Well .....here goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen
Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.
A definition of psychological bullying
Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.
Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home | Suite101.com http://suite101.com/article/ps...a32942#ixzz2607d2xg8
IMO - that supports Coleens claim.
That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't
and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.
I like others have our opinions about each and every HM in the house but your tone here, suggests to me we are at fault somehow for feeling this way..Who are any of us to judge on how a person expresses how they feel about certain HM's?
As I have said before, opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one..