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It's totally laughable, donks, isn't it?  Can't believe the Unions are trying to see if they can report him to the police.  

I read a post somewhere today (think it was on the DM websit) that said the X Factor stylists should be shot (a sentiment I have expressed myself several times of a Saturday evening)     I expect Cowell to have the old Bill tracking that person down as I type....

Originally Posted by velvet donkey: people still take him seriously?

Apparantly so! Bless Matt and Alex...they struggled to deal with his responses even though they must have known he wouldn't toe the PC would have thought the BBC would have known what to expect and maybe NOT have let them ask for his opinions on the days events of they really wanted to avoid controversy!! Or maybe they let him on there to show that they are not biased!!!!

Originally Posted by El Loro:

On the news on the radio at present, it's been announced that Clarkson has apologised, and Unison have replied that they have accepted his apology and they won't take the matter any further.

Most pathetic and insincere apology imaginable imo.

Clarkson: "happy to apologise if offence had been caused"

BBC "...on this occasion we feel the item wasn't perfectly judged. The BBC and Jeremy would like to apologise for any offence caused"

Neither acknowledge how appalling his comments were, rather, they imply that some are easily offended and it is their problem if they can't appreciate the humour.

As it happens, I can, (just,) see the humour, but, much as any of his 'humour', the underlying sentiment is true, (not that he literally means that they should be shot, I assume/hope)

And as for Cameron, the best that he can come up with is that his comments were "silly" 


But, a further point: This was broadcast well before the watershed, when the children of the strikers watching were led to understand that they should watch their parent(s) being shot/executed, and the pupils of the striking teachers and the vulnerable children who are clients of the striking social workers etc. were also led to understand that those who educate, care for and protect them should be executed for taking part in industrial action. Whilst those adults who were apparently not offended are able to appreciate the 'humour,' the same cannot be said of young children, those with certain disabilities etc. who may well have taken the comments literally.

The claims that this has incited hatred are not exaggerated imo and for some children, it will also have generated fear.

The BBC should be issuing a much more convincing apology and disciplinary action should be taken against Clarkson. How come the Ross/Brand affair caused such outrage and repercussion for them but this is not...oh, I know the answer to that!

Originally Posted by El Loro:

On the news on the radio at present, it's been announced that Clarkson has apologised, and Unison have replied that they have accepted his apology and they won't take the matter any further.

As soops said, he didn't appologise for saying what he said, Just said he was sorry that there are members of the public stupid enough to be offended by his humour!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I hadn't considered the valid points made by Ms soops. Prior to that, within my tunnel vision, and as a paid up card carrier, ex Marxist, ex trade union activist, I had felt embarrassed by the Unison spokesperson. I can't understand why anyone would take him seriously. He's just a geek, and he believes in motor cars and all that shieght, whilst imagining himself as a great comedian. I'm Tuned in to R5 and it appears that some did find it funny. I'm appalled. However, within a media that has a space for Ricky Gervais and that bloke from Glasgow, there must be a place for him too. Probably on Sky 1,2 or 3 or some other thing that no-one consumes.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I hadn't considered the valid points made by Ms soops. Prior to that, within my tunnel vision, and as a paid up card carrier, ex Marxist, ex trade union activist, I had felt embarrassed by the Unison spokesperson. I can't understand why anyone would take him seriously. He's just a geek, and he believes in motor cars and all that shieght, whilst imagining himself as a great comedian. I'm Tuned in to R5 and it appears that some did find it funny. I'm appalled. However, within a media that has a space for Ricky Gervais and that bloke from Glasgow, there must be a place for him too. Probably on Sky 1,2 or 3 or some other thing that no-one consumes.

GJ, as someone with, hopefully, a healthy SOH and an occasional taste for the 'black' variety, unfortunately this reminds me of the old adage 'there's no such thing as a joke.' The superior twonk has utter disdain for the public sector workers, he's done his mate Cameron's work well



Clarkson apparently "Happy to apologise"-Like he's doing us an effing favour!

I really cannot understand how this pathetic horse faced git is still on T.V..


I didn't for a moment intend these remarks to be taken seriously - as I believe is clear if they're seen in context," Clarkson has now said.

"If the BBC and I have caused any offence, I'm quite happy to apologise for it alongside them."

The BBC also said: "As has now been widely reported, we had many complaints about a number of Jeremy Clarkson's comments on the show.

"The One Show is a live topical programme which often reflects the day's talking points. Usually we get it right, but on this occasion we feel the item wasn't perfectly judged.

"The presenters apologised at the end of the programme to viewers who were offended by his comments and the BBC and Jeremy would like to apologise for any offence caused."

Senora Reyes

I'm not a fan of Jeremy Clarkson by any means, but I can't understand what the fuss is about.  I've  been a local government officer for 35 years, and a union member for most of that time, and really didn't find his remarks in the slightest bit offensive.  I was shocked that Unison and all the people who complained to the BBC overrreacted to such an extent.  I would be thoroughly embarrassed if I was a member of Unison. 


I don't really get it either Growly - but I've only seen a two second clip of the show, where he was obviously trying to be funny (obviously he's not everyone's idea of a comedian)       Why was he on the show?   If it was as a political commentator, then there would be case for pulling him up on his comments.. if he was there plugging something totally different and it was just conversation/his attempt at humour, I think it's a storm in a teacup tbh.   


Personally, I should be in jail for the amount of times I said a celebrity should be shot.... Clarkson should be put against a wall and riddled with bullets for crimes against the jeans industry 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I don't really get it either Growly - but I've only seen a two second clip of the show, where he was obviously trying to be funny (obviously he's not everyone's idea of a comedian)       Why was he on the show?   If it was as a political commentator, then there would be case for pulling him up on his comments.. if he was there plugging something totally different and it was just conversation/his attempt at humour, I think it's a storm in a teacup tbh.   


Personally, I should be in jail for the amount of times I said a celebrity should be shot.... Clarkson should be put against a wall and riddled with bullets for crimes against the jeans industry 

I think you've just added another 10 years to your jail term, with that remark!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I'm not sure about luck. Civil Service and Lerkal Government jobs tend to rely on what our East German comrades called, "the old certainties" They took the best scholars and looked after them. The future was contractual and predictable. If HMG starts to mess with 'em they'll end up with the sort of people employed by the baffling and abstract world of business.
Garage Joe

i don't like clarkson or his supposed "sense of humour"  and i can understand some people (and their families)  being offended. if i was in a low paid local government job worried about job security/pension etc and having marched all day in protest i wouldn't want an apology i would want him shot - not double standards either - he is in the public eye with a "job" messing around with cars swanning all over the world and paid by everyone who has a television licence, probably some of those he wants shot    rant over

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I'm not sure about luck. Civil Service and Lerkal Government jobs tend to rely on what our East German comrades called, "the old certainties" They took the best scholars and looked after them. The future was contractual and predictable. If HMG starts to mess with 'em they'll end up with the sort of people employed by the baffling and abstract world of business.

  Heaven help that local government would have to rely on people who are used to operating  on a commercial level where they are personally accountable for a budget.    It's a wonder poor uneducated oiks like me survive really.


You been deleting posts GJ or have the hamsters been eating them?

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

   Personally, I should be in jail for the amount of times I said a celebrity should be shot.... Clarkson should be put against a wall and riddled with bullets for crimes against the jeans industry 

Thing is though Kaffy, not on tele'  and at a time when their children were possiibly listening in

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

   Personally, I should be in jail for the amount of times I said a celebrity should be shot.... Clarkson should be put against a wall and riddled with bullets for crimes against the jeans industry 

Thing is though Kaffy, not on tele'  and at a time when their children were possiibly listening in

hi Supes    I realise this is an emotive issue for you but  The One Show doesn't really figure very highly in the viewing priority of the kids I know who would be too little to grasp the irony of his statement (or have it explained to them), I honestly believe the various politicians just grabbed at the statement and ran with it. (I don't think it's any different to the Brand/Ross scenario in the respect of public jumping on the complaint bandwagon either)      Don't you believe that some of the statement in the press were at best clutching at any opportunity to try to garner support and at worst (as Joe initially hinted before)  just laughable?     I actually think they've done the strikers more of a disservice than Clarkie did.     What do I know tho - I'm one of those lesser educated individuals who has had to resort to keeping the wheels of industry turning so that people actually have goods and chattels to spend their disappearing salaries on...


I effing hate Clarkson.  He is a massive prize NOB!  He is quite entitled to think that these workers need to get a life, and stop whingeing.. some people do think that.  But to say that they should be executed in front of their families was out of order imo. However, nobody should take any notice of him coz he's a twat!  

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:

I effing hate Clarkson.  He is a massive prize NOB!  He is quite entitled to think that these workers need to get a life, and stop whingeing.. some people do think that.  But to say that they should be executed in front of their families was out of order imo. However, nobody should take any notice of him coz he's a twat!  

Senora Reyes

I blame Twitter and Facebook for these types of things getting blown out of all proportion. I passed a newsagent stand today and the Clarkson story was on the front pages of some papers, is this really worthy national news?


I thought that the Ross/Brand Radio 2 scandal was funny. Sorry but can't help my sense of humour. Brand's podcasts were the best thing on Radio 2 and I still miss them.


We are going to end up so PC that we won't be able to say anything......that's what makes me sick, not throwaway comments made in jest from a silly man in double denim.

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:

I effing hate Clarkson.  He is a massive prize NOB!  He is quite entitled to think that these workers need to get a life, and stop whingeing.. some people do think that.  But to say that they should be executed in front of their families was out of order imo. However, nobody should take any notice of him coz he's a twat!  

This,he's an utter buffoon more to be laughed at than laugh with.

Originally Posted by Katerina:

I blame Twitter and Facebook for these types of things getting blown out of all proportion. I passed a newsagent stand today and the Clarkson story was on the front pages of some papers, is this really worthy national news?


I thought that the Ross/Brand Radio 2 scandal was funny. Sorry but can't help my sense of humour. Brand's podcasts were the best thing on Radio 2 and I still miss them.


We are going to end up so PC that we won't be able to say anything......that's what makes me sick, not throwaway comments made in jest from a silly man in double denim.

i'll join you on the parapets kat.


To be honest I have no idea why this man is on our tellies. He's an ignorant nerd and utterly boring. I suppose he thought he was being hilarious . OK - it was a joke but the situation that drove people to strike (and lose a days pay) is no joking matter to them. Why is he on the telly - why ask for his opinion on anything - effin boring sod.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Katerina:

I blame Twitter and Facebook for these types of things getting blown out of all proportion. I passed a newsagent stand today and the Clarkson story was on the front pages of some papers, is this really worthy national news?


I thought that the Ross/Brand Radio 2 scandal was funny. Sorry but can't help my sense of humour. Brand's podcasts were the best thing on Radio 2 and I still miss them.


We are going to end up so PC that we won't be able to say anything......that's what makes me sick, not throwaway comments made in jest from a silly man in double denim.


We were talking about brown apples and brown bananas out in the reception area at work the other day (I'm a receptionist) and have a lady of ethnic race as my placement. Someone picked us up on it after she left. What? so we can't talk about stuff like that even 


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