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Nadine Dorries says child sex abuse victims should “just say no”

All is not well on Planet Dorries. Two weeks after the Mid Bedfordshire MP introduced a sexist private member’s bill which would teach only girls the virtue of sexual abstinence and “how to say no”, Nadine has helped to advance the myth that child sexual abuse is linked to the behaviour of children.

On Channel 5″s Vanessa show on Monday she opined:

“If a stronger ‘just say no’ message was given to children in school then there might be an impact on sex abuse … if we imbued this message in school we’d probably have less sex abuse.”

So desperate is Dorries to bolster her abstinence agenda that she cheaply aligns the issue of teenage promiscuity with child abuse. Scrapbook will leave it to a genuine victim of childhood sexual abuse to outline exactly how offensive this is in a blogpost entitled “Nadine Dorries thinks I was asking for it”.

But with a majority of 15,152, we will all have to up with “Mad Nads” for the foreseeable future.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That's awful Erin.    What a thing to say to these poor people who are suffering.  And even years after the abuse, people are still suffering.  They'll be saying the kids 'lead them on' next!


During her speech in the HOC about girls abstaining she stated "in some newsagents now there are more sex magazines available than any other kind of magazine"


Chris Bryant replied "Stop going to the shops then"

Smarting Buttocks
Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

During her speech in the HOC about girls abstaining she stated "in some newsagents now there are more sex magazines available than any other kind of magazine"


Chris Bryant replied "Stop going to the shops then"

   Good retort 

My good gawd!!!! The woman should be sacked those comments are an absolute effing disgrace Victims of child sex abuse are innocent little things, who are manipulated by their abusers, and in most cases too darn terrified to tell anyone what is happening to them. AND quiet often, may tell someone they trust, who then does nothing! Just say no?! I've never heard such utter bull in my life!
~Sparkling Summer~

She must be related to that judge who told a child who was raped that she was asking for it


If any of her constituents vote for her in the future they should be bloody ashamed of themselves

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

She must be related to that judge who told a child who was raped that she was asking for it


If any of her constituents vote for her in the future they should be bloody ashamed of themselves


Exactly Veggie

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Victims of child sex abuse are innocent little things, who are manipulated by their abusers, and in most cases too darn terrified to tell anyone what is happening to them. AND quiet often, may tell someone they trust, who then does nothing! Just say no?! I've never heard such utter bull in my life!

Absolutely! The thing is -  some of these children don't have a clue what's going on ................they assume it must be OK. I think there really is an over reaction here TBH ............if kids are told it's wrong and something like this is ought out in the open then maybe they'll talk about it.


People are far too quick to jump on something that seems politically incorrect.................if this sort of thing is bought into the open and spoken about openly then maybe the children who are being abused may just realise that they are able to speak out.


OMG .................just put my head on the chopping block again. Sometimes though - do we not have to look beyond the headlines and sensationalism?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by sprout:

Of course not Soozy, it's how people go about it that speak for the children/kids though 

So surely kids should be given the message that it's wrong (not that they are guilty of anything) simply that no one has the right to abuse their bodies.


So often you hear stories about child abuse (within the family) that only comes out years later because the child simply thought it was normal.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Of course not Soozy, it's how people go about it that speak for the children/kids though 

So surely kids should be given the message that it's wrong (not that they are guilty of anything) simply that no one has the right to abuse their bodies.


So often you hear stories about child abuse (within the family) that only comes out years later because the child simply thought it was normal.

I agree - education at an early age could help in these situations.  Of course it is never going to eliminate it and to suggest such a thing in no way suggests that children in these situations are to blame however teaching them that something like this happening to them is wrong could help a child to understand and raise the alarm sooner.


Soozy it's a lot more complicated than that.Adult abusers manipulate young children,maybe say "If you tell anyone,mummy won't love you/mummy will send you away etc.The kids are innocent,the onus should not be on them to "be strong" etc.Abuse can start at very young ages etc even before the child attends school etc.I don't know if the schools "warn/teach" kids in the first primary etc.

Originally Posted by pretty_p:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Of course not Soozy, it's how people go about it that speak for the children/kids though 

So surely kids should be given the message that it's wrong (not that they are guilty of anything) simply that no one has the right to abuse their bodies.


So often you hear stories about child abuse (within the family) that only comes out years later because the child simply thought it was normal.

I agree - education at an early age could help in these situations.  Of course it is never going to eliminate it and to suggest such a thing in no way suggests that children in these situations are to blame however teaching them that something like this happening to them is wrong could help a child to understand and raise the alarm sooner.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww bless you PP - you do realise that I'm seriously  F***ked now that you've agreed with me though don't you?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Soozy it's a lot more complicated than that.Adult abusers manipulate young children,maybe say "If you tell anyone,mummy won't love you/mummy will send you away etc.The kids are innocent,the onus should not be on them to "be strong" etc.Abuse can start at very young ages etc even before the child attends school etc.I don't know if the schools "warn/teach" kids in the first primary etc.

I'm not stupid and I fully realise that. The thing is ...........maybe these things should be broached. I have worked with kids from abused families (because it's the norm for them - gone on for generations) if things are spoken about openly - is that not a good thing?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by pretty_p:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Of course not Soozy, it's how people go about it that speak for the children/kids though 

So surely kids should be given the message that it's wrong (not that they are guilty of anything) simply that no one has the right to abuse their bodies.


So often you hear stories about child abuse (within the family) that only comes out years later because the child simply thought it was normal.

I agree - education at an early age could help in these situations.  Of course it is never going to eliminate it and to suggest such a thing in no way suggests that children in these situations are to blame however teaching them that something like this happening to them is wrong could help a child to understand and raise the alarm sooner.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww bless you PP - you do realise that I'm seriously  F***ked now that you've agreed with me though don't you?

Sorry - though all I do is respond to those who would like to discuss the topic at hand and ignore those just after a row.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Soozy it's a lot more complicated than that.Adult abusers manipulate young children,maybe say "If you tell anyone,mummy won't love you/mummy will send you away etc.The kids are innocent,the onus should not be on them to "be strong" etc.Abuse can start at very young ages etc even before the child attends school etc.I don't know if the schools "warn/teach" kids in the first primary etc.

Its up to parents to teach children "To say No" (Loudly) as well as schools......


Yea Soozy,asI said if the kids can speak,babies and toddlers are abused alas.Hopefully if they get to school etc then they can have a voice,however I don't know if such things are talked about in the first few years of primary school?

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea Soozy,asI said if the kids can speak,babies and toddlers are abused alas.Hopefully if they get to school etc then they can have a voice,however I don't know if such things are talked about in the first few years of primary school?

Probably not - and I guess you have to weigh it all up. However - maybe there is a way of spelling out the message that no one has the right to mess with your body - your body belongs to you!

Soozy Woo

I think it is up to the Parents, family to be "Aware"......and inform children of an appropriate age, what is right and what is wrong.....And make them feel comfortable to say "No"......


Originally Posted by SazBomb:

There are just no words

Agreed....Just say NO to rape, drugs, domestic abuse, murder...any old other abuse of power you care to mention..easy innit?

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yes Syd but it's more common that it's one of the parents doing the abusing or a close relative,rather than  a "stranger" down the road.A contentious and   tragic subject,alas.

Then that's where the "Outside voice"  of  "just say NO" " comes in......

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Sorry Syd,you're losing me...I'm off.

Parents are not going to advice them to "Say No" people on the outside need to tell them that they can be approached to "Tell"

Originally Posted by Syd:

I think it is up to the Parents, family to be "Aware"......and inform children of an appropriate age, what is right and what is wrong.....And make them feel comfortable to say "No"......


Yes I agree .....................but what if the abuse is going on within the family (as is often the case) ........should it not be a subject that's raised? Age appropriate obviously.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

There are just no words

Agreed....Just say NO to rape, drugs, domestic abuse, murder...any old other abuse of power you care to mention..easy innit?

Maybe children should know what is 'normal' and acceptable from a young age, Children really should be taught in an age appropriate manner that their bodies are their own. I don't like to do this smiley  but some kids are in families where there is no way out ................letting them know that what is going on in there little life is not acceptable and not right is no bad thing IMO

Soozy Woo

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