name that can only be used for wine from certain regions of France.  Cava is Spanish and many cavas are superior to many champagnes. Also often less expensive.   They are just not allowed to use the name.   If she had real taste or knowledge she would know this.  I love some cava just as I love some champagne.  I really hate pretentious snobbery when it comes to foods or wines, especially when one really hasn't a clue.


Glad the guy who won did. He was the sweetest there.  I liked the other lady ok, however she was very ignorant when it came to good food and it is after all a cooking competition. Her starter was really bad.  No cooking and oversized chunks of melon and mozzarella (which she had never tasted before, oh why oh why use food you have not tasted for a dinner party, especially a televised one?).  One of my favourite starters is a mozzarella and tomato salad with a good dressing drizzled over.  No cooking still but delicious.


As for Amanda I get the feeling that she does not get invited to dinner parties (not surprising really).  Where do they find these people?

Last edited by Lili
Originally Posted by Pengy:

I'm watching Jamie now 


you've missed my musings and they will be resuming soon as I start back to uni in a couple of weeks 


chicken kiev - bit pub grubby but hey perhaps he'll have updated it 


wow a whole bulb of garlic  looks more like a leek than a bulb of garlic 


I hate butter on it's own but I do make my own garlic butter but not with bacon in 


thank you daddy   yum green broccoli mash 


frazzling Rosemary 


I prefer my broccoli to be steamed these days 


must admit that looks lush 


spaghetti bongalei? does he mean bolognese?  obviously not 




I don't care how beautiful you think it is Jamie pop pop pop it looks rank to me 


bloomin' hell now he's getting in on the lamb gig  in a snug fitting roasting tray 


my mammy used to make gravy like that 


a good knob of butter or two but no milk   awful lot of cooking of stuff for a shepherd's pie - could do it with left overs but I wouldn't specifically cook it like that from scratch 


over too quickly - he seems to favour his son a lot over his girls which is something I thought about when he was making comments that he wouldn't stop having children till he had a boy 


anyhoo see you later for CDWM - I've not got a date with my steam press to do the ironing Bea Smith eat your heart out  



From previous programmes, I would say he adores his girls and they him. Maybe we'll get to see him interacting with the girls in the next episodes.


Originally Posted by Lili:

Watching this episode now.  Still recovering from Amanda of last episode.  I know I am a little late, however I just must comment on this woman.   Well she did state at the beginning she has no friends (not surprised).  However her comments re the cava made me laugh.  Champagne is a name that can only be used for wine from certain regions of France.  Cava is Spanish and many cavas are superior to many champagnes. Also often less expensive.   They are just not allowed to use the name.   If she had real taste or knowledge she would know this.  I love some cava just as I love some champagne.  I really hate pretentious snobbery when it comes to foods or wines, especially when one really hasn't a clue.


Glad the guy who won did. He was the sweetest there.  I liked the other lady ok, however she was very ignorant when it came to good food and it is after all a cooking competition. Her starter was really bad.  No cooking and oversized chunks of melon and mozzarella (which she had never tasted before, oh why oh why use food you have not tasted for a dinner party, especially a televised one?).  One of my favourite starters is a mozzarella and tomato salad with a good dressing drizzled over.  No cooking still but delicious.


As for Amanda I get the feeling that she does not get invited to dinner parties (not surprising really).  Where do they find these people?

 Looks like we are all agreed on the horrible Amanda.

Good to see you posting again, Lilli.


Oh my, glad not at this dinner party.  I mean really discussing football.  zzzz


The worst thing, apart from perhaps chicken, to under cook is pork.  I am amazed Polly didn't see the blood on the plates.  Also I didn't like the comment she made re the first menu when it came to the crab.  She said oh you just boil it don't you and seemed unimpressed.  Then at the table she said was her first time eating crab (or was it lobster I forget).  What is that all about?


I liked the first menu by Linda and I feel two of them Polly and Joe under scored her with their six.  Tactical.  Not keen on Joe so far.  I think he would rub me up the wrong way. 


Watching the final two now.


Ok I watched and although I do not mind Chris winning, I still think my favourite menu was Linda.  Saw a couple of comments re her here and was expecting her to be not so nice.  However I personally thought she was ok.  I think Polly was a little mean with some of her comments though especially after poor Chris, who was gutted, slightly overcooked their steaks.  A bit of a cheek considering her disaster.  Also rather aggressive when Linda commented re her hiccups.   I did see a generation gap though as Linda was the older lady.  I think she handled it all well though.


Far too much testosterone at that table though for me.  Chest beating bores me

Last edited by Lili

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