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Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Ok Confession time.

Who else went hotfoot to the Troll tank to see if it was there


I couldn't be arsed.  Last time I was on a thread that was moved it ended up briefly in pretty much every section of this website.  I chased it around.



On a serious note, since this is a site for adults, f*ck knows why swearing is not permissible.  Who really is offended by it? 

Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Ok Confession time.

Who else went hotfoot to the Troll tank to see if it was there


I couldn't be arsed.  Last time I was on a thread that was moved it ended up briefly in pretty much every section of this website.  I chased it around.



On a serious note, since this is a site for adults, f*ck knows why swearing is not permissible.  Who really is offended by it? 

Although I have a girlie chuckle at the C word and have been known to use it on occasion myself - it is really a step too far isn't it? I have no idea why Croc was pushed to say that but ......................I have been on forums in the past where anything goes and .........................................I don't like it TBH.

Soozy Woo

Yes, it is nice to prove that we are not shockable, that nothing on earth will disturb us.

It is nice to demonstrate that we are ever so tolerant and broad-minded.

BUT it is also nice to consider the feelings of other people who may not like it in this particular setting.

We may do and say certain things in private, but that doesn't mean we can do them whenever and wherever we want.

It is not too difficult to refrain from offending others. Nor do I think it is clever or smart to offend them deliberately.

Not everyone approves. We should consider others.


Brisket, tbh I can find things that offend me on this forum - yet I am not offended by swearing.


Why would some else's offence-ometer be valued more than mine? 



I wouldn't seek to censor anyone here.



I accept that I live in a world where certain things will offend me.  And I man up and accept that!  Isn't that part of what being an adult is?  Accepting that we will allow people to express certain things that may make us feel iffy - but feel okay that they're able to state that, if that is how they think? 


In an adult environment I would have thought that anything that does not transgress any laws was okay....

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Did we get to the bottom of who/what had aroused Crocs wrath?

I`ve been thinking about this Veggie (beware...danger zone ahead


I think Croc was being funny/ironic because of Soozy`s thread about peeps being afraid to say what they think. 


I don`t believe that Croc thinks we`re a clutch of punts. I think she was hoping for a laugh but someone hit the report button. 


That`s my take on it anyway....      

Originally Posted by Scotty:


I think Croc was being funny/ironic because of Soozy`s thread about peeps being afraid to say what they think. 


I don`t believe that Croc thinks we`re a clutch of punts. I think she was hoping for a laugh but someone hit the report button. 


That`s my take on it anyway....      

If she does, she would come out and say so, she's straight like that.

I wasn't offended at all but that particular word does seem to be the one that offends more than others (of the swearing variety not the racist/sexist etc kind)


Just to be clear:

There are a very few words in the filter. No one gets banned if you say them, but the software isn't supposed to allow it to be posted.

While some of you weren't offended, some of you were, clearly. I would think that you should all be adult enough be able to refrain from using one or two words, yes?

I am rarely offended Lori, but there is something about that word, that is just unpleasant.  I wouldn't use it on here, or say the eff word... I may put 'fcuk,' but even that is rare.  I think you're crossing the line putting words like the eff word and the c-word on message forums because they are quite severe.  I have known kids suspended from school for 2 weeks for calling the teacher a c-word, but not for calling them a shit or a twat..they just get detention for that...  It's just a grotty word, and I think even the most open minded of people would agree with that.  Dont know what possessed Croc to put that post, because she didn't put anything else.  Maybe she was just having a laugh.  It was a very odd thing to put IMO.


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