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Fix Factor: Cheryl Cole's no vote was REHEARSED... and Katie would been sent home if decision had gone to deadlock

By Ben Todd
Last updated at 1:07 AM on 10th November 2010


  • Calls grow for Cheryl to be axed as thousands of fans complain
  • Host Dermot O'Leary reveals producers rehearsed Cheryl's no vote in ad break
  • TV sources confirm Treyc received THREE times more votes of support than Katie

One of the most controversial X Factor shows ever was last night exposed as nothing more than a charade.

Presenter Dermot O’Leary revealed that Cheryl Cole’s decision not to vote when two of her acts were up against each other to escape the axe had been planned all along.

Millions watched as Miss Cole dithered over whether to plump for Treyc Cohen or Katie Waissel.

Staged: It has emerged that producers rehearsed the Cheryl Cole no vote on Sunday after she refused to pick between Katie Waissel, left, and Treyc Cohen

Staged: It has emerged that producers rehearsed the Cheryl Cole no vote on Sunday after she refused to pick between Katie Waissel, left, and Treyc Cohen


Enlarge     Decision and indecision: Cheryl left the decision to the other judges, but if it had gone to deadlock Katie would have gone, not Treyc it has emerged

Decision and indecision: Cheryl left the decision to the other judges, but if it had gone to deadlock Katie would have gone, not Treyc, it has emerged

Eventually she refused to choose at all – and Miss Cohen was kicked off the show after the other judges voted against her by two to one.

Yesterday, however, O’Leary revealed how Miss Cole’s apparently agonising decision had actually been decided by show bosses during the commercial break – as more cynical viewers perhaps might have suspected all along.

He disclosed a dramatic stand-off between him and Miss Cole was agreed in advance.

Moment of truth: Host Dermot O'Leary challenges Cheryl as Katie and Treyc watch on, but he has now revealed the confrontation was all staged

Moment of truth: Host Dermot O'Leary challenges Cheryl as Katie and Treyc watch on, but he has now revealed the confrontation was all staged

'We thought it might happen before the break when we found out who was in the bottom two,’ he said.

'We decided if she wasn’t going to vote, we would go to the majority verdict.’

The disclosure puts the episode in a disturbing new light and comes as calls are growing among fans for Miss Cole to be axed from her ÂĢ1.7million job.

Sack Cheryl campaign grows...

Furious viewers have complained in their hundreds to telly watchdog Ofcom - more than 2,000 to date - with ITV receiving more than 1,000 complaints.

Almost 70 per cent of people polled by Mail Online say that the Girls Aloud singer should be axed from the judging panel.

A Facebook group set up called 'Sack Cheryl Cole From X Factor' is also receiving a growing number of followers.

No laughing matter: Embattled X Factor judge Cheryl leaving the Pride of Britain Awards on Monday night

No laughing matter: Embattled X Factor judge Cheryl leaving the Pride of Britain Awards on Monday night and, below, Treyc's angered father Fitzgerald

Facebook user David Watt raged: 'There should be a public voting ban which would hit the X factor in their pocket until Cheryl is sacked for not doing the job she is paid to do.'

He continued: 'If not, we should get all our money back from last weekend, is this another ITV voting scandal?'

Of almost 6,890 people polled on MailOnline, 4795 called for Cheryl to be sacked as a judge, while 2095 thought she should be allowed to remain on the show.

Julie from West Yorkshire summed up many people's feelings when she wrote on the Mail Online comment boards: Cheryl should be disqualified for refusing to vote,she gets highly paid to be a judge on the panel.

Angered: Treyc's father Fitzgerald Cohen

'If she doesn't want to vote she needs to leave the show. The show is a farce.'

Linda from Northfleet insisted: 'It's so obvious that it's fixed' and Linda from Dublin outlined her argument to Ofcom, saying: 'Cheryl Cole refused to vote there was no chance of deadlock and no way that the public vote could be used.  

'Therefore, there was NEVER a chance that the votes for the bottom two could count.

'In the past where the public votes have been made irrelevant in other shows, the company has been sanctioned and I believe this company and Ms Cole should be fined.'

However, some viewers seemed resigned that Cheryl would remain unchallenged in her judge's seat. 

Posting on internet entertainment forum Digital Spy, Peter Callan wrote: 'Like Cowell would sack his golden girl. He'd be lynched!'

By Jody Thompson

Under the rules of the show, the four judges vote to decide which contestant is saved.

Simon Cowell went first and voted to save Miss Waissel, with Miss Cole told she had to vote next.

She and O’Leary then had an ‘argument’ over what to do as she told him: ‘I’m not sending either of them home, Dermot.’

He replied, ‘you’re refusing to vote?’ and she said, ‘I’m refusing point blank’, adding: ‘I don’t have to send anybody home.’

As the tension mounted she told O’Leary: ‘OK, well ask these two then and I’ll take it to deadlock.’

O’Leary said: ‘We’re going to move it on, we’re going to take a majority verdict.’

He turned to judge Dannii Minogue, and said: ‘If you go with Treyc, she’s going home.’

She voted to send Miss Waissel home, with Louis Walsh voting next for Miss Cohen to go, meaning Cole did not need to vote.

The controversy came as TV sources confirmed Miss Cohen had received three times as many votes as Miss Waissel in the public vote.

So if Miss Cole had voted for Miss Cohen – making the judges’ scoring 2-2 and so going to ‘Deadlock’ where the contestant with the lowest public vote is ousted – it would have been Miss Waissel who went home.

ITV has already received more than 1,000 complaints and telly watchdog Ofcom has also had more than 2,000 complaints to date.

And the father of Miss Cohen, a call centre worker from Tamworth, Staffordshire, has criticised Cowell for overseeing the result.

Fitzgerald Cohen, 68, said that both Miss Cole and Cowell owed Miss Cohen an apology.

‘I think the judges get instructions as they go out on to the stage as to who they are supposed to keep in,’ he said.

‘I think if the judges let it go to deadlock, Treyc would have stayed. But I think they wanted to keep Katie in, so they refused to let it come down to the public vote.’

Mr Cohen, 68, added: ‘The main aim is to make as much money as possible, with no regard to people’s lives.’

Some 16.7million viewers watched Sunday’s programme.

An X Factor spokesman said: ‘A judge can abstain from placing a vote. Cheryl made it clear that she would not send anyone home and therefore abstained from voting.

‘Dermot went back to her to clarify that it was going to go to a majority vote if she did that. Cheryl was unable to take the vote to deadlock as deadlock requires a valid active vote.’

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Reference: Prom
She flatly refused to choose between the two. She should have been dumped straight after the show for refusing to save the singer v the non singer, but then, you'd have to sack Louis too. The whole show is a sick joke imo.
If she'd chosen the singer and been left with the non-singer drama queen, she'd have been left in an uncomfortable position. And vice versa.

It is unknown for the mentor to be asked second for a decision on two of their acts.
Reference: Smarting
It really shouldn't matter what order they ask for the judges votes. They should be voting on what they see (as Cheryl herself said on the Xtra factor show after this debacle) and not being influenced by how the others have voted.
I think it does matter, if you have voted for one, but the others have kept the other one in.
I can't stand Sharon Osbourne, but respected her decision not to decide between two of her acts.
Reference: Blizzie
 I can't stand Sharon Osbourne, but respected her decision not to decide between two of her acts.
But they know there is always going to be a risk they may be asked to chose.  They could change the rules for next series so any judge  with both acts appearing in the bottom 2 should be exempt from voting but I doubt the producers would go for that as it makes for less dramatic telly.
Smarting Buttocks
Thanks Brisket for putting the correct link I thought in the past there was a button on the Toolbar to add a web link but I couldn't see it this time  Thanks also Karma for adding the story

One of the (many, lol) reasons I prefer Strictly is that the Judges have no financial interest in the winner. Every week when the bottom 2 are announced and then it goes to a break hubby and I always assume the Judges on X Factor talk among themselves as to who they think should go
Yellow Rose
Reference: Yellow
One of the (many, lol) reasons I prefer Strictly is that the Judges have no financial interest in the winner. Every week when the bottom 2 are announced and then it goes to a break hubby and I always assume the Judges on X Factor talk among themselves as to who they think should go
Only Simon has a financial interest in the winner.

Louis signs some of the losers (Jedward, maybe Varganer, this year)

I think it was obvious to all that Cheryl would have a problem choosing, which is all Dermot had admitted to, in that article. That was a no brainer.

IMO, Simon chose Katie, as she gets a lot of press coverage, but both girls were obviously not connecting with the public. TrayC could sing better (and remember her words), but Katie kept the papers interested. Cheryl could have chosen one of them, but been left with the other one, which would have put her in a very awkward position.
Reference: Smarting
But they know there is always going to be a risk they may be asked to chose. They could change the rules for next series so any judge with both acts appearing in the bottom 2 should be exempt from voting but I doubt the producers would go for that as it makes for less dramatic telly.
Yes, but they always get that mentor to choose last. Cheryl was put in an impossible postion, IMO.
Reference: Blizzie
One of the (many, lol) reasons I prefer Strictly is that the Judges have no financial interest in the winner. Every week when the bottom 2 are announced and then it goes to a break hubby and I always assume the Judges on X Factor talk among themselves as to who they think should go

Only Simon has a financial interest in the winner.
True Blizzie.  Tbh I was surprised Simon chose Katie to stay as in the past it's seemed that if someone has bad press/unpopular Simon assumes no one will buy anything they may release - incidentally because I don't read the rags I've not read anything about Katie, I know nothing about her personal life, but have assumed from posts here she's not had a good press for whatever reason.

I agree TrayC is the better singer but for some personal reason I prefer Katie - nothing to do with their personality I just like that she's a bit different vocally and visually. Even saying that I know that even that probably doesn't come near to how singers sound or look like these days in comparison maybe
Yellow Rose
Reference: Yellow
True Blizzie. Tbh I was surprised Simon chose Katie to stay as in the past it's seemed that if someone has bad press/unpopular Simon assumes no one will buy anything they may release - incidentally because I don't read the rags I've not read anything about Katie, I know nothing about her personal life, but have assumed from posts here she's not had a good press for whatever reason. I agree TrayC is the better singer but for some personal reason I prefer Katie - nothing to do with their personality I just like that she's a bit different vocally and visually. Even saying that I know that even that probably doesn't come near to how singers sound or look like these days in comparison maybe
I don't think Simon thinks either of them would have won, but Katie has had a lot of press coverage.
I haven't read it all, but it has seemed to me that she is more into acting than singing, from her first audition, IMO. I don't believe her acting and she just comes across as totally desperate, to me. TrayC had a more superior singing voice, but had not connected with the audience. Katie would be good, if she was more likeable!
Katie would be good, if she was more likeable!
See, I know nothing of Katie's acting background or interest, is ignorance bliss, or not, lol, so I just go by what I see on the show and she seems an ok person to me. If anyone who has a past that the Press, or De-press as I call it with all their negativity lol, could pick up on I wonder why they put themselves in the spotlight lol
Yellow Rose
Not sure the blame lies at Cheryl's door. She appeared to be flustered when Dermot asked for her vote, after Simon.
I think she expected (as I did) that she would be asked last and could take it to deadlock. She actually said to Dermie to ask Dannii and Louis and then she would take it to deadlock. (However, this suggests she already knew who they intended to vote for. )
The producers decided otherwise and Dermie was told that they would go with a majority vote. Seems like the producers didn't want a deadlock situation - could it be, as is rumoured, that Katie polled the lowest number of votes?
Anyway, it does feel like there was some jiggery pokery going on.
Reference: Yogi
She actually said to Dermie to ask Dannii and Louis and then she would take it to deadlock. (However, this suggests she already knew who they intended to vote for. )
She knew that they would either vote 3-0 against one of them, or 2-1 against.

If it was 2-1, then she could have taken it to deadlock and left it to the public.
: it's all a set up sons friend was on the video/phone link on Xtra faCTOR the week before last. He knew well in advance that he was gonna be picked and knew that Cheryl would choose him. The way they um and ah over what call they're going to choose is totally fake............just a small example.
What question did he ask her? And what was her reply?
Smarting Buttocks
ooooh I would not like to be Demot if he leaked out this information Simon will be looking for another presenter next year I stopped voting in the X Factor yonks ago in fact all of the reality shows they are all manipulated/ fixed waste of the voters money the only winner in the XFactor is Simon Cowel I prefer Danni as a judge she seems more honest than the rest 

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