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Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by evviva!:
I have an irrational, but very intense, hatred of that boy's mouth!! Disappointed

What my mother would have called 'weak'. Big Grin

Nod Yes, Col, but it's more much more than that. It looks like a snivelly toddler's mouth just before it erupts into a major bratty whinging epi.

It also looks like the spiteful sneery mouth of a bully just after he's punked someone.

I hate that lad's mouth Mad
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Anybody got a transcript? Please all I hear from him is gobbledygook Disappointed

Ha ha Northern lass to the rescue:
"While everyone's together, for future reference, no-one touch anything that's around my bed please, thankyou. Just that you're all together, 'cos I've said it many times before and you still touch things. Don't touch anything ok? Is that ok Freddie? Not being nasty I am just saying. Just you did it with the sheet the other week I left it on on purpose and you chucked it on the floor. Don't know who it was bit someone, so's my towel, I left it there for a reason. Everyone's aswell"

PS He uses the word 'yous', (like many Northerners,) to mean you all rather than an individual
Charlie tells Freddie: "Stay off my stuff"
Day 66, 14:44 BST

By Matt Risley

Charlie has told the other housemates that he does not want them to touch any of his possessions in the future.

The group were lazing in the garden this morning, when the Geordie addressed those surrounding him.

"While everyone's together, and for future reference, can in the future no-one touch anything that's around my bed? Thank you," he stated.

Bea looked somewhat stunned, though the rest of the contestants carried on as though nothing had been said.

However, Charlie then targeted Freddie in particular.

"Is that okay, Freddie?" he asked.

Freddie responded that he didn't understand why he was speaking to him specifically, but that it was perfectly fine.

"Cause you did it with a sheet the other week. I put it on my bed on purpose and you took it off," Charlie said.

Freddie replied that he didn't recall moving it but that he understood the message and will respect his possessions in the future.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Anybody got a transcript? Please all I hear from him is gobbledygook Disappointed

Ha ha Northern lass to the rescue:
"While everyone's together, for future reference, no-one touch anything that's around my bed please, thankyou. Just that you're all together, 'cos I've said it many times before and you still touch things. Don't touch anything ok? Is that ok? Not being nasty I am just saying. Just you did it with the sheet the other week I left it on on purpose and you chucked it on the floor. Don't know who it was bit someone, so's my towel, I left it there for a reason. Everyone's aswell"

You are now employed as my very own Charlie interpreter. You're a star *mwah* Hug
quote: touch anything that's around my bed ....'cos I've said it many times before and you still touch things. Don't touch anything ok?

But it`s fine for Charlie to snatch the duvet from Bea is it? (Bea said "Charlie I could have been naked" - she wasn`t happy.)
Yet another instance of prankster Charlie not liking pranks when they are aimed at him.
One rule for Charlie and one for everybody else.
Duplicitous, untrustworthy, lying nast Charlie.
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Anybody got a transcript? Please all I hear from him is gobbledygook Disappointed

Ha ha Northern lass to the rescue:
"While everyone's together, for future reference, no-one touch anything that's around my bed please, thankyou. Just that you're all together, 'cos I've said it many times before and you still touch things. Don't touch anything ok? Is that ok? Not being nasty I am just saying. Just you did it with the sheet the other week I left it on on purpose and you chucked it on the floor. Don't know who it was bit someone, so's my towel, I left it there for a reason. Everyone's aswell"

You are now employed as my very own Charlie interpreter. You're a star *mwah* Hug

I justed added a ps re the use of the word 'yous' and PPS, I may be able to understand it but I DO NOT, talk anything like that Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Anybody got a transcript? Please all I hear from him is gobbledygook Disappointed

Ha ha Northern lass to the rescue:
"While everyone's together, for future reference, no-one touch anything that's around my bed please, thankyou. Just that you're all together, 'cos I've said it many times before and you still touch things. Don't touch anything ok? Is that ok? Not being nasty I am just saying. Just you did it with the sheet the other week I left it on on purpose and you chucked it on the floor. Don't know who it was bit someone, so's my towel, I left it there for a reason. Everyone's aswell"

You are now employed as my very own Charlie interpreter. You're a star *mwah* Hug

I justed added a ps re the use of the word 'yous' and PPS, I may be able to understand it but I DO NOT, talk anything like that Laugh

Yous is used in Scotlandshire too. I know loads of Geordies and there accent is lovely, but he is impossible for me to understand. Once again, thank you for your patience. Och Aye! Laugh
Many thanks to you an' all Syd! Thumbs Up
Charlie is just a spoilt brat. He has probably been molly-coddled all his life and told how funny he is by his doting relatives. You can just see him now standing up on a table and performing for everyone, enjoying the applause, and being a lovely loving cheekie wee chappie.

It's just now his mask is beginning to slip slightly, showing a more nasty and vindictive side to his character. He has also got a propensity to lose his temper in an uncontrollable way which was clear to see when trying to wrestle the mattress off Rodrigo. His little outburst today over his 'things' is his selfish self-centred self-indulgent streak coming out. If it's in there, it will come out and no amount of smiles and cutey-pie niceness can disguise it.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Anybody got a transcript? Please all I hear from him is gobbledygook Disappointed

I think he's asking them to leave things around his bed where they are and not move them, I have no idea beyond that though. Big Grin
That's more or less all I got too Cologne. Although I did hear him say 'Is that all right with you Fred?' a little bit after Freddie appeared.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Scotty:
His "pranks" have a malicious streak to them.

He doesn't like it when it's him on the receiving end though does he? He's a moron! Mad
Howdoo ma wee tattiescone doll! Valentine

No he doesn`t. All on his terms Mad

Twee has got him down to a T. That ryhmes Big Grin

Herrorare ma wee tattiebogle! Valentine

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