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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Well goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen


Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.


A definition of psychological bullying


Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.

Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home |



IMO - that supports Coleens claim.


That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't

and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.

I like others have our opinions about each and every HM in the house but your tone here, suggests to me we are at fault somehow for feeling this way..Who are any of us to judge on how a person expresses how they feel about certain HM's?

As I have said before, opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Well goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen


Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.


A definition of psychological bullying


Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.

Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home |



IMO - that supports Coleens claim.


That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't

and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.

I like others have our opinions about each and every HM in the house but your tone here, suggests to me we are at fault somehow for feeling this way..Who are any of us to judge on how a person expresses how they feel about certain HM's?

As I have said before, opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one..

I agree Senora - I'm not suggesting anyone is at fault for feeling different to me - I have said I tell it as I see it - I know not everyone sees it that way. The funny thing is I do feel that I have been made to feel at fault for expressing a different opinion. I guess it works both ways.

Soozy Woo

Coleen isn't blameless in this. I very much doubt that Julie would have made such a big deal out of the whole pie incident if, beforehand, Coleen hadn't gleefully come out with "I'm going to enjoy this, pie-ing Bet Lynch" or words to that effect!

It may have been a task, but how would you feel if you overheard someone say stuff like that?


Amythist has it spot on with her post in this thread. It comes down to rivalry, not bullying. Coleen complained she didn't know what her role was in the house, that's because Julie took the role she wanted and she didn't know how to deal with it.

I'd think better of Coleen if she hadn't played the bully/victim card.


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Well goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen


Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.


A definition of psychological bullying


Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.

Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home |



IMO - that supports Coleens claim.


That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't

and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.

I like others have our opinions about each and every HM in the house but your tone here, suggests to me we are at fault somehow for feeling this way..Who are any of us to judge on how a person expresses how they feel about certain HM's?

As I have said before, opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one..

I agree Senora - I'm not suggesting anyone is at fault for feeling different to me - I have said I tell it as I see it - I know not everyone sees it that way. The funny thing is I do feel that I have been made to feel at fault for expressing a different opinion. I guess it works both ways.

That is a shame you feel like that, I do feel it is unfair that anyone should feel uneasy about expressing thier own opinions on HM's on here..And agreed, like you I tell it as I see it..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen isn't blameless in this. I very much doubt that Julie would have made such a big deal out of the whole pie incident if, beforehand, Coleen hadn't gleefully come out with "I'm going to enjoy this, pie-ing Bet Lynch" or words to that effect!

It may have been a task, but how would you feel if you overheard someone say stuff like that?


Amythist has it spot on with her post in this thread. It comes down to rivalry, not bullying. Coleen complained she didn't know what her role was in the house, that's because Julie took the role she wanted and she didn't know how to deal with it.

I'd think better of Coleen if she hadn't played the bully/victim card.


Good points, and I tend to agree, all this Coleen v Julie business was more about female rivalry than bullying..

Senora Reyes

does 'bullying' come down  to some one not liking you now?


Coleen needs to get over herself, not everyone is going to like her and that is  a personal preference , not bullying.


i didnt have much time for julie but Coleen is  trying to make some  thing out of  pretty much nothing.


the show's over love, move on.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

Coleen isn't blameless in this. I very much doubt that Julie would have made such a big deal out of the whole pie incident if, beforehand, Coleen hadn't gleefully come out with "I'm going to enjoy this, pie-ing Bet Lynch" or words to that effect!

It may have been a task, but how would you feel if you overheard someone say stuff like that?


Amythist has it spot on with her post in this thread. It comes down to rivalry, not bullying. Coleen complained she didn't know what her role was in the house, that's because Julie took the role she wanted and she didn't know how to deal with it.

I'd think better of Coleen if she hadn't played the bully/victim card.


She said I bet everyone would love to pie Bet Lunch or words to that effect, she said it for Julie and others to hear..Julie replied with I heard that..Julie made more out of it than it was, it was a flippant joke but Julie made out her teeth were nearly knocked out and went on to a few HM's about this lie, turning others against Coleen until they realised what Julie was like for themselves....

Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

If memory serves me right after she said the infamous pie line, she finished off by saying "I enjoyed that"..Although it was not done with no force whatsoever, there was a malicious intention behind it..

Coleen had an obvious agenda against Julie, feeding off negative stories she had heard from her sisters and her mates..In other words she judged Julie on other people's say so.

Coleen did the same with Samantha,she judged Sam on her articles and it turned out, Coleen hadn't even read them! Despite telling other HM's she had!


In some ways Coleen's behaviour has backfired in other ways it didn't she finished 2nd, she should be proud of that achievement, rather than harping on about her "feud" with Julie..It is getting old and boring..

Senora Reyes
Sorry Señora , but if I got to pie David Tennant or JR , I would probably say the same thing afterwards As for Coleen judging Julie from secondhand information , well isn't that exactly what we are doing here ? A lot of the judgements being made are being done so based on what people have read in mags and newspapers ... In reality none of us know the celebs we form views about , but it doesn't stop us ... It's human nature
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

Exactly Baz and I think Julies problem stemmed from when Coleen was walking down the stairs and Julian said to the others, something like hush here's a very famous celebrity..Julie probably turned green at that very point....


If you look at the nominations it was not only Julie that nominated her .Harvey /Ash/ Sam /Martin all nommed her.The word sly was used to describe her and she was called vile by Harvey.In the God/Mortal task Harvey said to "Nana" that he was right about Colleen since day one,she moved form group to group gossiping to others,Ash nominated her for that very reason.

Colleen was worried when she found out that the Gods had been listening and watching her,she was like a Rabbit caught in a headlight,thinking her game was up.

Harvey was against Colleen up until they heard Julie getting booed it was then and only then that HAM embraced Colleen,and you have to remember Colleen disliked and had nothing in common with the Situation nomming every time up to that point.

Julie had her faults and there were many but to listen to Colleen play the victim and play the bully card is pathetic,she could have challenged Julie about her behaviour at any time because we watched Colleen speak often about Julie ,she certainly  had no fear of expressing her opinion of Julie  to anyone that would listen.Colleen is also a  grown ass woman who could have left the house at anytime.As a agony aunt I do question her ability to advise others.

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

Exactly Baz and I think Julies problem stemmed from when Coleen was walking down the stairs and Julian said to the others, something like hush here's a very famous celebrity..Julie probably turned green at that very point....

It was Julie who said "Here comes the nations sweetheart" Colleen found that odd and made an assumption about Julie based on that comment  

(thats from Colleen's mouth)



Sorry but that going from group to group stirring does'nt wash with me..where I come from its actually called getting on with people and the ones that nommed her had had Nana poison straight down their ears until Harvey and the prince heard her ranting to her private hair dresser in her private bathroon next to the gym slagging them all off....

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

Exactly Baz and I think Julies problem stemmed from when Coleen was walking down the stairs and Julian said to the others, something like hush here's a very famous celebrity..Julie probably turned green at that very point....

It was Julie who said "Here comes the nations sweetheart" Colleen found that odd and made an assumption about Julie based on that comment  

(thats from Colleen's mouth)


Julie may have said that but I did'nt hear it, I'm saying what Julian said....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

Exactly Baz and I think Julies problem stemmed from when Coleen was walking down the stairs and Julian said to the others, something like hush here's a very famous celebrity..Julie probably turned green at that very point....

It was Julie who said "Here comes the nations sweetheart" Colleen found that odd and made an assumption about Julie based on that comment  

(thats from Colleen's mouth)


Julie may have said that but I did'nt hear it, I'm saying what Julian said....

I didn't hear Julian say that

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Exactly Stonks And whatever anyone's point of view , I feel people are missing the point. Coleen didn't say she wanted to pie Julie Goodyear , she said Bet Lynch ! It would be like me saying I had the chance to pie Dr Who ! It was said as a joke , but Julie chose to use it ( and its supposed force!) maliciously to denigrate and isolate Coleen to /from the rest of the group. In my day that was called * picking on people * ... Call it what you will nowadays

Exactly Baz and I think Julies problem stemmed from when Coleen was walking down the stairs and Julian said to the others, something like hush here's a very famous celebrity..Julie probably turned green at that very point....

It was Julie who said "Here comes the nations sweetheart" Colleen found that odd and made an assumption about Julie based on that comment  

(thats from Colleen's mouth)


Julie may have said that but I did'nt hear it, I'm saying what Julian said....

I didn't hear Julian say that

Well I did....and its probably out there somewhere in cyberland for people to rummage through....

Being called vile by Harvey is a plus in my opinion Erinp As I said in (I think) my very first post , Coleen was certainly overplaying her hand in the last week ... And who knows , if they had been in there for another week she might have earned a place on my grrrr list But let's be honest , judgements are often made before HMs even entered the House , and therefore human nature says that has to colour interpretations on what HMs said, did or didn't do in there
Originally Posted by erinp:

We agree to disagree Baz .Julie has moved on, so should Colleen but I doubt she will

I am so over the pathetic female.

Me too erin  


She's a big wean  


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by erinp:

We agree to disagree Baz .Julie has moved on, so should Colleen but I doubt she will

I am so over the pathetic female.

Me too erin  


She's a big wean  


Hope you are well

Originally Posted by erinp:

We agree to disagree Baz .Julie has moved on, so should Colleen but I doubt she will

I am so over the pathetic female.

TBH erinp i think they've all moved on..they all did an interview days ago for the Star..thats even if they did that and it was'nt just titbits taken from the show....

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Can I just ask if cream pie-ing David Tennant is a euphamism?


Only if you word it as follows:


"I would love to rub my creamy pie all over David Tennants face"

Originally Posted by erinp:

We agree to disagree Baz .Julie has moved on, so should Colleen but I doubt she will

I am so over the pathetic female.

I think you need to move on as well before you have a heart attack about it it's a game show and it's over now, i'm sure Julie would say she was picked on by Coleen to if someone offered her enough money for the interview

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Can I just ask if cream pie-ing David Tennant is a euphamism?


Only if you word it as follows:


"I would love to rub my creamy pie all over David Tennants face"

I knew I could rely on you cinds 


*says nothing*

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by erinp:

We agree to disagree Baz .Julie has moved on, so should Colleen but I doubt she will

I am so over the pathetic female.

TBH erinp i think they've all moved on..they all did an interview days ago for the Star..thats even if they did that and it was'nt just titbits taken from the show....

or even.. heaven forbid... made up?

Originally Posted by erinp:

If you look at the nominations it was not only Julie that nominated her .Harvey /Ash/ Sam /Martin all nommed her.The word sly was used to describe her and she was called vile by Harvey.In the God/Mortal task Harvey said to "Nana" that he was right about Colleen since day one,she moved form group to group gossiping to others,Ash nominated her for that very reason.

Colleen was worried when she found out that the Gods had been listening and watching her,she was like a Rabbit caught in a headlight,thinking her game was up.

Harvey was against Colleen up until they heard Julie getting booed it was then and only then that HAM embraced Colleen,and you have to remember Colleen disliked and had nothing in common with the Situation nomming every time up to that point.

Julie had her faults and there were many but to listen to Colleen play the victim and play the bully card is pathetic,she could have challenged Julie about her behaviour at any time because we watched Colleen speak often about Julie ,she certainly  had no fear of expressing her opinion of Julie  to anyone that would listen.Colleen is also a  grown ass woman who could have left the house at anytime.As a agony aunt I do question her ability to advise others.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Sezit:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Julian was wonderful!  Can we all agree on that?

yes he was Yogi.


Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Julian was wonderful!  Can we all agree on that?

Yay, we are in agreement!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Lol... No ... I said he was OK

There's always one - and it's usually YOU!

  yep!   (I find her quite intimidating you know.... )

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Lol... No ... I said he was OK

There's always one - and it's usually YOU!

  yep!   (I find her quite intimidating you know.... )

I'm no feart.


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