Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Could we have a thread this year to see how its going for everybody?
Are you all set for Christmas?
I wasn't that up for Christmas... but now I'm listening to R2 - [Bob Harris's R2 Christmas Country special] and decorating the tree [ and *coff*having a cheeky port ]. Feeling quite Christmassy !
What are you doing this Christmas? Are you looking forward to it?
I'm nearly there.
Still got a load of gifts to wrap but I've done more than half of them now.
Turkey & trimmings to collect from butcher on Xmas eve; veg, fruit & salad being delivered same day. I've cheated and got the veg for Xmas day pre peeled & vacuum packed (they do it for all the local hotels etc so I wasn't asking them anything outrageous).
I set the table on Christmas Eve 'cos it takes bluddy aaaaaaaaaages with so many to cater for, and when that's done then I know I'm in front of the game.
Bedrooms are all ready for those staying, house is tidy but there'll be a final tweak on Crimbo eve, and I've sorted the cook's perk and hidden it from myself
Not heard any Crimbo songs yet so it might help my HoHoHo if I stuck on something to get into the festive swing
Stress Factor = 7 but diminishing