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Cliff Richard's greatest contribution to mankind has been to provide Rikk from The Young Ones with one hilarious one-liner after another. Summer Holiday my arse, though I can see where you're coming from trying to oust Matt Warble from number one Issy

You know me... I don't do injustice and it isn't right that Cowell should do this year in year out.. 
I don't do injustice and it isn't right that Cowell should do this year in year out..

Eh? What injustice? It isn't down to Cowell who gets to number 1, that's down to the buying public. He releases the single on Sony and it's been the case that lately, it's always reached the top of the chart for Christmas, but he can't be blamed if people buy it or not. People can either choose to be manipulated by a television programme, or they won't. They'll either like the winning single or they don't. The same could be said for Cliff Richard releasing a Christmas single every year for ages, and his attempt this year is no different.
Eh? What injustice? It isn't down to Cowell who gets to number 1, that's down to the buying public. He releases the single on Sony and it's been the case that lately, it's always reached the top of the chart for Christmas, but he can't be blamed if people buy it or not. People can either choose to be manipulated by a television programme, or they won't. They'll either like the winning single or they don't. The same could be said for Cliff Richard releasing a Christmas single every year for ages, and his attempt this year is no different.

LOL - morning Karma..

I need to explain that more clearly. I think ( and it is very petulant of me I know) that it just isn't fair that Cowell dominates the christmas No 1 like this. Year on year we have a cover version of something or other.and it is now no big deal to get a Xmas No 1,
I felt very sorry for Joe last year when he did not get it but sadly this is how it should be. It is a cynical marketing ploy of Cowell's and it sucks.

To me this isn't just about Cliff getting to number one - it is about a really horrible disorder being brought to the forefront and getting money as well . And sad as it is, Alzheimers is very much ignored by the populace... it is not a "trendy" charity cos it is perceived to affect the old. Sadly however young people can get it too.
If people plugging Cliff and get him to No one can raise awareness for this then I have to stand behind it. Some folk on here have said that they would donate the money and not buy the single - that is fantastic!
I dslike all of his Xmas no ones but I have to say that I would love to see this happen,
Does anybody actually give a monkeys about number 1, christmas or otherwise any more?    It used to mean something when you had to sell a shedload of records to get there and was the highlight of the week waiting to hear what was number one in any given week.    I didn't think the 'charts' meant much any more .... or is it just that I'm old?     I suppose it still means they're the top seller in that week, but it takes a lot less sales.

Be very careful how you answer that btw....
*shoves udders up chest... and prepares to tell em all*

I don't care.... & rarely know who is no.1 anymore...    

however...     I don't want it to be Cliff bleedin Richard!!!    I don't care what its raising money for...  I thought, as a nation, we had got over those bleak years

I joined the "Bird is the Word for xmas no. 1" campaign weeks ago on FB...     cos my kids love it... cos of Family Guy.

I'll buy the download of it...   just so I have put my money where my mouth is.   And... anything to stop Cliff Richard from being no.1.  

I'd rather it was a Cowell christmas than that!
that it just isn't fair that Cowell dominates the christmas No 1 like this. Year on year we have a cover version of something or other.and it is now no big deal to get a Xmas No 1,

But he hasn't single-handedly banned any other record company trying to release singles solely for Christmas though, any label can put out a Christmas single if they want. Of course Sony have the advantage of the X factor coverage and hype, and it's clever marketing, but it still doesn't determine the choice of the consumer.

These days it doesn't take much to get to number 1, there's no money in single sales anyway, it's albums that make the wedge. As for last year's campaign, it was win-win cos 2009 had the biggest selling x-factor single to date thanks to the RATM campaign (and RATM are also signed to Sony).

I'm a bit confused though, cos you say you're fed up of Cowell dominating the charts with the winning X factor single year after year, but at the same time say that you felt sorry for Joe for not getting number 1 last year
I'm a bit confused though, cos you say you're fed up of Cowell dominating the charts with the winning X factor single year after year, but at the same time say that you felt sorry for Joe for not getting number 1 last year

Oh I know - it seems a bit of a contradiction. But then I heard Matt talking on radio 2 today and he seemed a nice chap so then I am thinking - oh god he will be upset if he does not get to no one either.
So I suppose I am saying that whilst I would like a different artist to get to no one  at xmas, I would feel sorry for the X factor contestants as well cos they are hyped up and promised all sorts of things, I am just convinced they are Simon Cowell's puppets.

And you are right of course - anyone can put out a xmas No one - no one seems to bother anymore. As Kathy said, it just doesn't seem to be the same anymore.

I have confused myself now. Perhaps all I really want for this is more recognition around Alzheimers and at least that will happen.

To be honest of the two, I can tolerate Matt being No one because I am convinced that he will not be a pushover for the Cowell hit factory. Good on him if that is the case.

And having backtracked I will slide gracefully from the thread..

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