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So this guy got his wife to take the blame when he got done for speeding.  And she grassed him up when he left her for his P.A.  But she may be in as much trouble as him!


But this 'crime' could carry a LIFE SENTENCE (perjury/fraud.)  Bit harsh don't you think?  When is the sentence going to fit the crime in this country?  You can put a cat in a microwave an kill it or rape someone; both barbaric acts, and get away with a relatively short sentence,.  The law needs bringing into into the 21st century


Views anyone?

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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Jeffery Archer was convicted in 2000 of perjury and perverting the course of justice during the 1987 libel case. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment but was release on licence half way through.That may give some idea as to the possible sentence in the event of Chris Huhne being found guilty.

Yes I remember that El Loro.  And I think he came out of nick and wrote a book about it, making more money.  Do you think us mere mortals would be able to do this?  No fear!  It makes me sick it does, how nobby people and MPs and influential people and top bankers and top executives and so on, seem to come out of everything smelling of roses.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Tommy Sheridan was done for perjury up here.He's now out on's considered a very serious offence ,much more than the initial "crime".

I wonder why it's classed as so so so serious?  A case of old fashioned laws needing to be brought up to date as has already been said. 

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Since his wife is also to face the same charges, I wonder if she now wishes she'd kept quiet.

Probably.  She is trying to make out he forced her.  But she can't prove it.

Oh dear!

I don't want to be cynical (again), but by any chance did her hubby dump her for a younger model? Is this one of those "hell hath no fury...." jobs?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Since his wife is also to face the same charges, I wonder if she now wishes she'd kept quiet.

Probably.  She is trying to make out he forced her.  But she can't prove it.

Oh dear!

I don't want to be cynical (again), but by any chance did her hubby dump her for a younger model? Is this one of those "hell hath no fury...." jobs?

Well yes it WAs a hell hath no fury job LOL  BUT the thing is Yogi, I was shocked.  Coz his wife is no oil painting, but the woman he left her for is a munter of the highest order (IMO) and NOT a younger and more attractive model at ALL.  !  I think often, when men have affairs, the other woman is often less physically attractive than the wife.  Weird.  It's like a man marries 'up,' but has a seedy affair 'down.'  In other words, when it comes to a crafty affair, men have lower standards.  Huhne's wife (with him on the left,( is plain and looks weary, but the mistress (right,) is a fugly moose imo.





Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Since his wife is also to face the same charges, I wonder if she now wishes she'd kept quiet.

Probably.  She is trying to make out he forced her.  But she can't prove it.

Oh dear!

I don't want to be cynical (again), but by any chance did her hubby dump her for a younger model? Is this one of those "hell hath no fury...." jobs?

Well yes it WAs a hell hath no fury job LOL  BUT the thing is Yogi, I was shocked.  Coz his wife is no oil painting, but the woman he left her for is a munter of the highest order and NOT a younger and more attractive model at ALL.  !  I think often, when men have affairs, the other woman is often less physically attractive than the wife.  Weird.  It's like a man marries 'up,' but has a seedy affair 'down.'  In other words, when it comes to a crafty affair, men have lower standards.  Huhne's wife (with him on the left,( is plain and looks weary, but the mistress (right,) is a fugly moose imo.





Cupcake, you do make me laugh.

Maybe looks aren't important to him, and he wants them for their minds.




I remember when this first came out and the emails were freely available to read on the net, and I think it's more perverting the course of justice that's the issue. Watching the news today it is a immediate custodial sentence of about three to six months for this sort of thing.

If my memory serves me right, she was out to dinner at the time of the offence and couldn't have possibly been driving.... or did I dream that 



oh what a tangled web  the girlfriend also boasted of how she could lobby high profile Cabinet ministers. Not a bit of wonder he begged his wife's forgiveness and she wasn't having any of it

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

oh, c'mon, we've all done it....






haven't we?



no, although I was once asked to do it for someone  I said sod off, or something very similar 


oh and I meant to add, if his wife is found guilty, the lawyers discussing it said they don't think the ones taking the blame normally receive custodial sentences 


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