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greenandpink ~ Chantelle to win. offline 1,952 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:07 PM Last Edited: Reference: I love Brian more, and want him to win. Brian is very funny... He still has it.
Noooooooooooooooo he's a horrible vile little man.

I haven't seen any LF or HL yet, so can't comment on what Chantelle is like this time round.

If its true Victor is going in - maybe he will win it!  I hope so
greenandpink ~ Chantelle to win. offline 1,953 Forum Posts Today at 7:32 AM Last Edited: Reference: so can't comment on what Chantelle is like this time round. She was is just the same as she was before LL. All well and good if you were a fan of hers the first time round... She is a breath of fresh air after wall to wall coverage of Josie hamming it up all over the place for the last 10 weeks.
I didn't mind her last time, not a massive fan though as she was all peroxide and not much else.  Am hoping she has a little more substance about her this time round and she has matured somewhat.  Am going to watch last night's HL show now, so will see
she was all peroxide and not much else. Am hoping she has a little more substance about her this time round and she has matured somewhat.
I am sure she has matured LL, but I doubt if she has changed that much. I liked her because she was unassuming and natural, never hammed it up. There are plenty of characters in UBB...and what with Victor reported to be entering the house on Friday, you will have more substance, that is for sure.
She was rather sweet, if I remember.  Thing is though, by winning this BB it would make her the Ultimate BB winner and, imo, that is not going to be right.  When you think of all the HM's that could've been in there, so many great ones to choose from, and they chose this lot.  I do think they should not have put "celebs" into the house, but perhaps had a separate show for them.

You know I haven't got a clue out of all the HM's over the years, who I think should be the ultimate winner.  I have my favourites, i.e. Alex Sibley, Jason and Victor, even Science so I think maybe Alex or Victor would be the ultimate winner for me.
When you think of all the HM's that could've been in there, so many great ones to choose from, and they chose this lot.
I think the line up reflects the people willing to do the gig.
It is a real hotch potch. They REAL ultimate BB would have had Rex, Science, oh..too many to choose from. As much as I want Chantelle to win, I think BRIAN was the ultimate HM.
For me anyway.
greenandpink ~ Chantelle to win. offline 1,958 Forum Posts Today at 8:23 AM Last Edited: Reference: When you think of all the HM's that could've been in there, so many great ones to choose from, and they chose this lot. I think the line up reflects the people willing to do the gig. It is a real hotch potch. They REAL ultimate BB would have had Rex, Science, oh..too many to choose from. .

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