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When there is trouble he is like a fly around shit.

He constantly repeats "I love everybody me" whilst clearly he doesnt.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He will pick up any little information he can and report back to the mothership.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays stupid little charlie in the dairy room/everywhere

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays lets throw Rodrigo in the airtime...and lets kiss Rodrigo in the airtime and lets argue with Rodrigo in the airtime.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

His mask has slipped on enough occasions.

Have I missed anything?
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
When there is trouble he is like a fly around shit.

He constantly repeats "I love everybody me" whilst clearly he doesnt.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He will pick up any little information he can and report back to the mothership.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays stupid little charlie in the dairy room/everywhere

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays lets throw Rodrigo in the airtime...and lets kiss Rodrigo in the airtime and lets argue with Rodrigo in the airtime.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

His mask has slipped on enough occasions.

Have I missed anything?

Nope, I think you have him in a nutshell Big Grin
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
When there is trouble he is like a fly around shit.

He constantly repeats "I love everybody me" whilst clearly he doesnt.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He will pick up any little information he can and report back to the mothership.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays stupid little charlie in the dairy room/everywhere

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

He plays lets throw Rodrigo in the airtime...and lets kiss Rodrigo in the airtime and lets argue with Rodrigo in the airtime.

He is a slimey sneaky two faced little shit.

His mask has slipped on enough occasions.

Have I missed anything?

no!! Big Grin
Sick of him being told something, then promising not to pass it on then say he had to as it was bothering him then ending it with I'm not causing trouble.

Sick of him banging on about his Mother, if he was that bothered about her he would not be in a house for a few month.

Sick of his childlike behaviour, and he thinks he is funnier than he really is.

The guy is a nob

1. He's a shit stirrer. He floats from group to group, telling people what someone else has said about them.

2. He thinks his sob story will help him win. So much so that within 24hrs of Isaac being in the house he already knew said sob story.

3. He's spiteful. Eg. Throwing water over Angel while she was sorting her eviction outfit.

4. He deliberately winds up Rodrigo. Even when Rodrigo says stop he carries on until the situation gets aggressive, calling him a c**t and a freak, then goes about the group saying the classic 'i was only joking like'.

5. He's a thief. Stealing Marcus' beer from under his bed. Then has the audacity to make a big scene about Freddie moving a towel from his bed. Even telling him to never touch his stuff again.

Infact he's so fake and full of shit that he has to go around the group saying 'I'm lovely me' or 'I wouldn't hurt a fly me' or 'I love everyone me'

Genuinely lovely people don't need to constantly tell everyone how lovely they are.
The Guru
Originally posted by Dex:
I haven't watched the show from the beginning and fear I may have missed sommet cos I can't for the life of me figure out why he's so hated. Ninja

I have watched fron the beginning and Charlie has been fence sitting and radar dodging since he got out of the car. Constantly saying "I like everyone me" is boring now as this is clearly a lie especially when he was caught out during his rant towards Halwit when he declared his hatred for Halfwit. Charlie has been taken in by housemates telling him he is a sure winner this year.

He is in for one hell of a shock.
I dont hate him; I just didnt like the way he would not say a word against anyone, (save for Rodrigo)especially when there were noms due, he just fence-sat too much for me. Also didnt like his deliberate way of dropping the hms in it, to Noirin when they went to the diary room, to air their views on supporting Marcus v Noirin, and then pretending he didnt realise she never knew. Also didnt like the way that Noirin made it clear she thought Rodrigo was involved, when he wasnt and Charlie didnt put her straight on his "best friend" However, he redeemed himself in my eyes the other night coz imo he told Freddie how it was, and had him down to a tee, and everything I had been thinking of him, he told him.
Little Miss Spurs
I don't 'dislike' him but he is the type of housemate who will do something 'zany' then glance at the camera to make sure BB caught it. He seems to applaud himself when he does something stupid and tries to make out he is some kind of lovable idiot.

Also a few weeks back when one of the guest ex BB housemates told Noirin about Michael Jackson dying and she was unsure if she could tell the rest, they (other HM's) speculated on what news could be so massive and Charlie stated that maybe Peter (Andre) and Katie (Price) had got back together. :sigh:
Spiteful, shallow, self obsessed, nasty, vile, not as funny as he thinks he is. Jokes funny at first but then they just become tiresome then he's just so fake and two faced also sneaky because he will do anything to win and is enjoying playing up to the camp role he must have closely watched BB winners so all this ''cheeky chappie'' act is false.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by The Guru:

1. He's a shit stirrer. He floats from group to group, telling people what someone else has said about them.

2. He thinks his sob story will help him win. So much so that within 24hrs of Isaac being in the house he already knew said sob story.

3. He's spiteful. Eg. Throwing water over Angel while she was sorting her eviction outfit.

4. He deliberately winds up Rodrigo. Even when Rodrigo says stop he carries on until the situation gets aggressive, calling him a c**t and a freak, then goes about the group saying the classic 'i was only joking like'.

5. He's a thief. Stealing Marcus' beer from under his bed. Then has the audacity to make a big scene about Freddie moving a towel from his bed. Even telling him to never touch his stuff again.

Infact he's so fake and full of shit that he has to go around the group saying 'I'm lovely me' or 'I wouldn't hurt a fly me' or 'I love everyone me'

Genuinely lovely people don't need to constantly tell everyone how lovely they are.



6 he has an extremely ugly pinched mean little mouth Ninja
Originally posted by watcher1:
Originally posted by Tayto:
I'm not a fan of Charlie but I like to think I'm fair.
Have we at any stage been shown footage where Charlie speaks about his Mother? I can't say for sure but I do know it doesn't come up every day a la Pete.
I have not seen him 'using the sympathy vote with his Mum'.

I, too, feel I'm fair. I don't like some of Charlie's antics and think there are moments when he's been a bully but I don't particuarly 'hate' him. I think he may have mentioned the situation with his Mum early on -I can't see anything wrong with that.

Last night he said to Marcus on LF 'If I win I'm giving it all to me Mam, to get her better'
Originally posted by wonder:

Sick of him banging on about his Mother, if he was that bothered about her he would not be in a house for a few month.

Careful now - I got jumped on yestereday for using that phrase and it let to a disagreement between that person and me Smiler . I also got told that there was no evidence that Charlie had been doing it despite the fact that others have clearly heard it, including myself.

Your a very naughty wonder and you need to sit in the corner and write 100 lines saying "I will not use the phrase "banging on" Wink Big Grin
The last time I wrote about Charlie I said he was a desperate wannabe, but I didn't think he was a nasty person. I have since changed my mind about him. He is nasty. I think he sees himself along the lines of Liam or even Anthony ( who I also couldn't stand but who wasn't nasty to anyone). Only trouble is he's having trouble keeping up the happy chappy facade. It has slipped quite a lot over the weeks and what you see underneath is very ugly indeed. It is always a very bad move to go into the Big Brother house assuming you're a finalist or winner or letting your camera awareness show, because we don't like it. Charli's not a worthy winner, let's hope the GBP can see that.
Originally posted by bringbackthechickens:
The last time I wrote about Charlie I said he was a desperate wannabe, but I didn't think he was a nasty person. I have since changed my mind about him. He is nasty. I think he sees himself along the lines of Liam or even Anthony ( who I also couldn't stand but who wasn't nasty to anyone). Only trouble is he's having trouble keeping up the happy chappy facade. It has slipped quite a lot over the weeks and what you see underneath is very ugly indeed. It is always a very bad move to go into the Big Brother house assuming you're a finalist or winner or letting your camera awareness show, because we don't like it. Charli's not a worthy winner, let's hope the GBP can see that.

I'd rather anyone won than Charlie even the loathesome Lisa or that bitch Bea.

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