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Charity donation is an absolute minefield. I admire CIN because I think most of the cash goes to the needy. We tend to go direct to a couple of local projects and I get my Christmas cards from that Sripur lot. All are open and honest. O can't be done with these ones that have several Yeats who earn huge five figures. One also wonders how kids have to rely on charity when Vodaphone are allowed to stash their money in the Grand Duchy.
Garage Joe
I will be donating... but what annoys me is celebrities coming on the show telling everyone to vote when they are carrying millions in their back pocket.
My facebook status:

Children in Need....I find it a tad patronising that in this current climate, they are getting extremely well paid celebrities who are not affected by this Tory government to plead for donations from Joe Public. And DONT get me started on that bloody Royal wedding!!! *rant over for now - tea to drink*

And that bloody Mess Daly (aka the plumber in a red frock) gets right on my friggin BAPS
Some of these kids stories are just bloody heartbreaking
I turned it on and within 5 minutes was blubbing my head off. There was this one little girl whose dad had died and she was releasing a chinese lantern for him and her little face crumpled into tears. Broke my heart. I had to turn over or I'd be weeping all night.
i can't watch it too much.....i just blub my head off non stop when i hear the kids telling their stories.....the little girl who was bullied for having cerebal palsy and got her new 'best buddy' her dog....the girl whose dad all sets me off....

we had a lad at school yesterday who came back to the kitchen at the end of lunch crying his eyes out........he's lost his mum recently and some yr 8 girls snatched his lunch off him and stamped on broke my heart.......i just wanted to give him a big cuddle and look after him.........sometimes i hate the world...........

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