right here is THE xmas game.
It is called boy, girl,fruit, flower. You all have a piece of paper each and divide it up into 4 ( or 5 catergories).These are then titled... Boy Girl Fruit Flower.
One person then goes through the alphabet in their head - the person next to them stops and you all have to give a boys name beginning with that letter, a girl's name, a fruit and a flower.
The round is either timed or stops when the majority have finished.
score 10 points for an original answer and 5 if you share it with someone else.
Then the next person goes through the alphabet silently and the person next to them stops them and off you go with that letter.
All ages can play and it is so much fun and can cause all sorts of debates and arguments..
Of course you don't have to have those categories,.... you can have what you like... tv progs, films, books, countries, foot ball teams, counties, authors.. the list is endless.
Great fun ( despite that lengthy explanation!).