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Does this not epitomise what modern day music had become? Just because she is successful in a band and has become a big TV personality, it has been seen as a window to use her as a cash cow and squeeze every penny out of her 'talents' before she falls off the conveyor belt. I listened to the single on youtube and it is terrible! I mean very poor and that is with her voice enhanced. The video makes her look like a total chav as well. Sorrry Chezza you havce really shot yourself in the foot with this one- you no longer have any credability to judge other people when you produe a single that sounds lie that. Cheyle and her people though she was bigger than Girls Aloud, just wait til the 2 girls in the band who can actually sing (Nadine and Nicola) release their own singles.

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To be fair to her, she did got through a gruelling audition process to get into GA (as did all of them). I think she can sing (I remember her auditions), and although her solo debut isn't amazing, it's not that bad. Dont think she's got enough to carry her as a long term solo artist tho, she's probably better sticking to tele and doing a Beckham and designing a clothing range or summat (or dancing). At the moment the world's her oyster, would be shame to ruin that by a few crap songs, although I do think for now it's the only thing that will make her appeal to the American market (which is what Cowell wants)
Haven't heard it yet...  I will try and listen to it later and get back here with my opinion... 

From what I remember of Cheryl, she isn't an amazing singer (in fact she is pretty bad if my memory serves me well,) and IMO it was her looks that got her into Girls Aloud. 

I think she is OK, and is reasonably pretty, but I fail to fathom why she is so famous and adored and thought of as a 'national treasure.'  I just can't see it.  I just dont understand what she has done really, apart from getting into a girlband via a talent seeking show, getting a swanky stylist, and joining X factor. 

Apologies to her fans, and I think she is OK, but rather over-rated IMO.

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