Very cold here too . Hard to believe its spring
I went to Bournemouth this weekend last year and got burnt! We had a fabulous time, went for a long cycle ride over to Sandbanks, had a picnic on the beach.
I wouldn't want to do that today!!
Nooooo! you might get frostbite
Or carted off by the men in white coats!
I went to Bournemouth this weekend last year and got burnt! We had a fabulous time, went for a long cycle ride over to Sandbanks, had a picnic on the beach.
I wouldn't want to do that today!!
Nooooo! you might get frostbite
Or carted off by the men in white coats!
Snow covered white coats
I went to Bournemouth this weekend last year and got burnt! We had a fabulous time, went for a long cycle ride over to Sandbanks, had a picnic on the beach.
I wouldn't want to do that today!!
Nooooo! you might get frostbite
Or carted off by the men in white coats!
Snow covered white coats
See! You wouldn't even see them coming.
I went to Bournemouth this weekend last year and got burnt! We had a fabulous time, went for a long cycle ride over to Sandbanks, had a picnic on the beach.
I wouldn't want to do that today!!
Nooooo! you might get frostbite
Or carted off by the men in white coats!
Snow covered white coats
See! You wouldn't even see them coming.
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
Why would we do that when we are now in the "severe weather warning this weekend" section
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
This isn't about weather in our area though
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
This isn't about weather in our area though
So tell me (becomes all haughty) you aint talking about areas in the UK?
Non . . . I mean, no?
Newcastle - no snow here yet.
Forget i said that !!!!
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
If you bothered to pay attention, you wil see that any RELEVANT posts of mine are in BOTH threads.
* Saint gets -10 for observation!*
Brrrrrrr! I was staying with friends on the Norfolk Coast this time last year and the weather was glorious. So much for this years predictions from the groundhogs!
Get all of your arses over to "Weather update in your area"
If you bothered to pay attention, you wil see that any RELEVANT posts of mine are in BOTH threads.
* Saint gets -10 for observation!*
Well . .. i've got me contacts out !!!
World-famous weather-predicting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, has found himself on the wrong side of the law.
A prosecutor in Ohio is seeking the death penalty for the rodent who wrongly predicted an early spring when he emerged from his Gobbler's Knob home in Pennsylvania on February 2.
As much of America still struggles with unseasonable temperatures and snowstorms, Butler County attorney Mike Gmoser issued his official-looking indictment.
"The offence of MISREPRESENTATION OF EARLY SPRING, is an Unclassified Felony, and against the peace and dignity of the State Of Ohio," he alleged.
Phil acted "purposely, and with prior calculation and design, (to) cause the people to believe that spring would come early," he added.
"The people further find and specify that due to the aggravating circumstances and misrepresentation to the people that the death penalty be implemented to the defendant, Punxsutawney Phil."
Phil emerges from his hole in Pennsylvania in February with good news!
The legend has it that if the rodent does not see his shadow then an early spring is on the way.
Spring officially began on Wednesday.
But the National Weather Service predicts no imminent improvement in the weather for northeastern states, with isolated snow showers expected into the middle of next week.
Mr Gmoser admits the indictment is more than a little tongue-in-cheek, but that did not stop Phil's handlers rushing to his defence.
John Griffiths declared the groundhog was innocent and would be acquitted.
He pointed to several defences, including the fact that, since February 2, there have been some spring-like temperature spikes.
Just stated on Sky New that this time last year we had the warmest March and they warned about possible drought
Yep, apparently it was 21 degrees in some places this time last year Erin
Certainly was here in London!
Snow here in NE Lincs very Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This weekend last year my son ran a half marathon and it was a nightmare cos it was so unbelievably hot.
it's still snowing here, if it was thicker we really would be snowed in