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Coleen Nolan with our own Ed Gleave
ABOVE: Coleen Nolan with our own Ed Gleave
I felt intimidated – it didn’t matter what I did, she ­never would have liked me

Coleen Nolan

9th September 2012

By Daily Star reporter

EMOTIONAL Coleen Nolan has told how the bullying tactics of Julie Goodyear took her to the verge of a nervous ­breakdown.

Millions of viewers saw the Loose woman star, 47, struggle to cope after she clashed with the Corrie legend in the house.


And in her first interview since coming second in Friday’s final, Coleen also said she:


• Feels Julie’s nightmare behaviour ruined her time on the show


• Was constantly intimidated by the actress’ antics


• Feared she would crack up because she felt so alone.


Coleen proved a massive hit with fans of the Channel 5 show and was the only woman to make the final.


But claiming Julie, 70, put her through hell, Coleen told the Daily Star  Sunday: “She did bully me and it ruined my experience completely.


“Bullying is a big word but the fact is she had a clever, manipulative and sneaky way of playing the game.


“I felt intimidated – it didn’t matter what I did, she ­never would have liked me.


“At some points I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.


“I’ve never felt like that before but it was such a tough environment.


“What hurt me was I didn’t know why – I’d never met her or been nasty to her. I feel sad for her that she’s like that at her age.”


Mum-of-three Coleen broke down in tears in the house after she struggled to form close friendships with the other housemates.


She said: “There were times when I felt so alone. I didn’t know what my  role was in the house. Everyone else was in groups. I found it so  mentally hard.”


Coleen’s feud with Julie kept viewers gripped and the  programme, which started last month, pulled in bumper ratings.


Before entering the house, the Blackpool-born star vowed to confront anyone who clashed with her.


But Coleen said: “You can’t discuss things with ­ someone who isn’t going  to be honest. If I had confronted Julie it would have only made an  atmosphere.


“If she had really gone for me I would have gone back at her. But only if  she’d been nasty. She wasn’t, though, and that was almost worse.


“It was a real shame that we didn’t get along.


“She was such an actress. She went beyond the fakeness and I hated that. It made me feel very insecure.”


Coleen also blasted Julie for refusing to help out. She said: “She never did  anything. She never made a drink or cooked or washed a dish – not even  her own breakfast. If anyone else did that they’d get nominated.


“She kept saying she was disabled but then she’d tell me about how she does all the shopping at home and does all the cooking.”


Coleen said her Loose Women co-star Denise Welch was dealing with a string of  personal problems when she entered the CBB house back in January.


She said: “I’m nothing like Denise in that I went in there pretty sane and  with no problems or issues. It must have been even harder for her  because of that.


“She wasn’t in a happy place when she went in. And she is more extrovert  than me. She does flash her boobs left, right and centre and loves a  drink.


“I can have a laugh but I don’t want to be really crude with it. I don’t  find it funny, especially when it’s an older woman with kids. It’s not  classy.”


‘Julie did bully me and it ruined my experience‘

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bullying my arse!!

I'm fed up of this word being bandied around - its soooo easy.

Never liked Colleen  -  she has this victim mentality.


Agree ERIN - she could have walked - she could of complained.

But not when it can wait for a newspaper headline.


Doesn't she realise she is ruining BB - the show she watches and the show that's just made her much richer.



Julie wasn't a bully, she was just a vile self-centred old trout, who thinks the world revolves around her, seeing as she is 'a 70 year old disabled pensioner' (just in case you forgot).


Colleen, is (or seems to like playing) a victim.


End of, hopefully, they'll both go home and leave our TV viewing alone.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Julie wasn't a bully, she was just a vile self-centred old trout, who thinks the world revolves around her, seeing as she is 'a 70 year old disabled pensioner' (just in case you forgot).


Colleen, is (or seems to like playing) a victim.


End of, hopefully, they'll both go home and leave our TV viewing alone.


Maybe I'm wrong but I thought a definition of the word bully means the bully verbally confronts the person or is physical with the person. Unless they cut it out I never saw Julie confront her verbally or physically. She said things behind her back, as she did about others there. Why did Coleen need to be liked so much by Julie, I think that's something she needs to ask herself.

Yellow Rose

Well goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen


Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.


A definition of psychological bullying


Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.

Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home |



IMO - that supports Coleens claim.


That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't

and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree Soozy .... Julie tried very hard to isolate Coleen in the first week or so ....And she was succeeding until she overplayed her hand during the God's task!

Thank you Baz 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Bullied in any way shape or form my arse!'s a sad day when tripe like this is all Nolan has in her armoury.


She's an utter laughing stock.


Originally Posted by erinp:


Coleen Nolan with our own Ed Gleave
ABOVE: Coleen Nolan with our own Ed Gleave
I felt intimidated – it didn’t matter what I did, she ­never would have liked me

Coleen Nolan

9th September 2012

By Daily Star reporter

EMOTIONAL Coleen Nolan has told how the bullying tactics of Julie Goodyear took her to the verge of a nervous ­breakdown.

Millions of viewers saw the Loose woman star, 47, struggle to cope after she clashed with the Corrie legend in the house.


And in her first interview since coming second in Friday’s final, Coleen also said she:


• Feels Julie’s nightmare behaviour ruined her time on the show


• Was constantly intimidated by the actress’ antics


• Feared she would crack up because she felt so alone.


Coleen proved a massive hit with fans of the Channel 5 show and was the only woman to make the final.


But claiming Julie, 70, put her through hell, Coleen told the Daily Star  Sunday: “She did bully me and it ruined my experience completely.


“Bullying is a big word but the fact is she had a clever, manipulative and sneaky way of playing the game.


“I felt intimidated – it didn’t matter what I did, she ­never would have liked me.


“At some points I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.


“I’ve never felt like that before but it was such a tough environment.


“What hurt me was I didn’t know why – I’d never met her or been nasty to her. I feel sad for her that she’s like that at her age.”


Mum-of-three Coleen broke down in tears in the house after she struggled to form close friendships with the other housemates.


She said: “There were times when I felt so alone. I didn’t know what my  role was in the house. Everyone else was in groups. I found it so  mentally hard.”


Coleen’s feud with Julie kept viewers gripped and the  programme, which started last month, pulled in bumper ratings.


Before entering the house, the Blackpool-born star vowed to confront anyone who clashed with her.


But Coleen said: “You can’t discuss things with ­ someone who isn’t going  to be honest. If I had confronted Julie it would have only made an  atmosphere.


“If she had really gone for me I would have gone back at her. But only if  she’d been nasty. She wasn’t, though, and that was almost worse.


“It was a real shame that we didn’t get along.


“She was such an actress. She went beyond the fakeness and I hated that. It made me feel very insecure.”


Coleen also blasted Julie for refusing to help out. She said: “She never did  anything. She never made a drink or cooked or washed a dish – not even  her own breakfast. If anyone else did that they’d get nominated.


“She kept saying she was disabled but then she’d tell me about how she does all the shopping at home and does all the cooking.”


Coleen said her Loose Women co-star Denise Welch was dealing with a string of  personal problems when she entered the CBB house back in January.


She said: “I’m nothing like Denise in that I went in there pretty sane and  with no problems or issues. It must have been even harder for her  because of that.


“She wasn’t in a happy place when she went in. And she is more extrovert  than me. She does flash her boobs left, right and centre and loves a  drink.


“I can have a laugh but I don’t want to be really crude with it. I don’t  find it funny, especially when it’s an older woman with kids. It’s not  classy.”


‘Julie did bully me and it ruined my experience‘

Biggest load of tripe I've ever read..Just in the same way she has regurgitated her relationship with Shane Ritchie over the years,misery guts has found a new person to vent her misery on..I love the fact that Shane has always kept his counsel, in relation to anything this poisonous no mark has to say..One word sums up Coleen Nolan...BITTER!

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by erinp:

Rhian was the one  bullied in that house

Amen! Precisely, I would have had a little respect for Coleen if she had brought that to the attention of masses, instead the baloney she has said in the above article..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Well goes. I do think she was psychlogically bullied by Julie TBH. In the first 7/10 days when everyone was fawning round Julie she cobstantly told them that Coleen was a pot stirrer, she was awful, she was a two faced b**stard, she had hit her so hard with a pie she almost knocked her teeth out. Julie had everyone fawning over her and never missed an opportunity to bad mouth coleen


Coleen had Cheryl and that was it and then she was evicted. I know others don't agree - that's how it goes but Julie was working hard to isolate Coleen - that to me is bullying. it culminated in the sloppy horrible kiss and pawing at her boobs - horrible.


A definition of psychological bullying


Examples of psychological bullying and social manipulation include: ostracizing or ignoring peers, not inviting them to join groups or activities, spreading lies or rumors, name calling, and teasing hurtfully. Psychological bullying can happen in the classroom or schoolyard – and it can also happen at home or work.

Read more at Suite101: The Emotional Effects of Psychological Bullying: Peer Victimization at School, at Work, and at Home |



IMO - that supports Coleens claim.


That's my take on it but I know we all see things differently. Maybe a lot of the difference is down to the fact that I have always liked Coleen whilst others haven't

and let their preconceived judgements colour what was happening in the house.


Originally Posted by Baz:
I agree Soozy .... Julie tried very hard to isolate Coleen in the first week or so ....And she was succeeding until she overplayed her hand during the God's task!
I totally agree with both of you ^^^^^  and so did the majority of voters when she was voted runner up,It couldn't have all been her family  and Julie was voted out because of her psychological bullying of Coleen so we'll all have to agree to disagree.

I still don't feel convinced that Coleen was bullied - but maybe it's because of my understanding of the word. She may have felt isolated but early on a few felt that as it took time for bonds to develop. It's not that I disliked Coleen, there's definately people who've been in BB or CBB that I've disliked far more that's for sure  The problem seems to have stemmed from when Julie nominated her in the first nom, that seemed to throw her and she didn't seem to recover from that. Mike also nommed her that week but she didn't seem to have the same problem with him. Personally I still feel Coleen has a deep seated problem with what she feels is rejection, but, just a personal opinion

Yellow Rose

I think Coleen is being disingenuous when she says she has no idea what she did to Julie.   Her sister was on BotS with a HUGE axe to grind about previous history with Julie and citing her well known reputation for being a bitch.  You're not telling me that Coleen went in there thinking they were going to be bezzie mates.


  Totally agree with you Suzy and as has been said here many times before, don't believe everything you read in The Star.  

I treat the word Bully very carefully but everything in your Quote happened me last year and I will never get over it.  People who have a warped sense of their own importance can get away with anything.  


Coleen went into the house with an axe to grind against Julie - thanks to her rather bitter sister, Linda.

In the early days the others HMs didn't agree with Coleen's take on Julie, despite the little bombs of poison she would drop into conversations. Her percieved sense of isolation and frustration stemmed from her failed attempts to turn the other HMs against Julie.

IMO, Coleen was the person who had a campaign against Julie from the moment she entered the house (and moreso after the first nominations). In addition, Coleen couldn't contain her glee when the others turned on Julie, and her sniping and bitching about Julie bordered on obsessional.

Furthermore, I think the only reason Coleen came second, was a result of an anti-Julie backlash and certainly not because viewers thought she had been bullied.

I think Coleen's suggestion that she was bullied does a great disservice to other people who genuinely have been bullied, and I'm sick to death of the woman playing the victim.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Coleen went into the house with an axe to grind against Julie - thanks to her rather bitter sister, Linda.

In the early days the others HMs didn't agree with Coleen's take on Julie, despite the little bombs of poison she would drop into conversations. Her percieved sense of isolation and frustration stemmed from her failed attempts to turn the other HMs against Julie.

IMO, Coleen was the person who had a campaign against Julie from the moment she entered the house (and moreso after the first nominations). In addition, Coleen couldn't contain her glee when the others turned on Julie, and her sniping and bitching about Julie bordered on obsessional.

Furthermore, I think the only reason Coleen came second, was a result of an anti-Julie backlash and certainly not because viewers thought she had been bullied.

I think Coleen's suggestion that she was bullied does a great disservice to other people who genuinely have been bullied, and I'm sick to death of the woman playing the victim.

 Totally agree 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Coleen went into the house with an axe to grind against Julie - thanks to her rather bitter sister, Linda.

In the early days the others HMs didn't agree with Coleen's take on Julie, despite the little bombs of poison she would drop into conversations. Her percieved sense of isolation and frustration stemmed from her failed attempts to turn the other HMs against Julie.

IMO, Coleen was the person who had a campaign against Julie from the moment she entered the house (and moreso after the first nominations). In addition, Coleen couldn't contain her glee when the others turned on Julie, and her sniping and bitching about Julie bordered on obsessional.

Furthermore, I think the only reason Coleen came second, was a result of an anti-Julie backlash and certainly not because viewers thought she had been bullied.

I think Coleen's suggestion that she was bullied does a great disservice to other people who genuinely have been bullied, and I'm sick to death of the woman playing the victim.

Brilliantly articulated, and exactly my take on the situation..I also think it pretty pathetic of Coleen and her sister to air whatever dirty laundry they have with Julie in public, it shows a distinct lack of class..Coleen is bordering on the ridiculous now, and I struggle to believe anything that comes out of her bitter and twisted mouth... Lest we forget, playing the victim has served her well, in terms of launching her TV career..But oh wait, she's not got a job at  the moment has she?

Senora Reyes
I came to CBB with no real preconceived ideas about either Julie or Coleen , except for not particularly liking Bet Lynch in Corrie or Coleen in DOI. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , but I can only base mine on what I saw in the House , and from that standpoint I stick by my view that it was Julie who was the nasty piece of work , not Coleen. Yes, Coleen was not without fault , and she , like Julie had before her, started to overplay her hand in the last week . But from what I observed it was Julie who initially had the problem with Coleen , as she did with all the women in the House , apart from Sam! It was Julie who had the vicious tongue and foul mouth , and I can quite well imagine how intimidating it must have been being locked in there with her, especially while she had the Bruvs on her side ! And as for that disgusting slobber and grope she did, well I would have decked the woman , disabled or not !

I didnt like Julie and her slobbering over Coleen either, nor did i like Harvey and his disgusting antics. But Coleen didnt complain about either, as far as i know . IMO she should have. Why she didnt i dont know, she certainly isnt the shrinking violet she would like us to think she is. 
She came 2nd, now she should be thankful and get over it. 

Originally Posted by Baz:
I came to CBB with no real preconceived ideas about either Julie or Coleen , except for not particularly liking Bet Lynch in Corrie or Coleen in DOI. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion , but I can only base mine on what I saw in the House , and from that standpoint I stick by my view that it was Julie who was the nasty piece of work , not Coleen. Yes, Coleen was not without fault , and she , like Julie had before her, started to overplay her hand in the last week . But from what I observed it was Julie who initially had the problem with Coleen , as she did with all the women in the House , apart from Sam! It was Julie who had the vicious tongue and foul mouth , and I can quite well imagine how intimidating it must have been being locked in there with her, especially while she had the Bruvs on her side ! And as for that disgusting slobber and grope she did, well I would have decked the woman , disabled or not !

^^^^ Books Baz an urgent appointment at Specsavers.


firstly - hugs to Tayts for you went through.   Must have been horrible.   


As for Coleen... let's not forget what she kept on saying when it suited her 'Big Brother is a GAME show'  If  Julie's tactics were to try to isolate who she saw as the competition, then that's what it was - tactics.    I think she's a thoroughly dislikeable person - but let's not for one second confuse the actions of some has been actress and two bit TV presenter with the very real bullying that can go on in a workplace where people have no option but to continue to go into work day after day.    

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I didnt like Julie and her slobbering over Coleen either, nor did i like Harvey and his disgusting antics. But Coleen didnt complain about either, as far as i know . IMO she should have. Why she didnt i dont know, she certainly isnt the shrinking violet she would like us to think she is. 
She came 2nd, now she should be thankful and get over it. 

I agree!


Agrees with Kaffy's post, too.

I'm in a very agreeable mood today.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

firstly - hugs to Tayts for you went through.   Must have been horrible.   


As for Coleen... let's not forget what she kept on saying when it suited her 'Big Brother is a GAME show'  If  Julie's tactics were to try to isolate who she saw as the competition, then that's what it was - tactics.    I think she's a thoroughly dislikeable person - but let's not for one second confuse the actions of some has been actress and two bit TV presenter with the very real bullying that can go on in a workplace where people have no option but to continue to go into work day after day.    

Exactly Kaffy. There is REAL bullying going on , and its very sad. Getting a few grand for sitting on your butt for a couple of weeks cant be bad. Bullying within schools is also horrific. It actually angers me that Coleen can use the word so easily to suit her storyline getting out of the house. I find it very disrespectful to those who HAVE been bullied, and unfortunately still are. I also noted that Martin wanted to make an issue of Harvey,s behaviour and how it was very disrespectful to women. It went right over Coleen,s head and she more or less said he was a boring old man. Yes a lovely woman indeed.

I guess as with all things in life it depends on your perspective ....or in this case , the Daily Star's perspective Like I said , I had nothing against Coleen ( or any of them) before they went in the House, and in Coleen's case I still had nothing much against her when she left (adjusts glasses) But , whatever the rights and wrongs , I can still see why she would have felt intimidated by Julie ( and her minions ) at the start of the series. I on the other hand , would have wiped the floor with Julie ...and the Bruvs ...right after I had washed their mouths out with soap !!!

I think Coleen would have had a good shot at julie, but Julian got in the way. Oh well, sad, but never mind 

Thats twice Baz you need to go to Specsavers, have you been yet ?  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Lol... The truth is we will never know Skylark I can only say it as I see it , and so can everyone else

Boring old world Baz if we all thought the same 


10th September 2012

By Peter Dyke

SHOCKED Coleen Nolan claims her arch rival Julie Goodyear is continuing to make her life hell.

The pair did not get on in the house and Coleen dubbed Julie the “smiling assassin”.


But runner-up Coleen hoped they could call a truce after the show. 


She said: “Julie gave me a kiss, told me she loved me and said: ‘Don’t worry love. That house causes paranoia.’


“I thought this was the end of it, but the next day I was walking around the hotel and the staff were telling me: ‘That Julie is still slagging you off.’


“I even popped into the hairdresser in the hotel and she said to me: ‘Julie was here this morning calling you a two-faced bitch.’ I had this for three weeks in that house and now it’s carrying on. It’s got to stop.”


The former Loose Women presenter, 47, said she was at a loss as to why they do not get along.


Corrie actress Julie, 70, who played Bet Lynch, was adamant there was no bad blood. She said: “Surely if she had a problem she would have said so to me.


“Why didn’t she come to me? Was she frightened? Good gracious! Of a disabled pensioner? My, my!”


seriously she is still going on about Julie.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I can see why Julie took the foul Jasmine under her wing so to speak,both foul.Mind you I  don't like the Nolan woman either.

 Julie kept Jasmine calm. Thats one woman i wouldnt like to meet!!!


soozy et al - i'm in agreement with you, the vitrol that is being thrown at colleen, in any progs i've seen and articles i've read she always comes across as a genuine person with concern for others, no pretentiousness or grandeur, where does those vindictiveness come from?? 

only a gameshow? was connor only playing a game? and caroline?

Originally Posted by machel:

soozy et al - i'm in agreement with you, the vitrol that is being thrown at colleen, in any progs i've seen and articles i've read she always comes across as a genuine person with concern for others, no pretentiousness or grandeur, where does those vindictiveness come from?? 

only a gameshow? was connor only playing a game? and caroline?

those were Coleen's words.


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