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Charlie wears a mask to hide his true face although it slips now and then.

One instance that springs to mind, when he was trying to throw Rodrigo in the pool and Rod's mattress got wet. Rodrigo tried to swap his with Charlie's mattress which didn't go down well with Charlie at all. His mask slipped and what lay underneath was pretty mean and nasty.
Penelope Pitstop
There isn't a 'big moment'. He hasn't done anything as such. A lot of peeps just don't like him, they think he is an actor, a backstabber, an upside down mouth, rubber faced and a shit stirrer. Personally I don't have a problem with him, when I think he has stirred I will say he stirred and if I think he was being genuine again I will say it. I think that most peeps feel that BB have backed him as their winner and are editing him in a good light. This is just what I have seen said about him on posts and some of my own opinion. Hope it helps Smiler
His constant pretence of being a "nice guy" while his actions and words say the opposite is why he is pretty much universally disliked.

A nice person would not have thrown water over Angel. A nice person would not have bitched about Freddie pretty much constantly in the first few weeks. A nice person wouldn't have run from one group to the next pretending to be their friend while passing on what the others have said about them.

He's no worse than most of the others in this respect... but it's his fakeness that makes him an object of hate.

Sophie bitches... but she's not as hated because she doesn't pretend she's all sweetness and light.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
His constant pretence of being a "nice guy" while his actions and words say the opposite is why he is pretty much universally disliked.

A nice person would not have thrown water over Angel. A nice person would not have bitched about Freddie pretty much constantly in the first few weeks. A nice person wouldn't have run from one group to the next pretending to be their friend while passing on what the others have said about them.

He's no worse than most of the others in this respect... but it's his fakeness that makes him an object of hate.

Sophie bitches... but she's not as hated because she doesn't pretend she's all sweetness and light.

Big Grin

Having fun Ducky?

Originally posted by Dex:
When you say, "his mask slipped," do you mean he got temporarily pissed off? I can't think of a single one of them who hasn't gotten pissed off at some stage.........

No i don't mean that. I mean he puts on act of the happy laughy cheeky chappy, always up for fun and so on. Goads Rodrigo to the point of annoying then becomes the victim and blames it all on Rodrigo for reacting. His innocent, oh I shouldn't have said that, when he's knows exactly what he doing.

Most of the others are what they are whether you like them or not, Charlie is putting on a performance to win the show.
Penelope Pitstop
He spoke of his mother (giving her the prize money) tonight to Marcus.
Also about a week ago (I think) I heard him speaking of his mother (again to Marcus) saying how he wanted her to be proud of him. He said that she was now learning to say his name again.
Some posters have mentioned other incidents, but I haven`t heard them personally.
Originally posted by Tayto:
I'm not a fan of Charlie but I like to think I'm fair.
Have we at any stage been shown footage where Charlie speaks about his Mother? I can't say for sure but I do know it doesn't come up every day a la Pete.
I have not seen him 'using the sympathy vote with his Mum'.

I, too, feel I'm fair. I don't like some of Charlie's antics and think there are moments when he's been a bully but I don't particuarly 'hate' him. I think he may have mentioned the situation with his Mum early on -I can't see anything wrong with that.
Originally posted by brisket:
He spoke of his mother (giving her the prize money) tonight to Marcus.
Also about a week ago (I think) I heard him speaking of his mother (again to Marcus) saying how he wanted her to be proud of him. He said that she was now learning to say his name again.
Some posters have mentioned other incidents, but I haven`t heard them personally.

you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never heard Charlie mention his mother, I have however heard Dickwit talk about
his mansion,
his dole and how its his pocket money,
Charlie is just a big girls blouse,
Dickwit is a devious nasty lying pompous ass.
My opinion and I am entitled to it.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
His constant pretence of being a "nice guy" while his actions and words say the opposite is why he is pretty much universally disliked.

A nice person would not have thrown water over Angel. A nice person would not have bitched about Freddie pretty much constantly in the first few weeks. A nice person wouldn't have run from one group to the next pretending to be their friend while passing on what the others have said about them.

He's no worse than most of the others in this respect... but it's his fakeness that makes him an object of hate.

Sophie bitches... but she's not as hated because she doesn't pretend she's all sweetness and light.

Also when he upsets HMs with his deliberate actions and they get really upset he constantly says with a wide-eyed innocent look on his face - "It was a joke" or - "I was only joking."
Originally posted by brisket:
No Azure I don`t think.
I heard it. (The word "think" indicates that it was about a week ago, but I don`t know the exact date.)
You stick with your opinion, but watch the blood pressure. Smiler
Seriously I haven`t imagined it - I have heard Charlie speak of his mother as I said in my previous post.

Charlie mentioning his Mum the last post on the page.
Originally posted by Tayto:
Thanks for that. Someone making a jibe of him talking about his sick Mother makes no impression on me.
I'm not denying that he is using her because I raged about Pete using his Mother and his famous dream but the thing is the word is not 'out there' about this. This is the only place I've seen this being talked about.

DS post #249 + a few after, this is the WHATM thread, same as our C4 luting thread.
Charlie is a liar and thief - two things in a person that I abhor.

If you reel the footage back you'll see that he HAS done exactly what he claimed to Freddie's face that he hadn't done, things like bitching with Lisa about Freddie.

Him and Kris also stole Marcus's personal alcohol from under their beds when you shouldn't touch people's personal property.

Beyond that, yes he claims he's all lovely and the ridiculous act in the DR when they nommed for the first time but he's a malicious little stirrer. Also, will never forgive him for the throwing water over Angel's eviction outfit.

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