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influenced tweezer manufacturers all over the world?

And landscape designers I would imagine. She certainly influenced me to sort my Honeysuckle out!

The same magazine once listed Miley Cyrus as one of the most influential people in the world -.-

Time magazine did this too?! I'll be sending an e-mail to their clearly overpaid Editor and Publishing Director. What a load of shit!
No offence intended to anyone as this is just my opinion, but I find the suggestion that Chavryl is a strong woman rather laughable.  I know plenty of women who have been through much much more than her, but don't have the fame and fortune that she has.  How on earth is she a 'strong' woman?  She has never struggled in her life and has basically had fame fall in her lap.  And IMO she has done NOTHING to deserve that fame.  She is rubbish as a performer!  And she had her husband cheat on her: big bloody deal; almost everyone has been cheated on, and survived it and got past it, but they don't have blessed lives like she doesm and they have to go out to work and cope with kids and put on a brave face for everyone.  Chavryl never had to do this... she could hide away til she was ready to show her chavvy mush again.  

I have massively struggled to fathom the 'cheryl lurve,' for the past few years.  Some blokes I know think she is a proper hottie, though a shit performer, but I wouldn't touch her with a bargepole!  And I know a number of teeny girls who think she is God. 

She has had fame since she was a teenager virtually, yet she she is a spoilt, overpaid, overhyped brat and she is a gobby common chav, (which she has proven time after time when she has forgotten herself,) and she can't sing for peanuts.  She looks relieved when she completes a 'live' performance, and she is almost always autotuned.  Her voice is harsh and really actually quite horrible, and like the rest of girls aloud she is a shit singer.  I have seen them sing live a few times and they are bleeding awful!  I wonder when people will actually realise that Chavryl is nothing more than a talentless, average looking, skinny spoilt chav?!   

Yep you're right, I don't like her!   
For people to say cheryl had the toughest year ever makes my effing blood boil. She was cheated on by a serial cheater and she went to Africa knowing the risks and got malaria, im sure her millions will keep her happy. In contrast to this (you may have heard this), in Northern Ireland there was a young girl who married on the 30th of December, was in honeymoon in Mauritius went to her room to get something where unbeknown to her there were robbers, they strangled her, her husband of ten days found her corpse. Thats having a bad year Cheryl. I cannot stand this woman and her excuse for talent.
Being murdered/your wife being murdered is, I would say, slightly in excess of having a bad year!....I'd say finding out your husband is cheating on you and getting malaria is having a bad year, whoever you are

Yeah I know Supes. Its just This story has been occupying my mind for the last week, I can't stop thinking about it then you read people saying that Cheryl Coles having a hard time makes me so angry.
Yeah I know Supes. Its just This story has been occupying my mind for the last week, I can't stop thinking about it then you read people saying that Cheryl Coles having a hard time makes me so angry.
RR, I know what you mean but I'm not sure why we need to compare. Cheryl's had to deal with a fair bit of crap this year and that poor woman is dead....that's how I see it
Hmmm.....the bad year stuff re Cheryl. Thing is, no amount of money, support or fame can prevent your heart getting broken or an illness knocking you down. So from that perspective I do sympathise because for her personally she saw it as her toughest year yet. However, (and this is just my opinion) - with the malaria, I still think she could have used her fortunate public position to highlight this disease and in particular, the lack of care available to adults and children in other countries who are affected by it.

I think she might be heavily involved with Children in Need this year but instead of earning herself millions by judging and releasing records, I feel a couple months out doing some really positive charity work wouldn't have gone amiss.
There are medications that a person travelling to a malaria area should take.  It's like antibiotics, you have to take the entire course for the medication to be effective.

Kate Humbel contracted malaria twice and has stated that it was her own stupidity that caused her to contract it - the first time because she didn't finish the course, the second time because she thought she was immune after having it the first time.  She didn't break down in tears and moan about how she almost died.
In 2007, Girls Aloud performed the single "Walk This Way" for Comic Relief.  Comic Relief provides mosquito nets to countries in Africa that are prone to Malaria.  You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realise that if you're going to a country that is rife with Malaria, you should take some precautions.  Especially after promoting a record on a telethon that empahsises the risk of the people living there.

Perhaps it was just that Cheryl thought a mosquito wouldn't dare bite her!
As much as I dislike Heather Mills as a person (vile, rancid being she is), I do admire her charity work and all she has done to raise awareness since her accident.

I'm glad you say that because it echos my sentiments exactly and it really upsets me when people make remarks about her disability.
Dislike her for the sort of person she is yes. BUT don't knock how she has overcome a dreadful injury.

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