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Did anyone else Roll Eyes when Marcus said "I don't like the effect Noirin has on the chaps in the House .. it's a cock blocking feeding frenzy" because who exactly is all over Noirin but him? Kris isn't, Charlie isn't, Rodrigo isn't, Siavash isn't and nor is Freddie Disappointed.

Marcus is just so foul mouthed and disgusting. He makes me feel ill every time I look at him and as for his ridiculous vesty tops .. Sick.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

Well I say Eeker

I feel rather faint now!

(Thanks for answering)
**fans cinds**
Originally posted by Amythist:
In every other way,Marcus is very perceptive,shrewd and on the money, but when it comes to Noirin theres none so blind as cannot see.

I agree with that. He is perceptive but the way he speaks to Noirin is just too much. When he said to her "Are you in a massaging mood?" and she said "No not really" and he went " lazy bas**rd" Disappointed.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by Amythist:
In every other way,Marcus is very perceptive,shrewd and on the money, but when it comes to Noirin theres none so blind as cannot see.

I agree with that. He is perceptive but the way he speaks to Noirin is just too much. When he said to her "Are you in a massaging mood?" and she said "No not really" and he went " lazy bas**rd" Disappointed.

it's banter.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
Originally posted by Amythist:
In every other way,Marcus is very perceptive,shrewd and on the money, but when it comes to Noirin theres none so blind as cannot see.

I agree with that. He is perceptive but the way he speaks to Noirin is just too much. When he said to her "Are you in a massaging mood?" and she said "No not really" and he went " lazy bas**rd" Disappointed.

it's banter.
It's just inappropriate and unnecessary. Childish in fact old bean (just me lil ole opinion) and anyway, at the end of that convo, Marcus said "You can keep your f**ing massage" and Norin said "You don't have to be so mean about it" and she looked genuinely hurt.
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

I thought it was whispering the wrong name Rudolph

screaming it works better..
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

I thought it was whispering the wrong name Rudolph

screaming it works better..

Duly noted Rudolph
The Secretary
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

I thought there were rubber rings of varying degrees of tightness available for that sort of thing Ninja
Did anyone else when Marcus said "I don't like the effect Noirin has on the chaps in the House .. it's a cock blocking feeding frenzy" because who exactly is all over Noirin but him? Kris isn't, Charlie isn't, Rodrigo isn't, Siavash isn't and nor is Freddie .

Marcus is just so foul mouthed and disgusting. He makes me feel ill every time I look at him and as for his ridiculous vesty tops .. .

AGREE Thumbs Up He is disgusting!
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

Well I've learnt something new today Laugh

Thank goodness I'm not the only innocent here.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

i thought it was when a bloke's friend interferes with his chances of getting off with a woman BB interupting Marcus when he's in full chat up Noirin mode Sick

Thats what I thought too...when a guy is being block from making advances to someone by others(either male or female). Glance
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

i thought it was when a bloke's friend interferes with his chances of getting off with a woman BB interupting Marcus when he's in full chat up Noirin mode Sick
I actually thought it was the girls friend preventing the guy from getting to the girl...
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
I actually thought it was the girls friend preventing the guy from getting to the girl...

well it's either sex doing the prevention really...the important bit is that someone is stopping somebody else from copping off Big Grin
LaughMust be painful to the guys
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

Well I've learnt something new today Laugh

Thank goodness I'm not the only innocent here.
and me i didnt have a clue
He is absolutely REPULSIVE. UGH!!! cannot bear him. I keep refering to him as "Onslow" but I think actually that Onslow would find that a very derogatory remark. AND I bet HIS vest is a lot cleaner than Marcus's. I also noticed when people were talking about making anagrams from the hm's names yesterday that the word "scum" is in Marcus's name!! Enough said!! Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Cinds:
What is a cock blocking feeding frenzy anyway?

I'm so innocent sometimes.
cock blocking is getting a hard on and not being able to do anything about it, or having it interupted..

The term has a slightly different meaning among pickup artists and the like...

Cockblock - noun and verb: a person who interferes with or hinders a pickup artist's game, whether accidentally or on purpose. A cockblock can be a friend of the woman, a friend of the pickup artist, or a complete stranger.
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Did anyone else when Marcus said "I don't like the effect Noirin has on the chaps in the House .. it's a cock blocking feeding frenzy" because who exactly is all over Noirin but him? Kris isn't, Charlie isn't, Rodrigo isn't, Siavash isn't and nor is Freddie .

Marcus is just so foul mouthed and disgusting. He makes me feel ill every time I look at him and as for his ridiculous vesty tops .. .

AGREE Thumbs Up He is disgusting!

Me too Thumbs Up I think he's repulsive Sick
Yellow Rose

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