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Heard that there's gonna be a really horrible story printed in the newspapers this weekend that could make things 10 times worse for Cheryl. It concerns Ashley Cole and Cheryl's bandmate Nadine Coyle. I honestly cannot believe that it's true, but then you just don't know. If it isn't true then it is a horrible thing for the newspapers to do.
Crunchy  Nuts
Heard that there's gonna be a really horrible story printed in the newspapers this weekend that could make things 10 times worse for Cheryl. It concerns Ashley Cole and Cheryl's bandmate Nadine Coyle. I honestly cannot believe that it's true, but then you just don't know. If it isn't true then it is a horrible thing for the newspapers to do.
Never be surprised by the depths our media will plummet to in order to make a bit of money.

Heard that there's gonna be a really horrible story printed in the newspapers this weekend that could make things 10 times worse for Cheryl. It concerns Ashley Cole and Cheryl's bandmate Nadine Coyle. I honestly cannot believe that it's true, but then you just don't know. If it isn't true then it is a horrible thing for the newspapers to do.
He's not going to bleeding rap in Nadine's new solo single is he?
Heard that there's gonna be a really horrible story printed in the newspapers this weekend that could make things 10 times worse for Cheryl. It concerns Ashley Cole and Cheryl's bandmate Nadine Coyle. I honestly cannot believe that it's true, but then you just don't know. If it isn't true then it is a horrible thing for the newspapers to do.
Rumours perhaps no?....Mountains out of molehills perhaps....Funny thing is the other day the rumour was it was Sarah Harding.
Never heard that 1 Lee. I haven't heard the Nadine rumour myself, the only rumour I've heard is that there's gonna be a story in the sunday papers about Nadine sleeping with Ashley. But as I have no respect for women, obviously Ashley is my hero and another notch on his bedpost will make me admire him as a man even more
Crunch as the saying goes if you listened to all you heard you'd  eat all you see....Lord knows where these rumours originate from but sadly some folk feed off them despite the fact they are often devastating  to the folk involved.....I'll take your other tongue in cheek comment for what it is btw.
She'll be on the Jonny boy Ross show to perform her single, that's it as far as I know. No interview or anything.

Just didn't understand katty on the previous page saying 'wurr wuur wuur she wants her privacy respected, wur wuur wurr, yet she's going on jonathan ross show tonight! ' when she clearly wasn't on the Jonathan Ross show tonight
Crunchy  Nuts

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