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For tonight. At the end of the day she's paid to be a judge and she refused to judge.

But it has to be said, they made a big cock up by A. not leaving Cheryls decision til last like they usually do when a judge has 2 acts in bottom 2 (they did with Simon a few weeks ago) and B. not coming back to her at the end to let her put it to deadlock like she said to make it fair.

The X Factor was made a laughing stock tonight.

The judges faces every week when Wagner's name is called = pure comedy :D

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But I am sure that this has happened before... a judge refusing to get rid of one of their acts... maybe Dannii or Sharon Osborne?  It must have been hard for her, but she really should have picked one.  But anyway, all the other 3 said treyC to go didnt they?  so it would have been her anyway.  Anyway she was in the bottom 2 like Katie, so what's the problem? 
Last edited by cockney-chick
It's no secret that I like Cheryl, but she's being paid probably loads of money to make these hard decisions. If a footballer refused to play a match, they'd either get sacked, transfer listed or severely disciplined and fined. She did it at judges houses so why couldn't she tonight?

Wasn't just her though. Who evers decision it was to tell Dermot to ask her 2nd made a big cock up as well.
Crunchy  Nuts
Dannii saved it was 2-1 and Cheryls vote to make it deadlock like she said should have been taken out of her hands and done.
Zackerly! (again)

It shouldn't have automatically gone to a majority vote just cos Miss prissy turd didn't want to do it. It should have gone to deadlock as that was prissy turd's choice.

Makes you wonder, if it was Matt and Rebecca standing there what would have happened?

Cheryl gets right on my baps, even more so this series. She signed a contract to do a job. Just cos she flutters her labia at Cowell does NOT make her the friggin messiah. Twunt!
If you were into women you'd have different sexual taste to what you do now so she might be right up your street.
Crunchy dear, I can appreciate beauty in a woman and have no problem saying 'she's got lovely hair or nice eyes or a nice figure' or whatever. But I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I couldn't tolerate miss twee prissy knickers! She'd do my bleedin nut in.
Cheryl could have saved Treyc and let the public vote decide who stays, she didn't. She should be thrown off the panel. Having said that, since the rest of them conspired to get rid of the best singer in the competition to save one of the worst does it really matter anymore who goes and who stays?

It's no longer a singing competition, as is evident by that half-witted tool Louis forcing the likes of Jedward and Wanker on everyone and clapping his hands like an idiot proclaiming 'they are fun the kids will love them'. I'd happily shoot him in the head if I thought I could get away with it.
So Cheryl is being vilifed for not 'voting' to save TreyC and for allegedly allowing Katie to stay and making TreyC go?!   But it would have been OK if she had voted and KATIE had gone?  WTF? 

These two were BOTH in the bottom two: BOTH of them, so obviously BOTH of them are not the public faves.  Not just KATIE.  So why all the ranting about treyC going.   She was in the bottom TWO!  And it wasn't the first time...  So what the hell is with all the Katie hate and people whining about HORRID Cheryl getting rid of TreyC FFS?!  TreyC was in the BOTTOM two!  if people are so bummed out about her going; they should've voted for her.
So what the hell is with all the Katie hate and people whining about HORRID Cheryl getting rid of TreyC FFS?!
I see you're having another one of your mentalist fits. Treyc can sing, Katie can't. That's the outrage. Whether the public put her in the bottom two or not is irrelevant. You're talking about the same public who voted for Wanker and Mary the pub singer to stay in.
Reference: Prom
I see you're having another one of your mentalist fits. Treyc can sing, Katie can't. That's the outrage. Whether the public put her in the bottom two or not is irrelevant. You're talking about the same public who voted for Wanker and Mary the pub singer to stay in.

Oh is a 'mentalist fit' a post that doesn't agree with what YOU think?  How predictable.  Another attack on me for having an opinion..  Shocker.  TreyC was shit and that is why she has gone.  get over it and deal with it and quit the personal attacks.
I think the outrage is more that Cheryl was adamant she wasn't voting either of them and wanted it to go to deadlock (when that is part of her job to vote for a contestant) and that it was automatically decided that it would go to majority vote between the other 3 judges, when in reality, Chery's vote or choice should have been taken into account.
How predictable.  Another attack on me for having an opinion.
How predictable. Another one of your attempts to play the victim. You always do this. You make a post foaming at the mouth and sounding absolutely livid then calm down and claim everyone's attacking you. You do this every single time.

Treyc can sing, Katie can't. It's as simple as that. They're supposed to keep the best singers in, they just kept in Katie who is only marginally better than Wagner and that really is saying something. You asked why people were outraged. I explained.
Fair enough Karma... I see it from that point of view... but i still like Katie better than TreyC.  Thanks for your post.. I am sick to death of putting opinions on here and getting told to piss off or being called mental or being told my posts are pathetic.  Its not that hard to put a different viewpoint across without personal attacks; some people could learn from you Karma.  I appreciate your posts.  Thank you. 

Prom if you don't like my posts then just ignore them for goodness sake.  Just get over yourself will you?  You know and I know for a fact that no matter whatever I say or don't say on here; I ALWAYS get attacked by you and another 3 or 4 people on here.   It's boring and predictable now....  give it a rest.
Last edited by cockney-chick
Maybe Erin, but TreyC's perfomance was shit..
TrayC was shit ,but Katie forgot her words,for me that was it ,all over for her.
Cowell always stated if a contestant ends up in the bottom two 3 times its because the public can't connect with them, same applied here and yet he choose Katie who has been in the bottom three 3 times to stay!
He also admitted that TrayC was the better singer of the two.
It has not done Katie any favours thats for sure.
Reference erin:
TrayC was shit ,but Katie forgot her words,for me that was it ,all over for her. Cowell always stated if a contestant ends up in the bottom two 3 times its because the public can't connect with them, same applied here and yet he choose Katie who has been in the bottom three 3 times to stay! He also admitted that TrayC was the better singer of the two. It has not done Katie any favours thats for sure.

I don't think Katie will win because to keep appearing in the bottom 2 is not a good sign... but she still deserved to stay more than TreyC IMO.  She was just dull and crap tonight.  The right person left.

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