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Ah wis born an' bred in Glesca'
Aye, Glesca' is ma hame
Bein' brocht up in a tenement
made me a typical Glasca' Wean

Ah didnae hae very many toys
Like the weans a' hiv the day
Ma pals were happy girls an' boys
An' there wis lots o' games tae play

We'd play at 'Cowboys an' Indians'
We played at 'Hide an' seek'
When we coonted tae 100 nice an' fast
An' ye wirnae allowed tae peek.

Then we'd tie some string thre' two tin cans
An' we'd put them oan oor feet
An' stomp like Dracula's Monster
Right up an' doon oor street

There wis 'Doublers', 'Ropes' an' 'Kick the can'
We played 'Rounders' roon the back
The we'd sit oan toap o' the midden
Tellin' Ghost Stories 'til it got dark

We'd walk tae the Picture Matinee
Oan a Seturday efternoon
Where a man came oot tae make us a' sing
An' wave hankies in time tae the tune

But even tho' we hidnae Dolls like Barbie or like Sindy
Ye could shout up tae yer Maw fer a piece oan Jam an' she'd
Throw it oot the windae!
Cats cradle was good, also there was a faze in junior school where people would tie bits of elastic together and 2 people would stand in the elastic and someone would jump in and out of the middle. There were different types of jumping in and out oh! one was 'jingle jangle centre sprangle jingle jangle out'

Actually, reading that rhyme back it looks proper dodgy
I was never allowed Clackers ,I did play with my friends ,they could be very dangerous.

1970s Fads: Clackers

By Patrick Mondout

Clackers, also known as click clacks, Knockers, Klackers, Bo-Los, Kerbangers, and countless other names (some, invented by parents and educations, are not printable) were a string and acrylic (or hard plastic, wood, or steel) ball toy that was popular and annoying enough to be called one of the first fads of the Super70s. They were also dangerous enough to receive a warning from the FDA.

The object was to make the pair of nearly 2" diameter balls clack (from opposite sides of a 12-18 inch cord with a ring in the center) against each other as many times as possible without missing, using a up and down hand motion until the balls are eventually hitting one another both below and above your hand. (Hey, we didn't even have Pong! yet!) Another object was to do all this without causing serious injury or death.

When the acrylic - not glass, as some have suggested - balls hit one another, they let out a annoying (to adults - and that was part of the attraction) clack sound. If the sound of the balls clanging didn't drive parents nuts, the sounds of their children screaming when a misplayed ball smacked them upside the head surely would


Football, football, football. Inclement weather brought out board games. Meanwhile the girls used to juggle two tennis balls against the wall reciting various sayings, such as Shirley Temple is a star... S... T...... A........ R, developed various skipping variations, and aggressive forms of kiss-catch which would probably bring them a gaol sentence nowadays.
Garage Joe
I loved skipping ropes.  
If one didn`t have a posh Woolie`s skipping rope with handles one used washing rope with knots tied at the end. 

Cat`s Cradle : This is the church,  this is the steeple, this is the church with all the people. I got tangled up everytime.  

Doublers for me too Katty. Stoatin` aff the wa! 

Kick the can...

Stilts made with tin cans and string. 

Boxies - you drew numbers in boxes, on your path or the pavement -  threw a stone to land in the box, hop skip and jump. 

Chicky Nelly  
The moment I left kindergarten and started school, I was out after school until my mother shouted from the balcony. You could hear her around the village.
She would never have let me out if she had had an incling of the danger we got ourselves into. Surfice to say, I was never a girlie girl.
PS, I do remember doing cat's cradle and skipping in school.
cologne 1

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