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I was too tired to do my musings last night so here they are this afternoon 




Barry from Eastenders 


can't wait for Adam's night 


control freak - yep ever so slightly   but keylime pie 


I thought she was going to run of topping for that keylime pie she splogged so much in that first glass 


smoked salmon meh!  Adam will find a problem with that   Oh dear last night's host don't do fish and neither does Russell 


you might give yourself 10 but I very much doubt any of the others will 


entertainment shouldn't feature in this competition - I've yet to go to a dinner party where I've been asked to take part in anything remotely entertaining 


rack of lamb is safe but it depends on how she does it   soggy soggy soggy what's he on?


does she really think she can sing? 


Milo is sitting behind me snoring like a pig in my ear - do I disturb him by shouting shut up or leave him???? 


We always seem to have Colin and his harridan wife as a  mid break advert   



my ears are bleeding with her singing  


Russell's jokes are awful 


why do they have to make a big deal about not eating something - shove it round the plate and shut up 


I like samphire 


Adam does know his food? Or is it a case of him wanting the others to think he knows his food? 


I've come to the decision I don't like either of the boys 


I do agree with Adam on that - I don't like singing sitting at the table 


main seems to have gone down well except for the boys of course 


I do like tonight's host the best of this lot - hope she scores well and wins but the others are going to be tactical (boys) and deliberately mark her lowly 


what is Russell's fascination with the word soggy? 


surprise surprise Adam doesn't like the pudding 


decent enough marks - hope it's enough for her to win  and I hope she doesn't turn 


Coach Trip:


Why don't they ever go to Ireland on Coach Trip? They only ever seem to go to mainland Europe or Turkey lurkey or Tunisia????? 


I really detest James and Tom   I don't like the sisters either Emily and Annabelle 


Chambery to milk cows 


the gay guys seem miffed that Annabelle was chosen by Brendan as the substitute guide  may pretend they're happy for her but they're not 


oh dear Mark setting up the target for his back as if it wasn't already there 


awww gotta love the Paul 


they're from a patisserie you doughnut not Greggs the bakers of course they're more expensive 


and in case anyone missed it they spent 48 euros on cakes 


ha ha Faneeee the cow how utterly hilarious - will it not eat me  


they're not very good at this task   the gay guys are making a meal out of it 


James and Tom are so rude and I bet they think they're intelligent and funny 


Brendan in that gown on the bed   Oooo a fractured rib  to be honest I thought he was putting it on a bit   they don't bind/put vests on ribs here - it's preferred that you just get on with life with a nice amount of painkillers 


^ for Brendan 



Oooo Micro-lighting 


I was waiting for someone to shout OMG    


I really can't see how they don't notice that James and Tom are every bit as bad if not worse than Mark and Kelly????   <---- emphasising my point 


ha ha ha they can only just about get off with that guy 


the newbies are sheep following the others 


(ermmm maybe a bit cruel but you are thick and dumb Emily or you're doing a very good impression of it) 


white wash for Mark and Kelly - no surprise there really, it was just a case of when not if 


James and Tom really need to go next 


Ooo they're gonna start turning on each other now   but what's with the new couple having to be carted off to hospital already???? 



see you later 







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