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oh ya load of bah humbugs!        I felt sorry for her on ultimate BB..  I think the pair of them have made bad choices in the past. ok, they're maybe not the sharpest knives in the drawer, but I think they suit each other and I hope the last the course.    Sorry if I'm behind the times.. the Daily Mail only found out today.....



Originally Posted by Moomin:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

The fact they were together seems to have passed me by

Same here Saz   


Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:

The fact they were together seems to have passed me by

I am similarly underwhelmed ... but good luck to them

oh good, pleased it's not just me


KP won't be pleased - allegedly one of the reasons she threw him over was because she couldn't get preggers and she claimed it was his fault (more likely annoyed because the next stage in the plan was to sell her pregnancy story and then pics and stories of the child) due to his 'cage fighting and hinted at steroids'


Looks like he wasn't firing blanks after all 


Well this is odd, because Chantelle has said categorically many times, that she is unable to have children...(apparently because of all her eating disorders....)   in fact, it was only  4 months ago, that she said she is pleased Alex is supporting her and staying with her even though she will never have children:


So if she is pregnant and she is pleased about it, then that's good, but how come she can suddenly have children after saying for so long that it will never happen?  


They do both seem like nice people though, and I wish them well... but am a bit puzzled....


Oh fair enough Kaffy.    Must admit though, that I haven't met anyone before, who said they couldn't have kids and then went on to have them, (not without years of IVF or something anyway,) and Chantelle only said she couldn't have them back in July... so it just seems odd to me...  but well done to your Godchild's g/f.    


Chantelle seemed very definite about it and had sold many stories to the trashy monthly mags and so on about how she cannot have children, and now she is pregnant - rather soon after she said it would never happen.  So as I said, it seems odd.  (to me anyway...)


Well.. it wasn't so much 'well done' as 'omg - that wasn't meant to happen'!    I think it was quite irresponsible to tell a 17 year old she'd never have kids (she had endometriosis)  - I'm no doctor, but I reckon at that age your body's still changing.     All the articles I've seen about Chantelle have her saying it's 'unlikely' she'd have kids.. anyway, just for the record (before I'm labelled a complete saddo )  I don't really care that much.  I just think they're a nice couple who've been treated kinda crappily in the past (probably because they're a bit naive) and I know they've been discussed on here before

Originally Posted by Christmas Cupcake:

Well this is odd, because Chantelle has said categorically many times, that she is unable to have children...(apparently because of all her eating disorders....)   in fact, it was only  4 months ago, that she said she is pleased Alex is supporting her and staying with her even though she will never have children:


So if she is pregnant and she is pleased about it, then that's good, but how come she can suddenly have children after saying for so long that it will never happen?  


They do both seem like nice people though, and I wish them well... but am a bit puzzled....

I was told I wouldn't have children, but I did manage one...eventually


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