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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Eight dead now (3 in helicopter and 5 from pub) and 14 seriously injured in hospital. Several more were taken to hospital, but only had minor injuries.

Aw jeeze.. that's terrible.


Thanks to everyone who was worried about me - but I feel such a fake as I was perfectly ok and there are all those people who aren't.  (Can't say I don't feel quite touched though )

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Police confirm rescue and recovery is complete and no more casualties or bodies were found.


There are now only 12 casualties detained in hospital. Unfortunately two of them have been transferred to the Spinal Injuries Unit in the Southern General Hospital - a few miles away on the south side of the river.

There's three there EFFT .. one was transferred there on Fri night, two since.

Originally Posted by Saint:


I watched some of this and thought it was too soon!


They had a guy on there being interviewed the day after who had heard about it on the bus and just said "My dad's there i just know he's dead" a bit later in the interview they make him explain that had happen an hour earlier...... The police had asked him and his sisters to go id their dads body later that day.......


That is over stepping the mark of decency imo, that poor blokes head must ha been all over the place and to put him infront of a camera to talk about it......


I dunno was it just me who felt like that???

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Saint:


I watched some of this and thought it was too soon!


They had a guy on there being interviewed the day after who had heard about it on the bus and just said "My dad's there i just know he's dead" a bit later in the interview they make him explain that had happen an hour earlier...... The police had asked him and his sisters to go id their dads body later that day.......


That is over stepping the mark of decency imo, that poor blokes head must ha been all over the place and to put him infront of a camera to talk about it......


I dunno was it just me who felt like that???

I watched the BBC interviews, if one can call it that. IMO, shocking. These people are grieving and confused , I think the BBC overstepped the line.
I am Scottish, and my heart goes out to those who have lost family, friends etc. But terribly proud of the way the Emergency Services dealt with it, plus the love and help with ordinary folk in Glasgow. Wonderful people, they will get through this...


3 nights ago I saw a woman on the news saying she didn't know what's happened to her brother. She knew he was in the pub that night, had tried calling him many times but no answer. She was disappointed with the response she'd had from the police who suggested maybe he'd never been there but the fact she hadn't heard from him since the accident left her concerned. A few hours later it was announced another body had been found and named but I noticed it wasn't the name of her brother, Michael. Does anyone know if one of the deceased is named Michael as I keep remembering his sister and wondering what the outcome was.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

YR, none of them was called Michael - unless it was a second name.

Oh thanks Fluffs. The sister showed a pic of him, called him a gentle giant who'd help anyone and she called him Michael. I've not seen her on the news since then although I don't always watch it...I think I saw her on BBC News, I thought it might have been mentioned on Scottish tv news as a follow up story. Not sure what to think now, just hope through whatever circumstances he's safe.

Yellow Rose

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