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So the housemates passed their task and BB called Bea to the diary room, she was told that the group had won 5 tokens. Before she was called into the diary room the housemates discussed about swapping a token for some alcohol, in particular some Pimms.

So Bea did this, she asked for Pimms and a variety of other alcohol to which BB replied that the amount and type of alcohol given is at BB's discretion.

Bea goes back into the house to tell everyone the 'good news' to which Charlie replies 'Why have you done that for?' We wanted Pimms!!' And had a proper moan at her Eeker

So its ok for you to STEAL a token and ask for alcohol but its not ok for someone else to ask what was required?

Bloody hell I'm confused, I didn't really mind Charlie that much but now he's a complete tosspot! Fancy speaking to my lovely Bea like that? Mad

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