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I know you don't like it cos you don't like her, but purely just about the song, it's growing on me cos I hated it at first.

I see Nadines twitter has been hacked...
NadineWorldwide: remember that diet i said i was going to try last week? well one week down and i loss 11lbs! try it here >>weblink)    

People will actually be stupid enough to believe that she's posted that as well
Crunchy  Nuts
girl had punched her so called best friend right in the face on national TV and in front of a 3000 audience, hence the reaction 'She just punched her!!!'
i know it was'nt her best friend  ..... but  she punched someone in the face  ........  i have felt like doing that to someone a few times , but never did .............. they might hit me back 
The only thing I will say about her is that I think she is a very pretty girl but has been ruined by all the artifice and that she is way way too thin.

Re her punching another woman. To be fair she was very very young and perhaps did not behave in the best fashion.
But I don't hold it against her now.
Also although I really do not think she can sing, she at least can recognise talent whereas Louis is all about the pound signs and Simon is all about the bland.
My opinion FWIW. She can dance (I saw her docu for the Will.I.Am audition and has danced since a nipper), she can sing (I watched her on Pop Stars) but vocally is not great solo artist material and I couldn't imagine her standing on stage singing with just a guitar. She's had a few tweaks here and there, lost far too much weight but is very commercial (and lets not forget the media manipulation). What does annoy me is her fake staged intense facial poses when she's watching the acts. I don't feel nauseous when she's on the tele, but equally I don't jump for joy and start hearing harps play either. She's just like this sugar coated, sponsored by L'oreal manufactured mediocre something who doesn't have the powerhouse of Beyonce or the originality of Adele. I can see longevity just because she's a known face and has a great PR team but nothing more than that.
No Crunchy - she is  not text book.
She is too thin and ( like Victoria Beckham) is not a role model of how healthy young women should look.

Some women are naturally very very skinny and invariably you will hear them say that they want to put weight on.

Cheryl is ( if you like) a clothes horse and most designer clothes look better on women who do not have hips or thighs or boobs .

Text book is size 12 - 14 ( and actually the average size for a woman in GB is 16).
She is a fantasy for many young men but that is all she is..
When I say she's 'text book', she's totally my type, in terms of how she looks. Just my personal taste.

I don't think she's as skinny as Victoria Beckham, but there you go. 

I'm not denying she's thin, but she's always been small, she's absolutely tiny when you see her in real life. Yes she looks a bit thinner than when she was first on Popstars, but then again I'd imagine since then she's been a lot more active, performing, dancing etc. It's bound to tone someone up a bit.

I'm not having a dig at anyone in particular here, but why can we say people are too thin and criticise them for it, say they are bad role models etc, but would get villified for saying similar things about someone who is overweight.
Crunchy  Nuts
The trouble is what is defined as overweight. You only have to look at the stupid magazines who jump on a popstar the minute she gains a pound. How many times do we see someone called "chunky" because they have put on a pound or two and this same mag will call them a "hefty" size 12
So when these healthy women deliberately loose weight to conform to the media norm then yes they deserve to be criticised.
Yeah so why can't we just leave people alone and let them be the weight they want to be? Whether that be large or small.

Cheryl says herself that she eats enough and eats healthily. She's not anorexic.

Everyone is different, there isnt an exact weight that everyone should be. For example I could pig out in McDonalds every day, but not gain any weight what so ever, yet other people would pile on the pounds within days if they did that. Everyone is different.

I agree with you about the magazines that jump onsomeone the minute she's gained a pound, but it's the same if they lose a bit of weight. They jump on em there as well.
Crunchy  Nuts
When Katy Perry was on and she stood next to Cheryl you could see the difference in size. Katy Perry looks bloody fantastic and healthy. Sorry to say but Cheryl doesn't wear clothes, the clothes wear her, they just seem to hang on her, where compared to Katy Perry, Beyonce, Nicole Sherzythingy...they all look amazing and wear clothes well. Even Cheryl's bandmates (Sarah Harding and Kimberly) make you realise how skinny Cheryl is.
Yeah so why can't we just leave people alone and let them be the weight they want to be? Whether that be large or small. Cheryl says herself that she eats enough and eats healthily. She's not anorexic. Everyone is different, there isnt an exact weight that everyone should be. For example I could pig out in McDonalds every day, but not gain any weight what so ever, yet other people would pile on the pounds within days if they did that. Everyone is different. I agree with you about the magazines that jump onsomeone the minute she's gained a pound, but it's the same if they lose a bit of weight. They jump on em there as well.
That's so true.
I think that people should be the weight they want.
Take Josie from BB11. In my mind she was the same size as Makosi. People on here posted what a great figure Makosi had and was "all woman".
Josie got castigated for being fat.
She is not fat.
Okay she is not a size 8 either but she is certainly a long way off being fat.

I don't think Cheryl is anorexic for one minute and I think that your point about her probably being more active now and hence more toned is a fair one.
Who has she really liked from Newcastle?
You really expect me to remember the names of rejects who she's instantly taken a liking to when they walk on and start talking in a Geordie accent...

I do remember one girl though that she was practically begging the others to put through even though they didn't rate her, all based on where she was from.

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