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Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Some more recycling on my part.

Work tomorrow  so off to bed.


Good night anyone who is around.


Ha!  not so gloating now are we Mr. E.C.?        Hope you enjoyed your long weekend... I can't wait until Easter!


No I am definitely not 


I did enjoy it and also looking forward to an extended Easter break.



But now I must depart the forum for this evening.


Nite all...

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:

hope you slept well EC

 not sure about the avvie ,very bland.I dont think Grey is your colour.


Slept OK, but woke with a very stiff neck, been painful all day.


This new avvie means something to me - although grey is a bit, well grey !

I did feel guilty for scaring you

I thought LV stood for low voltage..

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:

hope you slept well EC

 not sure about the avvie ,very bland.I dont think Grey is your colour.


Slept OK, but woke with a very stiff neck, been painful all day.


This new avvie means something to me - although grey is a bit, well grey !

I did feel guilty for scaring you

I thought LV stood for low voltage..


I was OK Erin, to be fair, I don't scare easy, in fact if you knew what one of my favourite films was (the avvie is a clue) you would know that I am OK with it. But no, in this case LV does not stand for low voltage. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Went of to google ,google is my friend

LV-426 was first introduced in the 1979 film Alien, though it is not named and is simply referred to as a "planetoid" or "ball". In the 1986 sequel Aliens, LV-426 is named. On the timeline of the official viral website for Weyland Industries, as part of the promotion for the film Prometheus, the planet's name appears on the timeline page, as officially "Acheron LV-426" bringing both names together. The planet was thought to appear in the film, but instead, the planet LV-223 was used. --Alien versus Predator Wiki > Archeron LV-426

Some say I am strange as I have never seen Alien.Star Wars. Godfather or Grease.



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